Yummy Mummy Club

Thanks for the tips Nat!!
I think we may need a new pan... Lol!

I need to get motivated to exercise, just cba if im honest. I used to live dancing but feel a tit doing it now!! X

tapatalking x
Yea think il give it a go. Helps to record what I'm eating anyway and don't always have a food diary to hand!

Plus it's always good to see how many calories your burning when exercising. I am kind of tempted to sack slimming world off and go it alone but I know I will be completely useless!

You can only try :) maybe once you have the hang of slimming world and the motivation.

I have a holiday in 6 months time. I need to look half decent by the pool. I'm not expecting magic xx
I just tried the 30 day shred...OMG I AM KNACKERED!! Lol, but feel so much better about myself x
Had a cheese and salad (hardly any cheese, lots of salad) sarnie for lunch and a muller light yogurt. Chicken and veg for dinner.

I always used to struggle with omelettes too, but like you Spammy, I now finish them off under the grill. I still need to concur perfect poached eggs though xxx
I can't do them either taffy! Maybe tweety could help seen as she had one for lunch! :)
I use poach pods :blush:

I can make a perfect poached egg though.

Boil the water, add a bit of vinegar. Crack the egg into a ramekin or similar and then whisk the water until you have a whirlpool and drop the egg in the middle. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes

Voila, perfect poached egg :pompom:

Poach pods are much easier though :lol:
I cheat too, I use a poaching pan..

Well I say me, its actually my Dad.. I cant make them even using that! X

tapatalking x
Will give it a go...or but a poaching pod!

I'm thinking of trying this 30ds business. Thing is I hate doing exercise DVDs at home cos I have sanded floorboards and when I'm jumping around (even on the rug) the whole house shakes! It's a bit like there's an elephant doing the cancan in my living room!!! He he

Can be quite off putting!!!
Can i join in girls, I weighed 10,2 at 5ft1 before preg so still a little over weight, after second preg shot up to 12.3... got down to 10,10 doing weight watchers for 14 weeks and now weigh 11,8 :( nearly put it all back on :(

iv just started doing couch to 5k program to train for race for life in june but my eating habbits are appalling! I need to sort them out and pronto!
Im doing week 1 run 3 tonight then its onto week 2 which is running longer... 60 seconds kills me!!

As of tomorrow i pledge to: cut down on rubbish im eating, start the 30 day shred, but with me running 3 days a week it wont be every day... and drink lots of water (this is meant to help with weight loss) and complete c25k program :)

great thread tweety, now if i dont do it i have to answer to you all not just myself :)
Thirst is often a reason for feeling hungry! X

tapatalking x
YAY for all the new shredders!!! I did day 5 this morning, but moved up to Level 2. My motivation is waning a bit now though.... GOT TO KEEP GOING!!

oh, and I am fatter than the lot of ya! am so not putting my bloody weight or measurements up here just yet........
I can't get on with MFP as I make everything from unusual ingredients, most of which are in there. But the nutritional content is all in weights, where as I make things in volumes (cups, tbsp etc). It'd be a nightmare to work out how much of everything weight wise goes in, and then a 'serving size' is what I make it and tends to vary rather than be fixed.

I have done loads today though, 90 minutes of exercise and I've still got the horses to muck out :D
My exercise bike is being delivered tomorrow!

Hubby doesn't seem too pleased, but he will be when he gets through the day without me saying "I hate being fat"

Dinner time! Thank fook ... I think I've started digesting my vital organs!
Well I made a quick smoothie at 12 Ava was up so I had all berry's and At 3 Made jacket potato and chicken salad made it for me and my sister thoroughly enjoyed too will have something light for tea, I've done 30 day shred and got the bike Sall set up for soaps! :) may as well do half hour when watching until its relax time! :) z
My exercise bike is being delivered tomorrow!

Hubby doesn't seem too pleased, but he will be when he gets through the day without me saying "I hate being fat"

Dinner time! Thank fook ... I think I've started digesting my vital organs!

😂Hahaha! X
Well I did ok with tea. Made a shepherds pie and had it with peas, green beans and carrots.

But I just had a muller light yoghurt and mauled 3 digestive biscuits with it! Aghhhh!!!
I've just ordered an exercise bike from fitness takeaway!

I'm proper excited about this!

I absolutely love cycling, and have a fantasmic racing cycle in the garage. Hubby and I used to go cycling every weekend and had planned on doing John-o-groats to Lands End for our first wedding anniversary. However, just under two years ago I sustained a serious back injury at work, and haven't been on my bike since.

I've lost all my confidence (especially now I'm carrying some extra weight) and I think getting on an exercise bike will help combat that and then as the good weather comes in, hubby and I can go for a cycle when Aaron is visiting the grandparents on a Sunday.

Aw! This sounds fab :) maybe when Aaron is bigger he would enjoy going on the back. In one of those kiddie bike seats? Or the cool little side cars. My Oh loves his bike. He's going to look into one of those seats when he's big enough cxx
Well I did ok with tea. Made a shepherds pie and had it with peas, green beans and carrots.

But I just had a muller light yoghurt and mauled 3 digestive biscuits with it! Aghhhh!!!

Ah don't worry hun, you're poorly so allowed biscuits :) I was going to cook a healthy dinner of chicken and veg, but I'm shattered and being very lazy so had a bowl of Special K instead xxx
We had fish fingers, boiled potatoes, brocolli and mashed carrots, yum!

So, the 30DS, is it level 1 etc 10 days at a time each? X

tapatalking x
Soooo I'm a bit behind the times but....what's all this MFP and 30DS business all about?
I need some serious inches losing but I've no idea how much I actually weigh.

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