Yummy Mummy Club

Well done tweety!!!! Great work!

Wow hl28 good job on the run this morning, that's dedication!

Babybee good job getting in healthy snacks! I find that if there's nothing "bad" in the house it's much easier to stick to eating well!

Well ladies I've truly done my knee in, got an emergency gp appt this afternoon. Probably means no exercise now for at least a week, although may try to get a swimming session in later in the week. I'm so gutted, I can't even walk! Gonna have to be super strict with my food now tho to keep up my spirit.
So girls, i am back on it! Ran to my exercise class, had an hour there amd walked back. Feeling good about it,.next one on Thursday. Off shopping now and taking sandwiches with so i am not tempted by stuff.
Need to get bits for DS1, not clothes shopping for myself cause i refuse to buy size 14.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Bought new jeans today! Size 12 thank you very much ... Smug.com!

I dream of size 12!!! Lol. awesome feeling i bet! Just queuing waiting to be weighed :-( xxx
Good luck HL28!!!

Tweety was just logging on to say I fit into my size 12 skinnys!! I just bought a pair of dusky pink size 12 skinny jeans too and yes I do look a little like a blob of pink jelly but not as big as I had thought!
Well I've stayed the same so need to get this ass moving and stick to the diet this week xxx
Come on girls!!!! :pompom:

At least you didn't put on HL28? Silver linings and all that!

Just in from my run, was a bit of a rubbish one, my running partner was struggling so we walked a fair bit. Will go out tomorrow night as well to make up for it.

I'm in work for my first KIT day tomorrow - working 7-1, so hoping I can stay away from the cakes etc.
You'll be fine Tweety.

I barely had time to eat when I did a few KIT days last month....

Good Luck with your 1st KIT day... The days I am at work I don't eat much... I'm sure you'll be able to resist xx
Right after over indulging yesterday I am back on it today (although there are still cupcakes left!! Yikes!)

I am out with friends on Thursday for a belated Birthday meal so I am thinking that I am going to do a 2 week detox after that???

I want to basically have 14 days straight of sticking to calories, not drinking any alcohol or eating any crap and see if I can get back to the 9's in July!

Was very good yesterday :)

Porridge for brekkie, tuna salad with bugler wheat for lunch today not sure for dinner, fish and chips was mentioned but might save that for Friday.

No exercise yet but I cleaned the bathroom :)

Got a sleeping baby on me so sat making big plans lol

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Hello yummy ones!

Hope you are all well.

I'm still going strong - hope you are too! If not ask yourself why? Are you eating too much, moving less?

Why are you eating, are you hungry or is it boredom / emotional etc etc.

I find when I get the munchies, I'm either thirsty or bored, I tend to get up and move about - do some housework, take Aaron for a walk etc.

I had a KIT day in work today and was worried because I was starting at 7. I took my breakfast with me, which is fine - but wont be practical when I go back full time as I wont be in the office to take a sneaky cereal break at 9am :lol:

Had my lunch early at 12 and was worried I wouldn't make it to teatime as I was running tonight - but I did :pompom:

Very proud of my running tonight- did 5km without stopping (never done that before!) in 30:59 - next goal is to get under 30mins. I'm running another 10K in October hopefully and I will be aiming for under an hour. (My last time was 1hour20)

Think skinny!
Tweety you are such an inspiration!! Great work with the run well done. When do you go back full time? I find it difficult to eat well at work too as when I'm teaching I can't just grab something!

I'm doing ok, frustrated with my leg but its feeling a bit better so hoping to get out and about Friday. It's been lovely weather here today and I always crave salad and veg when it's warm so been a great day for me!
I go back at the end of August diane, hoping I will be at target by then and I will just be maintaining, as its shit trying to lose weight when you are working shifts and working in an environment where there are always takeaways and cakes!
Hey ladies. Hope work was ok tweety!? Well done on the run.xxx

Hope your legs better soon Diane xxx

Walked today and been reasonably good food wise. Also been running around like a headless chicken with football and ballet classes etc. Hoping to get out for a run before heading to telford tomorrow. Staying over at a friends then catching extremely early train to Birmingham for my sons hospital appointment. So fingers crossed I can be reasonably good while we're away xxx
I'm doing shit! I KNOW I need to do better. My main obstacle is that I have no suitable trainers for running/training! The ones I was using have completely bruised my big toe, my toe nail is purple! To top it off I have no money to replace them as on SMP for one more month then nothing! Argh!xxx
I'm doing shit! I KNOW I need to do better. My main obstacle is that I have no suitable trainers for running/training! The ones I was using have completely bruised my big toe, my toe nail is purple! To top it off I have no money to replace them as on SMP for one more month then nothing! Argh!xxx

Can you go walking instead or do a fitness video (free on you tube) ?

I do walk a lot but need something fat burning. Can I do 3DS barefoot?x

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