Yummy Mummy Club

Woo hoo - well done!

I did a 5k race this morning ... Waiting on my time being posted!
Yay! Well done ladies!

I did my 5k race for life this morning and managed to do it in 40 mins. Considering I've not ran for 13 months and my time last year (when I was a stone lighter) was 31 minutes, I was so impressed with myself. I ran the first 2k, walked the 3rd and ran the last 2k! It was boiling hot!
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I am really struggling with my ankles - can barely walk in the mornings and certainly cant run.
Going on Monday to have blood tests.
I hope its nothing serious. I am still the same weight :(
Well done ladies on your losses and exercise!
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I am really struggling with my ankles - can barely walk in the mornings and certainly cant run.
Going on Monday to have blood tests.
I hope its nothing serious. I am still the same weight :(
Well done ladies on your losses and exercise!
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My ankles and knees were very sore for a good while after having Aaron, hope you are ok, take it easy xx
I had this too, got it bad in the knees they felt so sore as if they needed clicked, they got so bad I couldn't bend down and up or walk far. Had to take anti inflamatory and cocodamol and it left.

Apparently its the left over relaxin from pregnancy/birth. Its bloody awful. Hope your sore ankles ease soon xxxxx
Good morning lovely ladies

How were your weekends? I've over indulged on a picnic yesterday but no worries, it was too nice not to.

Any one weighed in?

I have to be very good this week as i missed buggyfit today because of the blood tests and Thursday will miss it because of the summer play at sons nursery. And its my birthday on Saturday and we are having Thai delivered. I still weigh the same though

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I need to stop eating so much bread!!! Agh... My downfall. I used to buy warburtons thins, think I'll start again but buy the wholemeal ones.
I need to lose weight before my holiday or I will be miserable xx
I got myself oatcakes and find they are much better than bread and oats are good for you anyway.

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I got myself oatcakes and find they are much better than bread and oats are good for you anyway.

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Oh! Good idea. Never thought about oatcakes!!!!xxx
I like the warburton wraps, much more filling than the thins.

I've stayed the same this week. Did a fair amount of running but I think my bad weekend caught up with me.

I'm feeling skinnier though!

I like the warburton wraps, much more filling than the thins.

I've stayed the same this week. Did a fair amount of running but I think my bad weekend caught up with me.

I'm feeling skinnier though!


Do you go for the brown rather than white?xx
I like the warburton wraps, much more filling than the thins.

I've stayed the same this week. Did a fair amount of running but I think my bad weekend caught up with me.

I'm feeling skinnier though!


Do you go for the brown rather than white?xx

No cause te white one have less calories! Lol

Oh!!! Naughty. I just went and bought the brown ones! Agh... I'll no for next time!

I also bought a set of skipping ropes from Amazon and downloaded an app that you put your weight into and how long you skip for. I think you put your phone in a holder and it counts the jumps and works out how many calories you burn. Iv been really really lacking in the exercise department xx
I had quite a good day apart from dairy split but thats only 95 kcak. I think the heat defo helps, i am drinking loads of water

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