Yummy Mummy Club

Hi girls!! *waves and says can I come in?*

Tomorrow Daisy Grace is 9 months old. So they say its 9mths on and 9mths off. The baby weight fell off completley (all 2 stone) in the 1st 5 weeks after her arrival. That was the easy bit. But whats left is a good 2stone of fat thats really been hanging around for far too long-years infact. So id like to officially join your club and need the biggest kick up the arse.

I am a self confessed Pepsi addict and I could eat my body weight in crisps and dip. I am a carb loving vegetarian who does no exercise but I do walk with my pram for a few hours per day, 5 days per week. I have 29 days until I go bk to work and need to fit into pencil skirts and peplum dresses again. My blaser currently doesn't meet in the middle never mind shut. I also have 60 days until I go on holiday to Tenerife so I am most defo doing something about the fat.

I bought the 30DS but it got lost in the move so its kind of on hold till my new one arrives. Im not an exercise fan but I know the ratio of what goes in must be less that whats put out in order to meet my target. I trained as a beauty therapist/reflexologist so there is no part of diet/fitness/anatomy that I did not cover. I know what not to eat and whats best for me-ive just chosen to eat myself fat for the last 10 years. I should also add I live with a Personal Trainer but hes as much use as a chocolate teapot as he's never got time for me :(

Anyway. Here is a picture of me. I may be brave and do a less clothed one tomorrow. Help me girls. I need all the encouragement I can get. I've just poured the last of the pepsi doen the sink and im ready to semi detox. From past experience its not pleasant to go cold turkey and im sure thats how I ended up pregnant lol!!! Ok not just that but I made myself ill and blamed that for my pills epic fail.

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Im counting on you girls shouting at me when I require it. Here goes.........


Welcome to the club oh yummy mummy! I think you look fab already!

Will me Gayle train me please? I love working with PT's! They make me work till i spew and i love it! I used to pay a fortune for one when I lived in London! I must add I can't pay him I'm on mat leave you know!

I have a less clothed before pic, and I can't wait to get to target to do my after pic! (I will warn you all I'm only in my underwear and it certainly isn't pretty!

You should have said about 30Ds I have mine here collecting dust

Thanks pet. But in order for mr c to train anyone it would require him coming home from work at a reasonable hour. Something he just cannot do. Ud never know hes a pt as he works so hard hes never been in a gym since january 2012. Hes skin and bones yet eats 20 times what I do. Not fair. I dont think im brave enough for undies shot yet. Certainly not for you poor people. Ha. So glad shred appeared. Im sooooo ready to be a skinny minnie xx

Hey the yummy Gayle who looks amazing already, are you sure you should be here with us?:)

Do you have a start weight etc and target weight?

It's like someone has switched a light on for me today, I'm feeling so motivated and ready to go! I need to drink more though I don't want my milk affected by doing too much exercise and not enough fluid intake! For me I have to eat loads otherwise I feel rubbish so if I don't exercise I look awful! I've been for a run at 6 this morning and done Insanity tonight! Xx
Oh trust me I belong! Im 5ft7inches and 179lbs. Which gives me a bmi of 28. Yuck. I swear its all in the boobs though. I am a 36G.

I had cellulite on my legs when I was in primary school and no amount of diet and exercise gets rid of that. Im just a poor sod who has it. Yuck :/
I hate my body but I dont mind my eyes and my nails..... :D

Hi Gayle! :wave:
May I say that you look lovely anyway!

I had a great weekend (not food wise haha) really enjoyed myself, still got a couple of good walks in, so not feeling guilty really.

Back on it this week tho! I'm gonna try my best and keep positive. Think I need to up the exercise...

Maybe I should do before and after pics too? Then I might feel better if I don't lose. (As Tweety suggested)

Also, what's this hip hop abs thing? I love dance workouts, they keep me going (did ballet/tap/modern dance for 15yrs :shock: that makes me feel old... ) there's a delightfully camp man on fitness tv who does a cha cha cha workout, as well as someone proclaiming to be madonna's choreographer doing a vigorous jumping about dance routine.

Hi Gayle you look fab!! I'm not brave enough to do pics lol!!! Trying to find some motivation to walk today but I'm sooo tired at the min and coming down with a cold. Xxx
Hi Gayle! :wave:
May I say that you look lovely anyway!

