Yummy Mummy Club

Always have trouble with uploading photos but hopefully this will work.

This is my before (cringe)


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This is my after!

I lost 8st in total! Unfortunately put 1 and a half back on but know I can get it off!


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Wow! Well done Laurat.

This is me 4 weeks pp


This is me this week at 18 weeks pp


1st to go!

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I lost 3/4 of a pound!! I was really bad the last 4 days I'm going to try hard this week
This is my after!

I lost 8st in total! Unfortunately put 1 and a half back on but know I can get it off!

Wow what a transformation!! You look amazing, that's really good inspiration for you I hope you get back to that!

Well done V & B the last bits are always the hardest lol

I can't way to post mine in a few months


I think there's something wrong with my scales...that or I gained nearly a stone and a half overnight :/ I think not!
Im actually upset tonight as Ive put on a pound!!!! Gutted isnt yhe word!

I know WW works and I know that I am eating exactly as I was pre-pregnancy and loosing weight every week. My leader and I had a big chat and worked out its all due to the complete change in my daily routines and circumstances. Im not working so not on my feet all day. I am sitting nearly all day. Ive gone from 30 mins a day every single day on an exercise bike to none. Ive also dropped an hours badminton a week. Thinking of the calories burned doing these tasks there is no longer the defecit with what Im eating. I eat tones of fruit because I love it. Its 'free' on the plan but I obviously burned it off exercising and Im not now. So I need to cut yhe bull**** and start to move more. Im going to have to find the half hour a day and start to go walking with the pram!
Oh Laura I feel your pain as I'm really not doing enough moving either. I think we underestimate how physical life is on a normal daily basis.. Walking to and from station for work, going to meetings or on feet all day depending on job, going out to get stuff for lunch.. It definitely all adds up. Do u eat a lot of bananas? I know that they are 'free', but I often hear my leader asking people that if they have put on/haven't lost and are surprised.

Amazing weight loss before though hun!! Xxx
Oh hugs Laura!

You'll defo loose it next week no prob, I have faith in you!!

You are so right about being more active, it's the lack of exercise that made me gain at the beginning, but when I did WW before I'd go for really long walks as I couldn't afford the gym!

I live on the 4th floor of a flat with no lift so you can imagine the palava of hauling the pram and lo up and down the stairs! It means when I do it I have to stay out as long as possible to make it worthwhile lol!!

I've made a pact to go for a long walk at least 3 times a week with or without a purpose and i'll always do the 40 min walk to my meeting, I'm convinced it helps me burn off more calories before I get on the scales!!


I need to join this..

Pre-preg : 12st 7lbs
Post-preg: 14st 13lbs
Current weight: 13st 7lbs
Goal: 11st

Not joining ww or sw yet. Going to try & do it on my own!

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Another 1lb off today. Now 13st 3lb... Getting there slowly. I've vowed to have no takeaways this week so hopefully will see a better loss next week!

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Another 1lb down here, walking is deffo doing the job it's even combatting the half a pack biscuits I've been eating!
7lbs then I'm into the 10's! Yay

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Well done on the weightloss ladies!! My weigh in is at 7pm and then I'm going straight out to dinner and have a chocolate cake I just brought from the bakery for when I get home.. Haha can't wait!! Xxx
Lost 1.5lb today :) that's 13lb so far! Need 1lb next week to get my stone! :)
Feeling quite determined today! Had fish and roast potatoes today! (With fry light) so free on sw! :Dxx

Tapatalking. X
Well done Bekah! I only lost half a pound.. A loss is a loss and all that, but I think I'm going to have to start doing some exercise as just dieting isn't going to be enough to shift this last stone! Booooooo! Xxxx
Well done Bekah! I only lost half a pound.. A loss is a loss and all that, but I think I'm going to have to start doing some exercise as just dieting isn't going to be enough to shift this last stone! Booooooo! Xxxx

Is kill for a half off this week! Well done!

They do say the last bit can be the hardest to get off. One thing I will say is if you do start exercising if u go for it full pelt some peoples bodies take a couple of weeks to get used to the exercise and can either stay the same or in some cases fain but it is so worh the losses to keep going till your body sorts it out!
A loss is a loss Claire :)
Agree with Laura too If ur going exercise, try building it up.
I wish I could go swimming few days a week but unfortunately there's no strap on baby carrier for the pool! :/ lol

Tapatalking. X
Haha very random dani! I had a prawn salad sandwich for lunch yesterday was nom!

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Im having it lunch but could sooo munch it now lol xx

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