Yummy Mummy Club

Those scales sounds great tweety!

We have awful weather too. I wanted to go out a walk today, but I don't fancy it! Supposed to be a heatwave next week?... Will believe it when I see it.

I am going to use myfitnesspal more often, I think it's really really good!
I am officially in the obese category, my bmi is 30.1. I look horrible and its just depressing.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Come on chick. You've just had a baby. Don't be so hard on yourself. Big hugs. Xxx
Knopk our babies arn't 3 months old yet :hug:

If I loose weight it's a bonus as long as in eating well it'll come off. Don't get me wrong I'm not happy with my body but it took 9 months to put it on so it's gonna take a while to shift. :)

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Aww Nat, don't worry about a lb! Wasn't it your over indulgent week the other week for your birthday?

I've just discovered an aerobics class in my local children's centre where you can bring the baby with you and either leave them in the pram or on the playmat. Every Monday morning for £1.50 a session. I am so checking that out.
I've also got my Race for Life this Saturday - eeeeeek!
Aww Nat, don't worry about a lb! Wasn't it your over indulgent week the other week for your birthday?

I've just discovered an aerobics class in my local children's centre where you can bring the baby with you and either leave them in the pram or on the playmat. Every Monday morning for £1.50 a session. I am so checking that out.
I've also got my Race for Life this Saturday - eeeeeek!

Im doing race for life Sunday! Should be interesting in this heat wave that's predicted :shock:
God I know! It's going to be horrendous!

Good luck Kittyrooroo!
Cheers ladies, yep the lb is a hangover from my Birthday week (plus wine Sat night and a picnic Sunday - whoops!!)

I am trying to exercise some patience, only 11 days until my foot scan so hopefully I can get a treatment plan in place. So sick of hobbling around like a cripple!

I dread to think what my BMI is but being a short arse I know it isn't going to be good.

On the upside London is predicted good weather for at least 10 days so bad foot or not James and I are going to do all the parks! Also when it is hot I lose my appetite - Yay!!

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So my DD is now 2 weeks old and DS is 18 months old!

After DS I didn't lose any weight, in fact put weight on and was over 14 stone - I'm only 5.3 in height - so depressing!

Then I fell preggers with DD and was so scared that I was going to end up like 17 stone. As it happens I didn't put on a single pound. Gave birth two weeks ago and now weigh 13 stone.

My BMI is 32 :cry:

But I've really had enough of being overweight, I was a size 12 when ttc :( I'm desperate to get back to that so my goal is to get down to 10 stone!

I'm not great at dieting but will be cutting down. so I intend to go back to running as soon as I can - I guess 6 weeks after birth?? I was going to start early but have a fair bit of blood still so probably not a good idea quite yet.

Depending on days of the week I want to join buggy fit too like knopk but a bit worrying u are the biggest in ur group, I'm gonna look huge! Xx
On the upside London is predicted good weather for at least 10 days so bad foot or not James and I are going to do all the parks! Also when it is hot I lose my appetite - Yay!!


Yay we are gonna do this too! Gonna do lots of walking all around town :yay: xx
Come to Hampstead Heath on Saturday and see if you can spot the old jelly belly that is me running ;)
Come to Hampstead Heath on Saturday and see if you can spot the old jelly belly that is me running ;)

Oh I love the Heath! I only went last summer for the first time as my mil goes all the time, it's gorgeous! I'm gonna pop back up there this summer, want to take Will to the lido :)
So my DD is now 2 weeks old and DS is 18 months old!

After DS I didn't lose any weight, in fact put weight on and was over 14 stone - I'm only 5.3 in height - so depressing!

Then I fell preggers with DD and was so scared that I was going to end up like 17 stone. As it happens I didn't put on a single pound. Gave birth two weeks ago and now weigh 13 stone.

My BMI is 32 :cry:

But I've really had enough of being overweight, I was a size 12 when ttc :( I'm desperate to get back to that so my goal is to get down to 10 stone!

I'm not great at dieting but will be cutting down. so I intend to go back to running as soon as I can - I guess 6 weeks after birth?? I was going to start early but have a fair bit of blood still so probably not a good idea quite yet.

Depending on days of the week I want to join buggy fit too like knopk but a bit worrying u are the biggest in ur group, I'm gonna look huge! Xx

Don't put too much pressure on yourself Hun, I tried to do 30ds at 6 weeks pp and thought I was going to die!

Stick to walking for now till your body is all back together and good luck xx
Yep Pos do not go mental.

I don't know how fit you were prior to this pregnancy?

I walked an hour a day until almost 37w so thought I'd be OK after baby arrived.

I did myself an injury by overdoing it (doing an aerobic workout 8 days out of 10, whilst feeling a niggle). This was months ago and I am now in a worse state as I put off going to the Dr's so I was frog-marching about on an injured foot!!

Come to Hampstead Heath on Saturday and see if you can spot the old jelly belly that is me running ;)

Oh I love the Heath! I only went last summer for the first time as my mil goes all the time, it's gorgeous! I'm gonna pop back up there this summer, want to take Will to the lido :)

I know, I love it too. The outdoor swimming ponds are amazing! The water is fresh at 16 degrees so not ideal for young kids but its so refreshing, especially drying off on the surrounding banks! I've never been to the lido though, is it warm enough to take babies?xx
Yep Pos do not go mental.

I don't know how fit you were prior to this pregnancy?

I walked an hour a day until almost 37w so thought I'd be OK after baby arrived.

I did myself an injury by overdoing it (doing an aerobic workout 8 days out of 10, whilst feeling a niggle). This was months ago and I am now in a worse state as I put off going to the Dr's so I was frog-marching about on an injured foot!!


No I'm gonna be sensible. I was running a few times a week between pregnancies but never shifted much of the weight :(
Come to Hampstead Heath on Saturday and see if you can spot the old jelly belly that is me running ;)

Oh I love the Heath! I only went last summer for the first time as my mil goes all the time, it's gorgeous! I'm gonna pop back up there this summer, want to take Will to the lido :)

I know, I love it too. The outdoor swimming ponds are amazing! The water is fresh at 16 degrees so not ideal for young kids but its so refreshing, especially drying off on the surrounding banks! I've never been to the lido though, is it warm enough to take babies?xx

Yea I went to look at the ponds. Have u gone into them? There's a ladies only isn't there?

That's actually a really good point about the temperature of the lido...bad mummy didn't think of that :oooo: xx
Yeah there's a ladies only, men's only and a mixed pond. The ladies only is much much bigger and the grass area is huge (just be prepared for lots of nude sunbathing!) whereas the mixed pond is a good size but only has a teeny grassy bit. I've been and initially thought I was going to die from cold when I got in there but it makes you swim a lot so you warm up and it's honestly so refreshing on a hot day - it cools you down for a good few hours.

Afternoon ladies

I've lost another 1lb this week and I'm joining Tweety's smug club as did a 4 mile run this morning! :lol: xxx

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