Yummy Mummy Club

Lol fridge ledge!!!! You need to steer me away from lunches out! It's my favourite thing to do lol xxx

You can still eat out - the trick is to plan what you are going to eat in advance x
Tweety - you should seriously coincided being a weight loss/ exercise motivational coach :) xx
That's awesome tweety xxx

Well done everyone that's managed to get the exercise in. Xxx

I'm getting fed up of obsessing about food. Feeling guilty if I shock horror eat what I shouldn't. Or feel crap if I'm too tired to exercise!!! And considering I've lost 15 lbs since mid April I'm slightly miffed no ones noticed!!! Sorry for the rant but feeling crap and emotional all because of a sodding diet :-( xxx

Oh my god this was me just this weekend! I got upset that no one had noticed too. To be honest I don't see any difference either. I'm just trying to get my thrills seeing the scales go down and hoping one day I'll wake up and my body will have caught up :) xxx
Tweety - you should seriously coincided being a weight loss/ exercise motivational coach :) xx

My secret confession is that I once trained as a fitness instructor

I was really young and not confident and ended up binning it.

I was an athelete once - training for the taekwondo world championships, then I met my now husband and gave it all up to move to Scotland :shock:

I love training and I love being healthy, and enjoy encouraging others to do the same. I just fall off the wagon too often to make it a profession :rotfl:
That's awesome tweety xxx

Well done everyone that's managed to get the exercise in. Xxx

I'm getting fed up of obsessing about food. Feeling guilty if I shock horror eat what I shouldn't. Or feel crap if I'm too tired to exercise!!! And considering I've lost 15 lbs since mid April I'm slightly miffed no ones noticed!!! Sorry for the rant but feeling crap and emotional all because of a sodding diet :-( xxx

I feel the same! I've lost 37lbs and the only person who comments without me saying 'I lost another 2lbs this week' is my mum's cleaner.

But screw them, like Tweety says out clothes are looser and we feel fitter! I can actually feel muscle on my waist which I haven't felt since my wedding!
Ladies, i need a kick up the bum! Just had 2 brunch bars for btekkie, thats 300 kcal! DH is taking me out for lunch today too. I think.i will go for a salad. Help!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Knopk, this is the Italian coming out in me but don't scrimp on lunch. If you just have a salad you'll be starving and end up snacking to compensate. Breakfast and lunch are the most important meals. If you have a a good lunch, it'll keep you going until dinner and then you just need something small for dinner to keep you going until bed time.xxx
Lost a pound this week! I'm happy with that although I'm .4lbs off being under 11 stone lol so was hoping for under but I can't complain!

Not sure what to do exercise wise today my knee is still hurting dunno whether to see a dr about it? May try aqua aerobics if I can convince someone to have skyler.

Oh and I'm going to pics tonight so not looking forward to all the calories ill be consuming lol!!!! But gonna enjoy myself! This is why I weigh in on a Friday, so I can do a bit of damage fri/sat and not feel too bad haha!
Tweety - you should seriously coincided being a weight loss/ exercise motivational coach :) xx

My secret confession is that I once trained as a fitness instructor

I was really young and not confident and ended up binning it.

I was an athelete once - training for the taekwondo world championships, then I met my now husband and gave it all up to move to Scotland :shock:

I love training and I love being healthy, and enjoy encouraging others to do the same. I just fall off the wagon too often to make it a profession :rotfl:

I love this!!

You are now, by default, our PF diet and fitness motivator!!!

I have gone to fortnightly weigh-in's as that way I can have a crap few days but have almost 2 weeks to get myself back on track.

Weigh-in tomorrow but then I have a BBQ Sat, steak dinner Sun and take-away Monday (Birthday Chinese), plus there'll be cake and I am going out for dinner on Thursday night :wall2: :wall2:

Ladies, i need a kick up the bum! Just had 2 brunch bars for btekkie, thats 300 kcal! DH is taking me out for lunch today too. I think.i will go for a salad. Help!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

300 cals for breakfast is fine ... Mine is normally around that c



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Lost a pound this week! I'm happy with that although I'm .4lbs off being under 11 stone lol so was hoping for under but I can't complain!

Not sure what to do exercise wise today my knee is still hurting dunno whether to see a dr about it? May try aqua aerobics if I can convince someone to have skyler.

Oh and I'm going to pics tonight so not looking forward to all the calories ill be consuming lol!!!! But gonna enjoy myself! This is why I weigh in on a Friday, so I can do a bit of damage fri/sat and not feel too bad haha!

Well done! A lb is a lb! :pompom:

Next week we will celebrate the 10's!



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Tweety - you should seriously coincided being a weight loss/ exercise motivational coach :) xx

My secret confession is that I once trained as a fitness instructor

I was really young and not confident and ended up binning it.

I was an athelete once - training for the taekwondo world championships, then I met my now husband and gave it all up to move to Scotland :shock:

I love training and I love being healthy, and enjoy encouraging others to do the same. I just fall off the wagon too often to make it a profession :rotfl:

I love this!!

You are now, by default, our PF diet and fitness motivator!!!


Ooo the responsibility :lol:

Happy to be of service!

Now give me 100 squats!



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Ooh just weighed in and lost 4lb in my first week of slimming world :) quite happy with that and I've moved down into a new BMI bracket :)
Well done Diane!! Xxx

Twenty you really are fab at keeping us motivated!! Xxx

Ladies sucks people notice but like you say Babybee sod them!! Lol xxx
Just been for a run. Only 1.6 miles then a 15 min walk but haven't been for weeks so I'm pleased with that. Now to attempt to eat healthily for the next few days before weigh in Monday. Monday weigh ins suck lol. Can't be naughty over the weekend!!!! Xxx
Well done Jolly!

HL28, well done on the run - I like Monday weigh ins so I can't be naughty at the weekend :lol:

focus focus focus!

My words of wisdom today are

"What other people think of you is none of your business"

Seriously, is anyone doing the squats?

I watched "Death by squats" on BL Aus the other night and it looked hard!, might give it a go

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