Yummy Mummy Club

I have stayed the same!!!!! What a crock of sh*t! Excuse my French. But seriously, I have done so much walking this week and tried so hard to be good, just makes me want to cry


I feel for you PP, its been hard for me too. But i feel more toned and tummy looks better so i am trying to find positives

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Thanks ladies, I know there's been a change in my shape as I can do my belt up tighter, but it's just disheartening. I suppose I should be glad I haven't put weight on! I will keep going, I've felt better this week exercising more.

Thanks ladies, I know there's been a change in my shape as I can do my belt up tighter, but it's just disheartening. I suppose I should be glad I haven't put weight on! I will keep going, I've felt better this week exercising more.


Your body might be like mine, it's a bit slow at realising how well you're doing. I weigh daily (terrible I know!) but if I've had a particularly good few days and the scales are the same it makes me want to give up and become one of them squashers instead. But the next day BAM 3lbs gone. It's so weird, my body just needs time to catch up I think.
Well done ladies on the losses!

Try not to get disheartened, I took before and after pics which really helped. I've lost 31lb (not including post partum loss) and I still feel like a heffer!

It's taken me 10 months to get here and I still have another stone to lose - I'm aiming for Aaron's first birthday.

Group hug :hug:

The one thing that spurs me on the most is when my OH says things like "you're doing so well, I'm proud of you, your willpower and motivation is amazing" especially when im not even fishing for compliments. I know he over exaggerates my losses but its still nice :)

Hint hint other OH's!
The one thing that spurs me on the most is when my OH says things like "you're doing so well, I'm proud of you, your willpower and motivation is amazing" especially when im not even fishing for compliments. I know he over exaggerates my losses but its still nice :)

Hint hint other OH's!

The closest I've got to that from my oh is

"Those trousers make you look skinny"


Urgh just looked at the scales, no loss for two weeks. I guess I was terrible last weekend. I'm also going to leave off the breastfeeding from mfp as it makes me think I'm doing brilliantly when I'm just staying the same!
I had pizza tonight :blush:

Snap Tweety, it's been a bit of a bad week all round and my eating has been awful. Have decided I really need to get back on track with the food and exercise and was offered a free 5 day membership at my local gym so thought that's a good place to start! xxx
I'm about to have pizza too! It's Friday...that's my excuse

Been cycling today and not had much food as been at a funeral. Felt good to get in the gym and burn off some sad feelings!

Good luck everyone for the weekend! Remember you're allowed treats; all about moderation!
I still don't have any scales, but I did fit into my size 14 trousers today (was wearing size 10pre pregnancy and size 18post pregnancy)

...hello VERY large celebratory baileys :D
Random one this week. I've really upped my exercise which has worn me out resulting in me giving up diet wise and eating rubbish. Really think I need to give myself a break. B is only 4 & 1/2 months, exclusively BF and I have two other children!! Realistically I've lost 17lbs in 10/11 weeks and I think my body is telling me ease up. I'm so exhausted I just want to cry :-(.

Well done everyone else xxx
HL28 you've done brilliantly!
I feel the same as you though, Ive lost a lot but now I need to step up the exercise and cut down a bit more on food to lose the last 12 pounds and it's bloody hard!
Random one this week. I've really upped my exercise which has worn me out resulting in me giving up diet wise and eating rubbish. Really think I need to give myself a break. B is only 4 & 1/2 months, exclusively BF and I have two other children!! Realistically I've lost 17lbs in 10/11 weeks and I think my body is telling me ease up. I'm so exhausted I just want to cry :-(.

Well done everyone else xxx

you're doing fantastically, time to give yourself a break! ...the excercise kind not the kitkat kind lol xx
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Kat the kitkat option sounds goooood!! Lol xxx

u don't need it! tbh I'd rather have a banana than a kitkat, yummier and fills u up for longer, and you've nothing to feel guilty about!
My weigh in day! 1lb off which is great considering I've got full boobs and I've had a big lunch! Don't know why I didn't weigh before hand! Lol. Now I'm 10st2lbs. Xx
Well done wibbily!

I am at a bbq and have had a few g&ts tonight! Bad. But I'm really enjoying myself so who cares?! (Me, tomorrow)

Oh well, I walked for 1.25 hrs today so not so bad I suppose.

Lovely sausages lol


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