Yummy Mummy Club

I struggle with my motivation and there is always an event / something coming up that makes me think "I'll start next week"

Plus being a Mummy can be hard work some days and often I feel like I deserve a treat... My treat is normally edible :wall2:

I've been doing this since January and I am sick to death of it so I am hoping it's clicked for me now as well.

I plan to let myself have a weekend off every few weeks (I won't go overboard and totally off plan but I may weigh-in Sat morning and have a few glasses of wine & takeaway that night or maybe we'll go out for dinner) and the rest of the time I am trying to stay to 1300 cals a day, with an hours walking!!!

You can actually eat quite a lot !!! I don't feel at all deprived but I still need an occasional treat and of course I will still have the occasional Birthday / social event when I can let my hair down.

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I really need to go back to mfp to track. I certainly feel better exercising but scales arent showing lower weight.
Today i had cornflakes for breakfast, then buggyfit, wrap( love warburtons wraps, Tweety!) with ham and cheese and salad for lunch. Walk and running in the park after a toddler, then rice and bbq chicken for tea ( plus veg).
I am not eating that much so it really bugs me i am not losing weight. I will probably start weighing my portions too

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I'm done with slimming world!! This morning I was exactly the same weight as 3 weeks ago even though my first week I lost 4lb and I've been religious about following it!!!

...so I've joined weight watchers!!!
I'm done with slimming world!! This morning I was exactly the same weight as 3 weeks ago even though my first week I lost 4lb and I've been religious about following it!!!

...so I've joined weight watchers!!!

Jolly, are you BFing by any chance?

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I've been doing loads of exercise but it's tiring me out so by evening I end up eating crap. Grrrr. Jolly I'm doing WW and it's work well for me! Xxx
Weigh in tomorrow and really can't see me losing anything this week, fingers crossed for maintaining!
I'm done with slimming world!! This morning I was exactly the same weight as 3 weeks ago even though my first week I lost 4lb and I've been religious about following it!!!

...so I've joined weight watchers!!!

Jolly, are you BFing by any chance?

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No I'm bottlefeeding. I did lose 2st very quickly after Freddie was born so I don't know if my body's just taking a little time to rebalance/catch up?

I've come to the end of my first day on ww and I've actually really liked it :) fingers crossed!!!!
I was wondering if my body just doesnt want to let go cause i am BFing? I dont know what.the reason is. Did you do SW online or meetings too? I dont think.it would work for me.cause carbs make me fat

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I was doing it online as I'm rubbish with meetings!!! I did really well when it was red/green days but extra easy does my head in a bit!! I could have done r/g days but with my wedding only 5 months away I need something to start working soon!!! My wedding dress is hanging up in the spare room and it's just staring at me begging me to lose weight!!! Hahaha!!!!
I'm shocked, 1.6lb off this week!!! Only 1 more pound to go till I've lost a stone yay! Feeling great. Hope I can keep this up on holiday!
Need to get on the scales this morning.

Well had fish and chips last night :eek: my excuse is I had a screaming baby after her jabs :(

The weekends not going to be great wedding tomorrow, but hey ho

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Well i have a lb off which is a progress but hoping its a step in the right direction.
Have a family lunch thing today so will try to be good

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Well done on the losses ladies!

Little by little is the best way forward - gives your body time to adjust. Massive losses are great but hard to maintain.

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Well done knopk!!!

Nat I agree with the little losses week by week.

Good luck everyone this weekend! I'm so so in the frame of mind now, gonna take my gym clothes on holiday.
I have stayed the same!!!!! What a crock of sh*t! Excuse my French. But seriously, I have done so much walking this week and tried so hard to be good, just makes me want to cry

Wooooop nearly 2lb off new weight

11st 10lb 5oz :)

Pooooop Pp I've been stuck at 11 12 for weeks.

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Well done ladies!

My weigh in is tomorrow, but haven't been overly good this week so not expecting a lot!
Is it just me or can you ladies not notice when you lose weight? I got from 13st to 10st 5lb naturally over 9 months. I've been on a diet now for 3 weeks have have dropped to 9st 13lb but I STILL don't feel any better about myself and when I look in the mirror I can't really see a difference?! Even though everyone I see comments on how much weight I've lost.

Well done vin!!

Leah I feel the same :-( wish I could notice a change!

Pp, this has happened to me a lot! Keep at it tho, you will lose!

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