Yummy Mummy Club

Hi ladies can I please join you yummy ones? :flower:

I am really REALLY desperate to get rid of this squishy gut I'm carrying around.

The problem with me is that I seem to have no willpower when it comes to treats!

I was the biggest I've ever been when I got pregnant. Didn't gain much during pregnancy and dropped 1.5 stone without trying in 2 weeks pp. So that was a little kick start!

I need motivation! I'm gonna share my numbers with you.

Here goes...

Start weight (booking in): 13st

Current weight: 12st

Goal weight: 9st 7lb (maybe wishful thinking?!)

I'm only 5' 2" but carry my weight evenly for the most part, with a slight emphasis on my belly! In size 14 at the moment, want to get back in my size 12 topshop jeans!

Whoa, sorry for the essay :)


Ps I'm on MFP - PetitPois123 and have no friends at the moment!


Welcome :wave:

Im tweetyfoo on mfp - add me x
Hi PP :wave:

Add me on mfp I'm sarahlou1045

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Hi ladies can I please join you yummy ones? :flower:

I am really REALLY desperate to get rid of this squishy gut I'm carrying around.

The problem with me is that I seem to have no willpower when it comes to treats!

I was the biggest I've ever been when I got pregnant. Didn't gain much during pregnancy and dropped 1.5 stone without trying in 2 weeks pp. So that was a little kick start!

I need motivation! I'm gonna share my numbers with you.

Here goes...

Start weight (booking in): 13st

Current weight: 12st

Goal weight: 9st 7lb (maybe wishful thinking?!)

I'm only 5' 2" but carry my weight evenly for the most part, with a slight emphasis on my belly! In size 14 at the moment, want to get back in my size 12 topshop jeans!

Whoa, sorry for the essay :)


Ps I'm on MFP - PetitPois123 and have no friends at the moment!


Welcome hun! :)

As for the treats, I've not been depriving myself at all, that way, I easily fall off the wagon! So I've been having a really healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner, but if I fancy a little treat, I have it! (Obviously not like a huge bar of dairy milk lol but a mini milkyway or something along those lines - seems to put me back on the straight & narrow)
Not sure if this would work for you? xx
Hi girls I'm rilj I've added you on mfp xxx

Having a good day, been swimming, about to do a run and going ok calorie wise although af is due on Wednesday and I can tell she's on her way as I'm getting junk food cravings!!! Must stay strong!!!!
It stopped raining log enough to run!

Got 4.5k and it was a hilly route. Probably could have done more :whistle:

Feeling really constipated though which doesn't bode well for weigh in tomorrow :cry:

2lb off for me :pompom:

Good luck for anyone else weighing in today xx

Awesome tweety. Weigh in tonight. Just off for a quick run xxx
Just weighed in & I have 1lb on. I'm so gutted. :( I haven't been exercising as much (I prefer k'bells & power walks) because I've hurt my back. Its hard to rest it when I have O to lift etc. on a daily basis. I thought I would possibly stay the same, not gain.
Well done tweety that's an awesome loss !!

Good luck hl28 tonight and good work on running this early!

Hopes don't worry about a lb Hun! I've had a knee injury that's presented me from running, but my dr advised swimming and cycling as great low impact alternatives, could you try something like that? Xxxx
I'd love to go swimming Diane but I have nobody to mind O, which is why I walk (he can come too) & do k'bells (when he's napping). Mum could maybe have him once a week.
Well done Tweety!

I know it is so demotivating but 1lb isn't too bad... Sometimes if I get really strict with myself (diet and exercise wise) I send my body into shock and I stay the same or even gain???

Don't let it take you off course though hun

2lb off for me :pompom:

Good luck for anyone else weighing in today xx


Well done tweety. What does that put you at now?x

I'm at 10st 11lb ... I think I'm near my bookin weight (no idea what I actually was)

I've got a tshirt on me and its hanging ... Going to take a pic and will do a compare when Im back home!

Thanks for adding me on MFP girls :)

I am officially on it now! Just had a sneaky look at the scales and I've stayed the same too, so I think I need to step it up a notch on the exercise front.

Recorded some cheesy aerobics programmes from Fitness TV so I'm gonna try one of them later, plus my daily brisk doggy walk this morning!

Made OH 2 bits of toast before he went to work this morning - he has xxx thick white bread (gasp) - and he only wanted one so I ate the other! Bad times. But it's ok! It will not derail me. I must be strong!

Well done on the loss tweety :)

Morning all,

No early morning workout as been awake all night with alarms going off because of power cuts.

So blummin tired

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Buggyfit done again today, need to weigh myself this week but it doesnt feel like i am losing much. I am actually one of the fittest mums at our class.but the fattest too

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Well, took a peek at the scales and i am exactly at the same weight :( Its so demotivating

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Well af is here early and I'm struggling to not gorge on lots of chocolate and crisps!!! Already had a chocolate bar and pack of crisps gonna be strong for the rest of the evening. Also since I had lo my periods are so so heavy now the first 2 days I will not be able to exercise so already feel like I won't lose anything this week! May just weigh in next Friday instead (although I am on holiday next week!!)
Buggyfit done again today, need to weigh myself this week but it doesnt feel like i am losing much. I am actually one of the fittest mums at our class.but the fattest too

Aren't you a size 12 hun??? Scary if you're the "biggest" - although I am sure you're not!!

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Hubby took this pic at the gains causeway today ... First pic of me I've been happy with in a long time



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