Yummy Mummy Club

I have made lovely turkey burges which were great. You only need red onion, turkey breast mince and seasoning. Very juicy.and lean. Great with veg or in a bun. I had it with lovely stir fried courgettes

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I have made lovely turkey burges which were great. You only need red onion, turkey breast mince and seasoning. Very juicy.and lean. Great with veg or in a bun. I had it with lovely stir fried courgettes

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sounds lush! x
I've just had bacon (Sainsburys be good to yourself) and avocado salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber with light pizza express dressing. Yum!! All 7 points! Xxx
Wow knopk I just had the same haha! Home made turkey burgers with chili and onion! Was delish!
Wow knopk I just had the same haha! Home made turkey burgers with chili and onion! Was delish!

They are delish and only 3 points on WW. Switching to lean meat makes a difference, doesnt it?

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Stayed the same!!! Grrrrrrr Not happy two weeks of this. I lost every week with WW before I was pregnant!
Are you bf Laura? How many weeks pp are you?

It's my weigh day tomorrow. Hoping to maintain as its not been a great week. Fingers crossed!
Omg lost 2lbs this week :shock: thought I had had a rubbish week too lol! I'm 2.5lbs lighter than my end of August goal so I'm so pleased with myself! And 2.5lbs short of being in the 9s!!!
Omg lost 2lbs this week :shock: thought I had had a rubbish week too lol! I'm 2.5lbs lighter than my end of August goal so I'm so pleased with myself! And 2.5lbs short of being in the 9s!!!

Brill well done Diane.

Im on 26 PP and no I am not bf!
Weighing day tomorrow..
Dont think ive lost this week!
If anything i have a feeling ive gained!! Havent eaten much but its been shit when i have lol :shock: x
1lb off this week, not bad considering I was away the weekend. 4lb off 32lb to go!

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Another 2lbs off this week! Very happy with that, so that's 6lbs in 3 weeks, and I've dropped below 12 stone so it's lovely to see the 11 again! 20lbs to go till goal! Xxx
Well done girls :)

I lost 1.5lb at weigh in yesterday. 11.5lb all together.

Treated myself with a homemade chicken pie as it was bank holiday lol but back on it again today xx

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O dear Iv had a rubbish week just couldn't be bothered to do it :( lazy !! Weigh in 2moz and ill be very lucky to stay the same or even put a pound on !!
Hi girls *waves*

Lost another 2lb this week so I've lost 7.5lb since starting WW, so pleased :)

Todays treat was sainsbury's freshly baked choc chip cookies, they were amazing!!

I know it can be tad disappointing, but it's still an achievement if you don't put on weight, maybe look back through what you've eaten to see what you can change?

I've taken some pics this week and I plan to take one every few weeks to see the my transformation, I'm hoping it'll spur me on!

Are there any ladies on here who will be willing to put up before and after pictures when you get to your goal weight? It'll be a great motivation to for us!!!

Good luck this week girls!


Well done on your losses girls! Its a journey isnt it. Im hoping I loose tomorrow night!

Babybushie I have a before and after photo for meeting my WW goal. Im still under my goal weight but want to go another stone but dont mind posting them if they count?
Laura if you don't mind sharing i'd love to see your pics!

My before pic is awful so I can't wait till my goal pic to go with it lol.

Oh and good luck at your weigh in!


Hi ladies, i have my first goal -5% of weight off( well almost). Had to weigh in myself at home as bank holiday threw things off. Happy to do before and after althouhg before is horrible

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I'll do pics, stayed the same this week. Upping the walking I will win!!

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