Yummy Mummy Club

Well done Jolly!!
Well done HL28 on the run too.

I just took a sneaky peek on the scales, not looking good for Monday's weigh in! Probably down to my high fat diet. I had pastries today, loads and loads of pastries!

I looked at my bmi too, it's finally back in the 'normal' range. Around my wedding it was 20.something. Now it's 24, I want it to get back down again.
I've tried to do some squats and they seriously kill but I like that you ache after!!! Means it's doing something. I looked at the 30 squat challenge but I could never do that!!!! I'd need to start small and build on it if you have a plan in mind!?!?! Xxx
Well done ladies!

My weigh-in day is tomorrow! I've been really good this week, but I'm shocking when it comes to exercise :lol:
Apart from a daily walk with Ethan, I can't (more like don't want to!) find the time for exercise haha..

I NEED MOTIVATION!! And I'm only 2 weeks into my diet, dear god!

I weigh-in tomorrow too Leah.

I haven't weighed in for 2 weeks (pretty much since I stopped taking the pill) so I'll be interested to see.

I'll be gutted if there is no loss at all but I am not expecting much iykwim? I can only walk with my foot at the moment so I try for an hour a day but I have been a few hundred calories over every other day??

Start weight was 10st 11lbs, lightest I have been since James is 10st 2lb, Last weigh-in was 10st 5.4lbs. I've basically just lost and gained the same few pounds since January :wall2: :wall2: :wall2:

I have changed my target so I have 15lbs to lose then I'll reassess. 2st was a mountain, 1st is much more doable even if it takes time?? I also went from 1200 cals per day to 1300 as I was starving on 1200.

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I weigh-in tomorrow too Leah.

I haven't weighed in for 2 weeks (pretty much since I stopped taking the pill) so I'll be interested to see.

I'll be gutted if there is no loss at all but I am not expecting much iykwim? I can only walk with my foot at the moment so I try for an hour a day but I have been a few hundred calories over every other day??

Start weight was 10st 11lbs, lightest I have been since James is 10st 2lb, Last weigh-in was 10st 5.4lbs. I've basically just lost and gained the same few pounds since January :wall2: :wall2: :wall2:

I have changed my target so I have 15lbs to lose then I'll reassess. 2st was a mountain, 1st is much more doable even if it takes time?? I also went from 1200 cals per day to 1300 as I was starving on 1200.


I know what you mean Nat - I was facing 3 stone when Aaron was born and it seemed impossible, but I've been chipping away at it and I've only got 1 stone to go thank god! I feel like I'm on the home straight now, which is probably why I'm much more focused!

I go on holiday next Friday though and purposely booked a cottage so I would be able to cook, but hubby is talking about pizzas and chippys constantly! Might just get a few ready meals for myself :lol:
I have lost weight since my lo; I think I was about 170 when she was born and I'm 154 now so I'm quite pleased as I've only just started regaining control of my weight.

I'm sure you will lose something nat, especially if you're off the pill (are you ttc?) as I have heard it makes it hard to lose!

Well I've had an exercise free day today and my knee is feeling better. Still gonna have a week off running I think and just swim instead so it's totally healed.

I tried 30 day squat challenge but I think it's unrealistic for me to do that many squats! I'm doing the 5x5 strength program which I find is more effective and also makes you feel more accomplished as you begin lifting heavier and heavier!

Off to the cinemas soon eek! Got some goodies to treat myself with!
Oh forgot to add that my husband just came in from work and said he can definitely tell I've lost weight off my face! Yay!
God no I am not TTC lol.

Hoping to wait until James is about 2 before we actively TTC.

We're using condoms and I am tracking cycles with OPK's (as I miss pee'ing on things :lol:)

You actually look fine before hun.

You can tell the difference though!

Well done you

You are quite tall? You have skinny arms too..

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Wow you look great!!! Omfg talk about motivation!!! Well done tweety!

Omg I've had a horrendous night food wise (900 cals over today eek!) but had a fabulous night! Back on it hard tomorrow.
I'm 5'7 and a bit :lol:

I think I was around the 12st mark in the first pic and last weigh in I was 11st1lb

Before pics I was a size 16, now a 14
Almost 3lbs gone (2.8lbs)

So I am quite please with that. Back down to 10st 2.6lbs.

Hoping next weigh-in to be even closer to 10st :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well done Nat xxx

Twenty looking fab. I'm about height. I'd love to get to 10 but not sure I'd manage to maintain that!! Xxx
Tweety you look fabulous.

I went out for tea and had enchiladas!! No pudding though so that was good.

Weighed myself yesterday instead of today and was 10st6lbs. So one pound back on since Tuesday. Not to worry though. I am trying so hard not to eat bread!!! 2lbs off this week for me!!xxx
Well done tweety, you look fab!

I weighed myself today and have only last 3/4 of a pound, now down to 10st 1lb. Not great, but still a loss! I did cave in last night and have some of my OHs Chinese takeaway though - woops! :lol:


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