Yummy Mummy Club

Do you do a pilates DVD at home? I've got Erin O'Brien's Postnatal Rescue and it's a 15 minute session which is great. Level 1 till you're comfortable and then move on to level 2, then 3. Great to do while baby naps!


I do, I'm a Suzanne Bowen fan. I've got pretty much every DVD she's ever released. I did the prenatal-postnatal tummy section to start and it's got my abdominals perfectly back together and strong enough to cope with 'normal' pilates ab work. So I've been on the usual ones for a while. Just been struggle to do it as I've had a few health blips along the way. But this is week 2 of being back on it, already my legs are a million times better. Firm rather than flabby! My tummy is improving all the time, my pelvis is closing and my core is strengthening. I will get there!

My goals are going to be practical ones I think rather than weight ones. I'm always disappointed by weight goals, I either struggle to hit them or hit them and think things don't look as different as I hoped. So my goals are:
1. Get back into my bras (I'm SICK of wearing crop tops!)
2. Get into my body protector (riding)
3. Get back into my pre baby jeans
4. Get into a gorgeous dress I've got for a wedding at the end of July. I'll have to loose 2.5 stone I think to get here, plus the full 10 inches off my waist but it's goal number 4 and my final goal and I've got 4 months to try and do it.
I've just ordered an exercise bike from fitness takeaway!

I'm proper excited about this!

I absolutely love cycling, and have a fantasmic racing cycle in the garage. Hubby and I used to go cycling every weekend and had planned on doing John-o-groats to Lands End for our first wedding anniversary. However, just under two years ago I sustained a serious back injury at work, and haven't been on my bike since.

I've lost all my confidence (especially now I'm carrying some extra weight) and I think getting on an exercise bike will help combat that and then as the good weather comes in, hubby and I can go for a cycle when Aaron is visiting the grandparents on a Sunday.
Nat that sounds yummy! My 30 day shred dvd has just dropped through the door so no excuses now!! xx
I have an exercise bike too... But it's more of a clothes horse... I need to use it.xxx
:yay: tweety!

TaffyRose this is day 1 for me too!

Willow, will check her out. I'm really enjoying the Pilates xx
Hi ladies,
I'm all relogged back on etc my username is danniwoody1. Shockingly it says danniwoody1 has not logged in for a month. Se might need some encouragement :rotfl::rotfl:
Just had poached egg on toast for lunch, and i have meatballs in the slow cooker for tonight :pompom:

Aaron apears to be dieting too as he's refusing milk :wall2:
Hubby uses MFP and loves it but guess its not really compatible with doing slimming world?!
You put your food in, it doesnt tell you what to eat.


tapatalking x
Ive just had scrambled egg with tomato and mushroom in...

Was meant to be omlette but I cant make them lol.. X

tapatalking x
The reason I thought it might not be compatible is its calorie counting and slimming world isn't.
The reason I thought it might not be compatible is its calorie counting and slimming world isn't.

Ahh ok then, my bad lol! Well I suppose you could still use it just to jot down what youve eaten? You can also record exercise and water intake xx

tapatalking x
The reason I thought it might not be compatible is its calorie counting and slimming world isn't.

I kind of see what you mean hun, even if I wasn't calorie counting though I'd still use MFP as a tool... even if it was just to enter something unhealthy I had a craving for (Greggs sausage roll is this mornings craving) sometimes it helps to see the horrific calorie count in something you fancy.

I make a mean omelette Em, only learnt about 2 years ago but they are perfect every time.

You need a non stick pan, heat a tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and a tsp of butter to melt

Take 2 large eggs beat them and season. Add whatever you like (I just have a little Red Leicester cheese and red onion in mine)

Turn pan up to highest, add omelette to pan and cook until you can slide a spatula under and repeat on other side.

Sometimes if I am making them for OH I add tomatoes, mushrooms and ham as well so the omelette can be a bit too heavy to cook / flip. It normally just splits in half though and doesn't turn into scrambled eggs LOL!

I am undecided about lunch - it will either be Omelette :)shock:) or I have a kiddies cheese and tomato pasta from M&S!

The reason I thought it might not be compatible is its calorie counting and slimming world isn't.

You don't need to use my fitness pal as a calorie counter then. You can just put in what you have, don't stick to the calorie goal. And add in exercise and stuff. But it's good to put in your start weight and goal weight and then I you weight in you change your weight and it keeps track of what you have lost xxx
Yea think il give it a go. Helps to record what I'm eating anyway and don't always have a food diary to hand!

Plus it's always good to see how many calories your burning when exercising. I am kind of tempted to sack slimming world off and go it alone but I know I will be completely useless!
I used to struggle with l omelettes too! Couldn't get them out of the pan without them looking like scrambled egg. Now I stir it in the pan as if I am making scrambled egg but stop before its properly cooked through and finish it off under the grill. Works every time!
I am going into JD this morning to invest in a sport bra.

I also need some proper trainers as well though??

Any recommendations for decent but affordable running shoes?


i got some pink and grey nike running shoes for £28 from sports direct.. bargain!

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