Yummy Mummy Club

I had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I should be in the 10s by Fridays official weigh in yaaaay!!

Ladies I need some inspiration for what to have for tea. My hubby cooks all our food but we are a bit stuck with always having the same things... He's very into weight lifting so we usually have chicken/steak/turkey with rice or salad which I know is really good stuff to eat but getting boring... What else can I have that just as healthy but different??
Well done Diane!!! That's amazing!

I might be making plaice lightly coated in flour and pan frying it and having it with some brown rice and a salad. I put a bit of lemon on the plaice to flavour it. Would that appeal to you?

I just weighed myself and Ive lost that pound I gained, thankfully. Now I just need to lose some more for next week!
ah sorry i just saw you didnt want rice or salad! How about couscous with ratatouille?
Diane excited for you to get in the tens! I was pissing glitter on Monday morning when I hit them!

I like a good pasta bake - that any good to you?

I'm in my size 12 jeans today, and a size 12 top (that feels a bit big!) Feeling bloody fabulous. Have a bit of a muffin top (more like a whole cake but hey ho its a floaty top!)
Ooo like the ideas of fish n pasta bake! Deffo don't eat enough fish!

Well done babybee on losing that pound! Tweety I love the top, you look great!
i had a brain wave for dinner...lean steak...good for u, very little fat and bloody gorgeous!
I have no idea how much i weigh but went to buggyfit again today, felt so good afterwards.
Just wish that weight would shift

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Well done on doing buggy fit!

I'm off on my hols tomorrow - taking my scales and my running trainers with me lol!

I'm going for a run tonight on my own, so hope to either beat my distance or my 5km time, will see how I feel when I get there

Had a sneaky peek on the scales this morning and I've not lost anything yet. Not too worried as it will come off when it is ready as long as I'm holding up my end of the bargain my body will do its bit eventually

Hope you are all well and firmly on the wagon x
I bought some new clothes last week in my usual size. Too small. So I took them back and got bigger ones. Still too small!! I've lost 16lbs and I still don't get some nice new clothes! I wish my body would catch up with scales!
Now the clothes are in the 'skinny' section of my wardrobe because I refuse to return to that shop and get even bigger ones :( xxx
Where are you off to Tweety? Have a fabby time!

Kitty, I know that a lot of women say they change shape after a baby? So it may just be that your usual style of clothes aren't as flattering for your new body shape! I know for example that my tummy is never going to be flat again even if I ever get back to a size 10.

I am off out for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow... Gah I've basically had a week long Birthday.

I am on a 14 day detox from Sat though, weigh-in will now be 6th July!

I'm also off on holiday to a land with no wifi apparently so I'm not sure ill be able to weigh in on Monday.

Good luck everyone!
I have no idea how much i weigh but went to buggyfit again today, felt so good afterwards.
Just wish that weight would shift

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Hun do u take both babies? I'm gonna try do it in Battersea park but Will is gonna prob moan throughout! X
Great thread!!!!

I know I'm only 1 day past birth but... I can't wait to join u girls in a few weeks on here, going back to running again :0)
I'm off to Ireland Nat for 5 days.

Sitting in my running gear waiting for hubby to get home then he phones and says he's gone shopping!

No run for me tonight ... It will be too late when he gets home!

I told him to be home sharpish so I could boost and get my run done :brat:
I have no idea how much i weigh but went to buggyfit again today, felt so good afterwards.
Just wish that weight would shift

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Hun do u take both babies? I'm gonna try do it in Battersea park but Will is gonna prob moan throughout! X

I am yet to try cause my mum is here but my trainer has an au pair who she will.bring along. I will take snacks and downoad music on.my phone as well

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Nat, nowhere exotic, I'm off to Cornwall for a wedding and then my inlaws' holiday cottage in Portland. They're in the process of selling it so there is no wifi and the signal is shocking!

Tweety, have a lovely time!

Oh have good holidays ladies!!!! I'm going away a week on Monday too hoping to keep on track tho!

Weigh in day for me tomorrow, fx for a loss and to be in the 10s!!!

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