Yummy Mummy Club

I honestly wouldnt worry too much about weight loss just yet, but try and keep off the sugar and junk and that will give you a good start.
Even breastfeeding twins didnt start shifting the weight off until about 8 weeks, which is when i knew my supply was established and now i am on a high protein, low carb and very low sugar diet and i have never felt better. I dont have to count calories and fill up on lean protein, eggs, nuts, cheese, milk and coconut milk, my supply is fab and the weight is falling off.
At 13 weeks I am just about 10lb off my prepregnancy weight and that is without any strenuous exercise because i just currently dnt have the time to get to the gym, although i walk alot.

That's what I'm aiming to get back too but just can't seem to kick the chocolate yet!

I'm desperate to start exercising the knee seems to be ok so maybe thus week is the week!

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I don't think I'm going to lose this week. I've been very naughty over the weekend! Going to have to start from fresh tomorrow...

**scurries off for a choccy biscuit**

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Good luck to everyone weighing in tomorrow!!!

I'm very similar to Nikki. I eat high protein, low sugar meals and exercise hiit. I feel better than I ever have! Just wish I could get rid of this mum tum. It's getting me a bit down. Paul says I should be happy as I don't have any stretch marks, which I am but I still don't like this stupid pouch! Been doing Pilates before my daughter wakes up in the mornings so hoping to see a difference soon.

Anyways, I just really really went for it in the gym. For some reason a wave of anger came over me? :shock: I went a bit crazy haha! Even steroid boy looked frightened of me lol!

Good luck tomorrow if you're weighing in!!!!
Argh my weighing days are sundays and i forgot!!
The scales are at my mums aswell Nd im not there again now till probs end of week grrr xx
Well as expected I stayed the same this week! Too much junk x

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Thought I'd pop in here as I really need to kick myself up the bum! I started mfp and the 30ds a few months ago and did brilliantly, however the last month I've really let things slide and need to get back on track. So this is the week (although I will ignore the fact I've just eaten a double sausage and egg mcmuffin and hash brown :whistle: ) I am strating the 30ds today and am starting a running club with my friends in a couple of weeks. I'm also going to be doing buggy jog once a week so hopefully that will help kick start my motivation. Wish me luck and I hope you all have a good week and good luck to anyone weighing in today xxx
At least you didn't gain saralouise!

Good luck starting taffy!
Does anybody want to be friends on myfitnesspal? Might give me some inspiration! X

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Staying the same is definitely better than a gain!

My weigh in is at 7pm today.. I wish it was earlier as I feel guilty to eat anything all day! Can't wait for cheat night though! I've decided I want chicken with dolphinaise potatoes followed by chocolate and more chocolate! Yummmm! Xx
iamsareyy is my username :) x

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Ill add you Hun! I'm rilj so you know who I am x
According to my scales, 2 lb off. Which is great cause i dont want to lose too quickly.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I've added you two girls x

Well done knopk great loss !!!
Weigh in today, 1lb off (was expecting more thou! :()
Total loss to date 10lb.
Anyone else weighed in today? X

Tapatalking. X
Well done Bek! Loss is a loss!

Had my weigh in at ww and list another 2 pounds which I was happy with as I know it will drop to 1 pound soon. So that 4 pounds in 2 weeks gone, and another 1stone 8 pounds till goal. Hopefully i'll lose it all by Xmas! Xxx
Didnt lose anything!! Stayed the same! :( mond u i didnt gain, surprised cos een i did get chance to eat i had maccy ds indiN takeaway n other crap lolol! Xx

Anyone tried these steam meals from ALDI :) 357 cals and omg its so yummy!!
Its something quick to do in the microwave when u have a few mins spare!
Dnt get to eat much at all in the day! So eating one of these will be healthier than picking at the crisps in the cupboard lol xx

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