Yummy Mummy Club

Well done Leah x

Diane it's mad isn't it. I'm 5ft 7 and not been in the 9s since I was about 18!!! Lol. I'm about size 10 clothes if I'm low 10st 3ish but more often in12s! X
Well done Leah.

My weigh in day and I've lost 3lbs this week, so now 10st3. :pompom::pompom::pompom:

I've been pretty naughty too although lots of walking and one run done! Pretty pleased so just need to up the anti with exercise.

I'm only 5ft 2, well 5ft 3 if I stand up straight! :lol:

the lowest I recall being is 8st13 at my booking I weight with my eldest so that's 5 years ago! Not sure I'll get anywhere near to be honest but would like maybe to get to 9st8 and we can go from there!xxx
I was 8st in 2011 and by the time I got my BFP I was 8st 5lbs.

Even though I am still over 10st I have a variety if sizes in clothes? Recently in H&M I bought as few tops size XS? But I had to go for size 14 in jeans?

I know my body is different now and I will never go back to how I was a few years ago. Not that I ever looked proper skinny! I guess that is mainly as I have never done much exercise so was never super toned :shock:

I am just taking baby steps.

I want to be a healthy BMI if we have another baby and I want to make sure I don't gain masses of weight if I have another pregnancy. I gained over 3st with James !!

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I have heavy bones too, i was just under 10 st at my wedding and wore 8-10 size( I am around 5'6 i think)

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I have a very serious question...how do u find time to eat, let alone cook!? oh works most of the time and when lo is sleeping I run around as fast as I can sorting bottles, washing, nappies etc, yesterday I managed to eat half a sandwich while lo was sleeping and 2wheatabix, only got them cos mil came home early and had a cuddle for 10mins! haven't eaten yet today, am meeting some friends for lunch so am hoping they'll want cuddles so I can eat,

how do u all do it!?
Half the reason I am still so big is because I didn't cook more than twice a week for the first few months :shock:

I just didn't have time, I never knew when James would need me to we lived on takeaways and crap.

Once he got into more a routine I found it easier to cook. In-fact I now cook for us and bub (if he isn't having what we have!)

I'm 5ft 1in hun and I carry weight terribly!

When I was 8st I was still only a size 10 (well 8-10)

I want to get to 9st 7lbs and see how I feel then - so about 10lbs to go! I am currently a size 14 in jeans, 12 in leggings - but they are elastic lmao!

I know I'll never be 8st again. I can't imagine being in the 8's ever actually but hopefully if I can get my brain in gear I can at least be back in the 9's.

Did you gain a lot when preggers??? (if you don't mind me asking!)


Thanks ladies! :)

I've never been a size 8! :lol: the least I've weighed in the past few years is 9st and a size 10.
Right now, I'm in size 10/ size 12 comfortably. I still feel no better even though I weigh less than I did at my booking appointment! :(

& yeah I piled on the weight during pregnancy! I was 10st 3lb at my booking appointment and was touching 13.5st at my last midwife appointment.

I used to make food in advance the night before so i had something to eat! if i don't eat I feel like i"m gonna die!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:x
Luckily my husband does all the cooking in our house!
I kinda just have to find time to cook with having 5 & 6 year old to feed too. But during the day I eat a lot of salads and dinners are homemade spaghetti bolognese etc so once its all thrown in the pan it cooks itself for half an hour. Baby normally is in pushchair watching me. But I'm obsessed with food so won't catch me ever going without lol!!! If I don't eat I get proper shakes, can't function and the mood is horrendous lol. And with breastfeeding I have to eat for baby too. Xxx
I started slimming world last week....so hungry lol. I don't get time to cook the healthy meal stuff, so all I have been doing is eating a bowl of salad or cereal. Something quik. Hoping to get into swing of things soon. An FX by Tuesday, I've lost weight! Will keep updated :D

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x
Thinking about it we also eat a lot of quick pasta dishes too. X
In the early days, I barely ate anything as I found it hard to find the time with a newborn! I grabbed junk food whenever I could. Now he's older and has a daytime routine, I have my meals around his naps etc or eat when he eats. As for evening meals, my OH usually cooks. Still haven't got round to eating at a reasonable time though! We always bath Ethan and get him to bed before we start cooking/eating ours so don't eat until 7:30/8pm..
I did try and cook the other day before OH got home and it was a nightmare trying to prepare a meal with a whingey baby clinging on to my leg wanting my attention! :lol:

Not been a size 8 since I was about 18 :eek:

In 5'4" and at 10st I'm a large 10 ideally I'd like to get down to 9 and a half but will see.

Eating at the min is cereal and yoghurt in bed whilst feeding madam, lunch is a bowl of salad/pasta made while madam naps late morning normally eaten whilst feeding her when she wakes up.
Dinner not particularly healthy at the min but trying :) are normally cooked as a tag team effort between me and OH as we swap shifts depending on what she who must be obeyed demands :)

Did Davina again this morning but followed low impact one today.

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Hello ladies! See you are getting on well without me lol!

Well I'm desperately tryin to be good but my wee sis had a food parcel from Florida with Cheetos, twizzlers and skittles. I've ha tree twizzlers already :wall:

It's torrential rain here too so chances of a run are slim at the moment.

Our cottage is a bit shit - it's really basic and the tv is so small it ain't worth watching! Will mean I have to spend more time at mums house which defeats the purpose of having a cottage!

Dear god I got up for a run at 7am and nearly died lol!! Managed 20 mins but I was so tired and am now shattered! I used to run in the mornings but I'm finding it knackers me out for the whole day! Probably because I'm still feeding and literally running on empty in the morning. But with OH s shifts sometimes I have to work round him. Weigh in tomorrow. I better have lost I'll be gutted if I don't I've been pretty good this week. X

How's everyone getting on? Tweety I hope you're having a good holiday xxx
Dear god I got up for a run at 7am and nearly died lol!! Managed 20 mins but I was so tired and am now shattered! I used to run in the mornings but I'm finding it knackers me out for the whole day! Probably because I'm still feeding and literally running on empty in the morning. But with OH s shifts sometimes I have to work round him. Weigh in tomorrow. I better have lost I'll be gutted if I don't I've been pretty good this week. X

How's everyone getting on? Tweety I hope you're having a good holiday xxx

Weather is literally miserable here so haven't managed a run yet but beig good with my food

Weigh in tomorrow!

boycotting exercise this week, moving house instead, but I figure all the lifting and carrying will b the same as a couple of heavy gym sessions, and the running up and downstairs at least a hundred times has to count for something!

still working on the eating thing, I want to! but if lo needs something, which is most of the time, obviously that comes first! I need to buy food I can cook and eat one handed!
No exercise today doing pork roast dinner too :D will make sure I have plenty of veggies and not too much crackling :eek:

Boo to the crap weather tweety

Kat your note has been accepted :D good luck

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Hi ladies can I please join you yummy ones? :flower:

I am really REALLY desperate to get rid of this squishy gut I'm carrying around.

The problem with me is that I seem to have no willpower when it comes to treats!

I was the biggest I've ever been when I got pregnant. Didn't gain much during pregnancy and dropped 1.5 stone without trying in 2 weeks pp. So that was a little kick start!

I need motivation! I'm gonna share my numbers with you.

Here goes...

Start weight (booking in): 13st

Current weight: 12st

Goal weight: 9st 7lb (maybe wishful thinking?!)

I'm only 5' 2" but carry my weight evenly for the most part, with a slight emphasis on my belly! In size 14 at the moment, want to get back in my size 12 topshop jeans!

Whoa, sorry for the essay :)


Ps I'm on MFP - PetitPois123 and have no friends at the moment!


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