Yummy Mummy Club

Ooh they look good dani, do they do a good selection? X

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Yeah they got 3 or 4 to choose from! This ones my fav! N at £1.50 cant go wrong! Xx
Hi girls,

Hope everyone is doing good, There are some great losses and Excersizing going on!

I lost 2lb at WW this week, so chuffed as I put on 1.5lb last week. :) :)

I was good this week but still allowed myself the odd treat and I started having my dinner in a smaller plate, I'm sure that has helped. It's given me a great boost to keep on doing it properly! I've bought a dress for the wedding, it's a little tight so I hope it'll fit in 2 weeks!

I have really taken advantage of treat Tuesday's and I'm currently making my way thru these, so Yummy!! Don't tell my WW leader lol

Mmm yum babybushie.. Funnily enough they formed part of my cheat night last week! Haha!

Well done on this weeks loss! Xxxx
I had my weigh in today and lost 4lb :D I got my 1stone and 7lb award too :D. 24.5lb off so far. Feeling great and soooo much healthier! xxx
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Well done ladies! I discovered a very low pp tasty burger - hence having choc treats today too.
A burger is only 3 points and very filling

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Eeeek 1.5lbs on!
I'm still have ice cream for dessert tonight.
Tomorrow is Zumba and no more crap from then.
does anyone know a good excercise DVD for REALLY unhealthy people?

im doing at least an hours excercise a day and eating healthily the weight is very slowly going down but i want something i can do when the babys asleep to help things along a bit more, it has to be reasonably cheap aswell
I just had a really low cal dinner!
Sticky Chicken: (3 tbsp each of Honey, Soy Sauce and Balsamic vinegar, then add diced chicken breast and leave in fridge for an hour+, then fry with NO OIL and wait until the vinegar smell has gone and it goes sticky and black tar type of thing round the chicken). On fresh spinach and roasted peppers, red onions and courgettes. Was so yummy!!!
Well done on your losses girls! All going well. Im actually a bit worrried about this week I feel bloated and think I have my af back . Ive been so good this week after my stay the dame last week so will be gutted if Ive not lost tomorrow!

Thosecaramel shortcakes look amazing!! I have a Double Decker after my Weigh in every week and gosh to I just LOVE it. Its a proper treat! Couldnt do without it!!
Weight in day 5lb 1/4 off :) i will be skinny !! 3/4 of a pound till pre preg weight
Wow bbybump that's amazing!

Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Well done BB!! Thats brilliant!

Jellybeanjen, that chicken sounds delicious!!! Am going to try that too.xx
WSS^^^^^^ was literally about to lost exactly the same message! Haha! Xxx
Great loss Hun!

Love the chicken receipe I'm also going to try it.

Feeling a bit down today. Pretty sure I'm not gonna lose on Friday as haven't been able to exercise as much as usual. Plus we are going to leeds festival this weekend so no doubt no exercise plus bad eating and drinking which will end up in another bad week :-(
Lol Claire, great minds!

Diane, don't feel down. Have fun, overindulge and then do some damage control next week. You won't gain and if you do it'll be minimal. Have fun and enjoy!

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