Yummy Mummy Club

Tweety you look fabulous.

I went out for tea and had enchiladas!! No pudding though so that was good.

Weighed myself yesterday instead of today and was 10st6lbs. So one pound back on since Tuesday. Not to worry though. I am trying so hard not to eat bread!!! 2lbs off this week for me!!xxx

Have you tried having something else other than bread? I've been having the warburton wraps and I get my bread fix and find they don't bloat me as much x



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I've stopped bread, I now have a few crackers with lunch if I need them?

Or else I may have Hovis Nimble or two mini pitta's but that is not very often.

Has anyone fallen off the wagon? I am so far off it I can't even see it in the distance!x
Yep! It's my birthday weekend though. BBQ yesterday, take away later and Thai tomorrow night :shock: Plus cake! Also out with friends for pizza and wine Thursday.

I am not weighing in until 29th June though so plenty of time to get back on it.

I've been fine apart from Friday which was cinema treat night! Not exercised today tho as weather was rubbish !! Going to do 30ds once I've put lo to bed tho.

Set myself a diary of my workouts for the week so hoping to have a good week!
Has anyone fallen off the wagon? I am so far off it I can't even see it in the distance!x

Meeee!!! If I've lost at weigh in tomorrow I'll be bloody lucky.lol. Just had a yummy mushroom risotto with chorizo and crusty bread and loads of choc. I might have to write off this week and start a fresh tomorrow. Xxx
Happy Birthday Nat!

Majorly fallen off the wagon! I had fish and chips, curry, Thai take outs this week and a big roast meal today and loads of Turkish breads and pizzas yesterday. I'll be amazed if I haven't put on weight. Im scared of the scales.
Thanks ladies, the big day is tomorrow but the celebrations seem to span the whole week :shock:

Oh well, I am depressed enough about being 33 let alone not being able to eat my cake :lol:

I am still on the wagon - I'm going to drag you girls on and strap you in :lol: (except you Nat, you get a pass for your burpday!)

I'm amazed at my resolve actually!

Today at dinner there was buttered bread and cream meringues, I genuinely didn't want any of it.

I think I'm on day 21 now, and I haven't slipped once! Not one day off, not one "treat" I'm just so focused!

I'm excited about weigh in tomorrow, but I'm feeling "heavy" which is annoying!

I haven't managed any exercise since Friday night, with the exception of a bit of Ceilidh dancing yesterday. Can't wait to get out running tomorrow night! (Never thought I'd say that!)

Who is weighing in tomorrow?
Well done tweety!!! It's WW weigh in tomorrow eek! I've really sucked this week so hopefully back on it tomorrow. Xxx
babybee you've converted me, i will be yummy again! currently crash dieting, not through choice tho as I've had d&v for a couple of days (sorry for tmi)
Yay tweety!

Well I'm stuck at 11st 12lb but I'm loosing inches as I fastened a pair of jeans at the weekend that I couldn't a couple of weeks ago.

Wanted to do buggy fit this morning but madam is still asleep and it starts at 10 so I think I might strap on the baby carrier and set off for a good walk.

Eaten muesli with yoghurt and strawberrys for brekkie. Yum apart from the muesli :p

Lemon sole with new pots with mini corn and asparagus for dinner so just need to sort lunch got salad stuff just need something to go with it.

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That's awesome tweety. Well done xxxx

I went for a 2 mile run at 7 this morning. I'm bloody shattered now lol xxx
Well done Tweety! That's amazing!

Yay Kat!

I've gained 1 pound! I'm so on it this week.

Babybee I'm dreading weighing later! I've been exercising but not great food wise so we'll see! Come hun we can eat healthy for a week can't we lol xxx
Yay to being in the 10's Tweety!

HL28, well done on the 2 mile run, I was still in bed at 7am today lol (this is not a usual occurrence though!)

Babybee, sometimes a wee gain is the kick up the bum we need???

Have a good day ladies. Chinese and wine for dinner but I am popping out today to stock up in healthy goodies for the rest of the week :lol:

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HL28, I hope the weigh in goes well and I didn't see your post about your run, that's amazing! Well done!

Carnat, it really is the kick I need! About to do my Tesco shop and am stocking up of healthy stuff.

Good luck everyone for the week!xxx

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