Yummy Mummy Club

We had spaghetti and meatballs

It was prepared meatballs and dolmio sauce with onions, mushrooms and peppers added. It was proper tasty

Not the healthiest of meals but I can't afford to throw out food - just need to make the best of what I have for now.
Soooo I'm a bit behind the times but....what's all this MFP and 30DS business all about?
I need some serious inches losing but I've no idea how much I actually weigh.

MFP - is myfitnesspal. Its an app/website that allows you to track your food intake daily - you can add friends etc and see what they are eating etc.

30DS is 30 Day Shred, a fitness DVD by Jillian Michaels that high 20 mins of high intensity workout that you do for 30 days (10 days each level) and burns the fat
Same here tweety, finished off some freezer stuff but kept under my calories today. May have a cuppa and one biscuit. Rough day with a teething baby calls for it! X
Oh good grief I just broke my sofa!!! Really shouldn't have had those biscuits! Ha ha ha

Don't get me wrong it's an old knackered sofa but I just fell back on it a bit too vigorously and BANG! Must shrink my ass quick before it does serious damage!!!!
Soooo I'm a bit behind the times but....what's all this MFP and 30DS business all about?
I need some serious inches losing but I've no idea how much I actually weigh.

MFP - is myfitnesspal. Its an app/website that allows you to track your food intake daily - you can add friends etc and see what they are eating etc.

30DS is 30 Day Shred, a fitness DVD by Jillian Michaels that high 20 mins of high intensity workout that you do for 30 days (10 days each level) and burns the fat

Thanks Hun :)
So I've downloaded MFP and put today's lunch in, 811 calories for the one meal! That's horrendous lol I must try harder! Doesn't help that I've had to guess my weight but we'll see what happens.
I've also added a few of you to be my friends :dance:
Interesting...My weakness is coca cola..I can get through gallons of the stuff before the days out :lol:

I can somehow curb my drinking but i need a little help as my will power is absolutely shocking!, i get annoyed or frustrated and i reach for the nearest unhealthy thing, i have a calorie counter on my phone, today ive consumed 740 calories..I have a few more things to add so i think ill be near enough 1,000 calories by the time ive finished everything! :|

And im sick of buying size 18's that make me feel huge, unattractive and ugly..I want that skinny size 10/12 figure back that i miss so much :|..But im so paranoid ill have a serious overhang when i eventually do drop all my weight :\..Cant win can we? lol!
Oh good grief I just broke my sofa!!! Really shouldn't have had those biscuits! Ha ha ha

Oh no hun, sorry I know I shouldn't be that did make me giggle xxx
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Don't be sorry Taffy I laughed so much I nearly wet myself. Hubby wasn't impressed!! Ha ha ha.
Oh good grief I just broke my sofa!!! Really shouldn't have had those biscuits! Ha ha ha

Don't get me wrong it's an old knackered sofa but I just fell back on it a bit too vigorously and BANG! Must shrink my ass quick before it does serious damage!!!!


I'm achey this morning :eh: oh well must mean my muscles were working!

How good would it be if I could set my exercise bike up next to the breast pump :lol:

Right my yummy clan! Plan your day, move more eat less and let's do this

Happy Tuesday to you all! X

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Happy Tuesday I'm aching head to toe but have just done 10mins on my bike with Ava in my arms as she was trying to climb up my legs, :) arms got a workout too! X

Will be taking her for a walk this afternoon before I do jillian this evening!

I will be fit...I will lose weight!!! X
I'm afraid I'm gonna be a bit slack today as I'm still stuck in court doing my bloody jury service which means a lot of sitting around and eating sugary crap to keep my concentration up! God I hope we finish today, I'm loosing the will to live :wall2:
Great thread idea! I'm trying so hard but keep falling off the wagon!
Week before last my dad bought cream cakes to my house EVERY day!! :eek:
Last week I started the soup diet then got a stinking cold the next day and couldn't face it!
I'm on MFP and think its ace for stopping me nibbling things I shouldnt! I've only lost 5lbs since I stared using it but Xmas was in between that time and I just totally gave up then! Lol

I want to lose about a stone and a half to be pre preg (10st 6 to 9stone) and then hopefully just a few more lbs!
I'll add a couple of you on MFP if you don't mind? I could use the motivation!
morning everyone and good luck with todays planning and eating heathy!!

my legs hurt after running last night week 2 of c25k feels much easier but your running for longer and walking for longer so its building up stamina!
im looking forward to running on wednesday :)

i did get a bad blister, it was a bleeder, i now have blood all over the back of my new running trainers and my trackies... they are both light grey in colour!! :( blister hurts but ill but gel plasters or something for wednesdays!! now to curb the eating!! slowly is the best way i think, cut out one thing at a time... we shall see how i do :S

((p.s can anyone else see lines under certain words then when you run mouse over it an advertisment comes up??))
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I'm in! Definitely fed up of how I look now and need to give myself a kick up the behind and stop eating crap and start exercising again!!

30DS is done, found it harder today .. but I am shattered. I went to bed early and woke at 4 with my boobs in agony but was too stubborn/tired to get up, so lay there tossing and turning till Aaron started shouting at 6:30. I love that I've done my workout before 9am though.

Exercise bike will hopefully be done during Aaron's afternoon nap, or in the evening, I haven't decided yet.

Just tucking into breakfast then I'm up to express again.
Morning ladies! Had some porridge for brekkie and now having my latte (i LOVE my coffee machine). MJ is napping so I really should do one of my exercises. Think I'll do ny Pilates this morning and then 30DS when he naps this afternoon and then bike when he goes to bed. I've never ever been this determined before. Must be knowing I have your support ;)

Navylouise I got your friend request on MFP. Other ladies feel free to add me, I'm the same username as on here xxx
Yes forgot to add, everyone feel free to add me... if your username is differnt give me a wee clue as to who you are :lol:

I'm tweetyfoo on MFP too ... I will attempt to rally my troops every day (except this Thursday I have a wedding)
I will jump on the 30 day shred diet later. Will have a look on YouTube xxx
I will be doing my 30ds dvd later, it's my first time and I'm a bit scared. I'm just glad Max is out at my sisters for a few hours so I can collapse in a heap after xxx

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