I had a great weekend (not food wise haha) really enjoyed myself, still got a couple of good walks in, so not feeling guilty really.

Back on it this week tho! I'm gonna try my best and keep positive. Think I need to up the exercise...

Maybe I should do before and after pics too? Then I might feel better if I don't lose. (As Tweety suggested)

Also, what's this hip hop abs thing? I love dance workouts, they keep me going (did ballet/tap/modern dance for 15yrs :shock: that makes me feel old... ) there's a delightfully camp man on fitness tv who does a cha cha cha workout, as well as someone proclaiming to be madonna's choreographer doing a vigorous jumping about dance routine.


Google hip hop abs! It's very American with lots of vocal whoah and yeah's! No sit ups though so I'm gonna try it!xx
Morning all,

Off to my Grans today so going to take madam for a little walk round the pond up there.

*bragging rights*

Managed to fasten a pair of large size 12 jeans yesterday :) :)

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Woooooo go vandb!

Thanks Wibbily I'll have a gander :)

Turns out I lost 1lb this week :pompom:

Had to weigh a day late as my scales packed in - but delighted.

Need to be super good this week as damage limitation so not expecting much of a loss tbh.

Hoping to get out for another run tonight but hubby hurt his eye yesterday and is in a bad way with it so we may spend the day in the hospital :clock:

Hi ladies, welcome Gayle!
Been to.the GP, have given me blood tests for thyroid function, kidney function, iron and calcium.
I now suffering with my ankle joints, can barely get out of my bed in the mornings.

If they find its a thyroid problem, i will actually be pleased as then i can sort it.
Need to go sort lunch - will make meatball and cheese wrap with salad. I started buying turkey mince as its lower fat plus going for lean mince anyway.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Just been out for a 4 mile run to clear my head after all the shenanigans and feeling much better (well apart from my legs - they are crying)

All showered and ready to make the healthiest version of fajitas I could put together for my moaning hubby!

Just been told by oh that I'm definitely bigger than before. I was trying on some dresses and he couldn't lie, they both looked awful.

Men have a way of making you feel really shit sometimes...
Just been told by oh that I'm definitely bigger than before. I was trying on some dresses and he couldn't lie, they both looked awful.

Men have a way of making you feel really shit sometimes...

Just been told by oh that I'm definitely bigger than before. I was trying on some dresses and he couldn't lie, they both looked awful.

Men have a way of making you feel really shit sometimes...

Yep it's the way they say things isn't it? He could have told you that the dresses had shrunk!

Well don't worry lovely we'll make you feel better, men are poo! (Sometimes!) xxx
I had a good first Day food wise. I made a pot of veg soup and ate that for lunch and dinner with salad sadwhich and rivita and humous. Snacks were 3 rice crackers and a 1/4 pack of daisys angel delight. Shreds on hold as now the sodding dvd remote is lost and it wont work without. Doing the squat challenge tomorrow though. 60 days till hols. I took my uny pic. Yuck its a disgrace. Flabby. Xxx

I had a good first Day food wise. I made a pot of veg soup and ate that for lunch and dinner with salad sadwhich and rivita and humous. Snacks were 3 rice crackers and a 1/4 pack of daisys angel delight. Shreds on hold as now the sodding dvd remote is lost and it wont work without. Doing the squat challenge tomorrow though. 60 days till hols. I took my uny pic. Yuck its a disgrace. Flabby. Xxx


Well done on a successful first day :yay:

You should get onto myfitnesspal and be my friend!

Feeling fooking fantastic today! The weekend bloat has gone, my new size 12's are a lot more comfortable and I moved up another notch in my belt.

Could actually dance :dance:

My anniversary today and while we have nothing planned will maybe make a nice dinner. Hubby had said he was going for a bath but I told him no! :lol:

I'm back in here lol, started 30 day squat & 30 DS - only on week 1 day 3. Legs r killing me but I want to be in shape for our break. Ideally only looking to drop to an 8-10, I'm already a 10 - and tone up my tum :)

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Oh yeah DH bought me a box of celebrations! Why????? Bet he eats them!


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