Yummy Mummy Club

Yay 2 1/2 lbs off!! Thank god after last week not loosing anything. Xxx
Well done HL!

Today is going to be my first day under calories for over a week... I am aiming for another 11 of these before I next weigh-in!

Have a joint Birthday on Friday so may allow for some cake though!

Feeling very motivated today.

It is amazing how much you can actually eat with 1300 cals and a 90 minute walk :lol:

Well done hl28!!!! All those runs paying off! Bet you feel great!

Good work carnat, wish I was feeling motivated today bloody af ruining things grr!
Buggyfit done again today, need to weigh myself this week but it doesnt feel like i am losing much. I am actually one of the fittest mums at our class.but the fattest too

Aren't you a size 12 hun??? Scary if you're the "biggest" - although I am sure you're not!!


Realistically i am 14 i think, some brands i can just about fit into 12. But i am the fattest, we do have lots of yummy mummies around

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
That would really put me off going, 14 is not at all big in the grand scheme of things (especially not after having a baby recently)

Where do yummy Mummy's find the time I wonder??

Well done you for sticking it out, I'd have not gone back. I'd prob be the biggest and def be the un-fittest there plus I have a dodgy foot lol

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Looking good Tweety! I'm off near there soon to see friends :)

No exercise this morning but I'm heading to Meadowhall to try and find a dress for wedding on Saturday. Should be fun!

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Well done everyone! 1lb off today, though its thanks to the stomach bug I've had ather than hard work!
I don't do regular weigh ins purely because I struggle to keep track of the days! It's Tuesday right?!
I'm going to try the 30ds today, I've tried it once before and couldn't walk for 4 days after!
Well done everyone! 1lb off today, though its thanks to the stomach bug I've had ather than hard work!
I don't do regular weigh ins purely because I struggle to keep track of the days! It's Tuesday right?!
I'm going to try the 30ds today, I've tried it once before and couldn't walk for 4 days after!

Well done xx

Well done kitty!! X

I've been for a 1.8mile run and a 5.5 mile walk. I'm pooped!! X
That would really put me off going, 14 is not at all big in the grand scheme of things (especially not after having a baby recently)

Where do yummy Mummy's find the time I wonder??

Well done you for sticking it out, I'd have not gone back. I'd prob be the biggest and def be the un-fittest there plus I have a dodgy foot lol


Tbh i am not doing it for them and i am not the unfittest due to having a toddler but it is quite frustrating i am the biggest.
I have booked an appointment with my GP for next week as want to.rule out underactive thyroid.
I definitely feel better after exercising plus its in the park so fresh air is good.
When Mark is older, i can go running in.the evenings.hopefully (fx he takes bottle)

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I have gone down 2 holes in my belt :)

Just off for another march!


Day 1 of 30ds done! (Typing this from the floor where I have been collapsed and panting for the past ten minutes)
No pain no gain! Xxx
Everyone's doing so well! Well done yummies!!

I don't have scales here but after a disastrous weekend of wedding fun and absolute overindulgence, I've been quite good. Yesterday I went for a 8 mile hike with my lo in a sling and a lot of that was climbing up some sort of cliff! Then today I've done another 8 mile walk and have been fossil hunting! I haven't scales with me so hopefully I'll have a nice surprise when I get back home!
Sounds like you're doing great babybee!!! Hope I can be as good when I go away next week!

I had a sneaky peek at the scales today and its looking ok which I'm happy about. Don't think I will lose on Friday but maintaining will be good! X
has been a very good girl, lots of veggies and walks, don't have any scales here either, hopefully will b able to weigh tonight tho

you're doing great with all that walking to make up for the naughtiness BB!
Well done everyone :)

I am braving a swim today! And then will do a walk with pooch this afternoon.

Felt good last night as had lots of veg with dinner and resisted the choc afterwards even though I wanted it!

Steak tonight, OH has requested my homemade dauphinoise (uh oh) so I am going to be extra strict today and have a small portion tonight!

Hope everyone has a fabulous day :)

Actually don't want to loose anything drastic now this week, bought a dress yesterday for wedding on Sat so needs to fit lol that's my excuse and sticking to it ;)

Keep getting twinges in my knee so going to back of the exercise this week and start again next week and just watch what I eat.

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks ladies!! We're off for another long walk and swim today. But a Chinese for lunch is already on the cards. However my pre pregnancy clothes are starting to fit me properly now. Yay!

Good luck on hols Diane and everyone else.
Kat, hope the weigh in is a good'un!


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