Yummy Mummy Club

Sorry wibbily my predictive text spelt you name wrong. I should check before I post!!!!
Ah hun don't say that so sorry bloody phone!!!!! Xxx
Well I've finally had my GP take my foot complaint seriously and I am off for a scan to rule out Morton's Neuroma (nerve damage between toes) and I have also been referred for Physio :shock:

So exercise is not going to be happening for me for a while now.

I can still walk and I may try to swim a few times a week but what do I do with James while I swim???

Been kind of sticking to calories but I feel really bloated and yucky!

Had a bad day yesterday as had temperature over 38, shaking, feeling weak so wanted sugar.
Trying to get back on track today, DS1 has chicken pox so we had fun.last night. Its going to be s long day

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I feel slimmer today. I love this feeling, and yesterday my hubby even said my bum looked "higher" haha! Talk about motivation! Just gotta drop off my gym membership now as well so I can get on the barbell. Hate hate hate the gym (prefer being outside) but need the weights. I'm also trying to work out how we can take skyler with us whilst we go on a bike ride, but can't think of a way to do it so will just leave her with grandparents.

Carnat could you leave your lo with oh/grandparents for an hour? Swimming would be a great way to get some exercise in! Hope your foot is ok and physio helps! How did you injure it?

Knopk sounds awful hun! Hope your feeling a bit better and boo to the chicken pox :-(
I second the swimming! I've got weak knees so I'm a bit of a slacker in the gym but when I'm in the pool I feel like an Olympian! Xxx
Whoop whoop on the higher bum Diane lol xxx

K hope Ur better soon and poor DS. Have you tried piriton for the itching? Xxx

Nat hope you're ok xxx
Everyone works but I think MIL finishes at 3pm some afternoons so I may ask her to have bub.

No idea how I injured foot? I did hurt my Achilles exercising so had to stop and a few weeks later this toe pain developed. Dr has asked for a complete scan to see if this originates from Achilles pain.

And who said exercise is good for you?? :rofl:

So I am relying 90% on diet at the moment - eeeek!!

Morning all

Knopk ... hope today isn't too bad for you!

Diane :yay: to feeling slimmer and having a higer bum - I think my bum has pitched a tent at my ankles and is planning on staying there (along with my boobs). I'm going to get out on my bike soon with the hubster hopefully - haven't been on it in over 2 years and I used to be quite a keen cyclist! Then I had a accident and got pregnant etc etc. I'm very against taking babies on bikes in any form or fashion - so I'd say leave her to have fun with the grandparents!

Nat - Can you go in the evenings? Early evening before dinner? Thats when I go running, and I have set days (Mon, Wed, Fri) so OH knows that I'm going out as he's coming in :lol: and there are no excuses then! Or does your gym/swimming pool have a creche? (Don't think I'd be comfortable using a creche though, but I know some are happy to - I had to put Aaron in church creche this week as he started screaming and it made me really uncomfortable!)

Hope all you yummies have fab days! I've just filled in MFP for the day and its looking good - I need to get out to the shops for some things, as Tesco tried to substitute them with ridiculous items!
Morning ladies

Sneaky hop on the scales 3lb off since Saturday! :dance:

I swear it's eating bread that keeps me fat!!! No more!

Nat I hope you get that foot sorted ASAP. X
Morning ladies

Sneaky hop on the scales 3lb off since Saturday! :dance:

I swear it's eating bread that keeps me fat!!! No more!

Nat I hope you get that foot sorted ASAP. X

I switched to Warburton square wrap (the brown ones) because I find bread bloats me and keeps me fat too.
I can feel myself falling off the wagon today! I have an afternoon to myself, a cosy house and usually I'd be off to the gym but I just want to break into my chocolate stash! I've lost 13lbs so far but my body shape hasn't changed at all which is killing my motivation. No one has even noticed I've lost any weight at all :( think I need some retail therapy xxx
I can feel myself falling off the wagon today! I have an afternoon to myself, a cosy house and usually I'd be off to the gym but I just want to break into my chocolate stash! I've lost 13lbs so far but my body shape hasn't changed at all which is killing my motivation. No one has even noticed I've lost any weight at all :( think I need some retail therapy xxx

Have you done any measurements hun?

I'm struggling to see my weightloss too, and I've lost 29lb so far. I need to do my measurements, as I haven't since I started.
I can feel myself falling off the wagon today! I have an afternoon to myself, a cosy house and usually I'd be off to the gym but I just want to break into my chocolate stash! I've lost 13lbs so far but my body shape hasn't changed at all which is killing my motivation. No one has even noticed I've lost any weight at all :( think I need some retail therapy xxx

Have you done any measurements hun?

I'm struggling to see my weightloss too, and I've lost 29lb so far. I need to do my measurements, as I haven't since I started.

Yep, did some measurements on the 1st march and dug them out last week to compare and boobs, waist, hips and arms are all the same :wall2:

I've lost 2 inches off each leg, but my tum would be overshadowing them in a bikini!
Dusted off my work uniform tonight, and managed to squeeze it on.

It "fits" in the loosest (by which I mean tightest) sense of the word.

The tshirt goes on and the trousers button up - just hope I don't have to bend!

I ahve to wear it next tuesday - think I can shift 7lb by then :lol:

I have until 25th August before I have to wear it full time again though - hopefully it will be too big :rotfl:
Had a rare day in today but I have done so much cleaning and hoovering that must have burned some cals???? :shock:

Also I'm dead-lifting James in reps of 5 (so I am dead-lifting 17lbs 6oz :lol:), it's exercise for me and fun for him :rofl:

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I've downloaded a pedometer app and walking to tesco and back burned 210 calories! Impressed! I can see myself getting addicted to this app! Xxx

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