Yummy Mummy Club

I've downloaded a pedometer app and walking to tesco and back burned 210 calories! Impressed! I can see myself getting addicted to this app! Xxx

Blimey how far is your Tesco???? I have to walk for 90 minutes to burn 220 calories?? :roll:

Having a terrible time I've buggered my knee up!!! Great no running for a while now . Gonna go swimming and weight training tomorrow and hope its ok as cannot bear to go days without exercise now!
I've downloaded a pedometer app and walking to tesco and back burned 210 calories! Impressed! I can see myself getting addicted to this app! Xxx

Blimey how far is your Tesco???? I have to walk for 90 minutes to burn 220 calories?? :roll:


About a 25 minute walk there and back. It also counted the wandering of the aisles and the few laps of mothercare I did (can never resist a look) xxx
I've just eaten some home made flapjack! No idea how many calories that is though?! Also if you do home cooked meals how do you work out the calories. I did some mean walking on the school run. I was like a woman possessed!!x
Hope you're ok Diane xxx

Well done on the walking ladies. I'm doing pants food wise!! Chinese Monday night, out for lunch and had an awesome BLT barras, caramel cappuccino and choc brownie and ice cream. And today I've not been great. Atleast yesterday I did a 2 mile walk and 30 day shred but no exercise today. Hoping to get a 6 mile walk in tomorrow or Friday!! Xxx
Just been out for a good run - 4.23miles/49 minutes

We ran along the canal and it was great, I thought I was dying at the end, but still managed a sprint, so can't have been dying that much - MIL called me a liar :lol: You know you are in bother when you MIL is a damn sight fitter than you! :shock:

Just about to have dinner (spag bol) and can't wait! Starvin Marvin

Another good food day for me - quite pleased with being on the wagon all this time and not slipping once - or even been tempted!

Diane - hope you feel better soon x

Mrs Wibbly - You can add recipes on MFP and it will work out the calories for you. Go to Food, Recipes, Add recipe.
I hope you feel better Diane!

Well done Tweety!

I've walked 9 miles today and it was mostly uphill! I also went to my yoga class amd my little tot allowede to do all the exercises. Of course I made up for that by having a whole pizza for lunch and fish and chips for dinner. Oh and a twirl bar and a chocolate truffle.
I hope you feel better Diane!

Well done Tweety!

I've walked 9 miles today and it was mostly uphill! I also went to my yoga class amd my little tot allowede to do all the exercises. Of course I made up for that by having a whole pizza for lunch and fish and chips for dinner. Oh and a twirl bar and a chocolate truffle.

I like to refer to that as damage limitation :lol:



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
I feel your pain diane, hope you feel better soon!

Also hope you managed to get a swim in...

I was debating going but I don't even have a costume :shock:, my size 10 itsy bitsy bikini's won't cover an arse cheek or a nipple!!

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Ha ha Nat that's funny!

I've just done school run in wind and rain, surely that means more calories burnt! Xx
I feel your pain diane, hope you feel better soon!

Also hope you managed to get a swim in...

I was debating going but I don't even have a costume :shock:, my size 10 itsy bitsy bikini's won't cover an arse cheek or a nipple!!


I got a great one piece from asda that has the hold me in panels

Did my measurements last night - here are the results from 12stone something to 11st 1

chest: -3.9cm
back: -7.1cm
Waist: -7.3cm
Hips: -3.2cm

Very pleased with that.

Ill do some update pics later :)
Wow Tweety, that is some inches lost hun!

Well done

And thanks for the Asda tip, I need to do an order soon so I'll grab some swimwear

Great loss Tweety!
I have serious cabin fever but Anton was still contageous and i am.still coughing so no exercises.
Hopefully i can send him to the nursery tomorrow and go for a long walk in.the park, Monday is buggyfit day too. I have exactly a month before my birthday so aiming for 5 kg off.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Been for a 2 mile walk and swam a mile too! Knee still kills but swimming really helped!

It's my weigh in tomorrow and praying for a loss! I've been so good all week.
Been for a 2 mile walk and swam a mile too! Knee still kills but swimming really helped!

It's my weigh in tomorrow and praying for a loss! I've been so good all week.

Well done on all the exercise!

I'm struggling today, dunno why, I'm just ravenous. I've managed to stick to my food plan which is a miracle, but I went food shopping when hungry which was nearly a disaster.

I bought mini ripples (90 cals) and put them in the freezer (which is in the garage) so will only have one if the calorie count allows it.

Just about to make dinner so hopefully that will fill the hole that appears to be inside me
That's awesome tweety xxx

Well done everyone that's managed to get the exercise in. Xxx

I'm getting fed up of obsessing about food. Feeling guilty if I shock horror eat what I shouldn't. Or feel crap if I'm too tired to exercise!!! And considering I've lost 15 lbs since mid April I'm slightly miffed no ones noticed!!! Sorry for the rant but feeling crap and emotional all because of a sodding diet :-( xxx
That's awesome tweety xxx

Well done everyone that's managed to get the exercise in. Xxx

I'm getting fed up of obsessing about food. Feeling guilty if I shock horror eat what I shouldn't. Or feel crap if I'm too tired to exercise!!! And considering I've lost 15 lbs since mid April I'm slightly miffed no ones noticed!!! Sorry for the rant but feeling crap and emotional all because of a sodding diet :-( xxx

Push the negatives away and start focusing on the positives!

You've lost 15lb! thats incredible
I bet your clothes feel better too?
I bet you are fitter than you were?

Go on - tell us some positives!
Tweety you're right!!! All of the above are true. So I'm going to focus on starting again tomorrow!!!! Starting with a long walk. Thanks hun xxx
Tweety you're right!!! All of the above are true. So I'm going to focus on starting again tomorrow!!!! Starting with a long walk. Thanks hun xxx

Draw a big line under it! Tomorrow is a new day- if you find yourself faltering, come on here and give us a shout and we will talk you off the fridge ledge!
Lol fridge ledge!!!! You need to steer me away from lunches out! It's my favourite thing to do lol xxx

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