Yummy Mummy Club

I went online and calculators are suggesting i need about 2300 kcal a day, i am sticking with 2000 plus exercise, do you think i need to drop another 200 kcal?

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I don't know how many points a calorie is to attempt to work it out. Maybe stick with what your eating and try and increase exercise? If I stick to the amount I should be eating I would only loose a lb a week according to WW but I don't add points if I exercise and sometimes eat slightly less points. If I only loose a lb a week I'll be here forever!!! Don't get me wrong sometimes I do only loose a lb but I am trying for more like 2lbs if I can. Xxx
Actually I just thought a WW choc bar is 2 points and around 80/90 I think. If I worked it out right that's about 1800 calories. I would have thought I was more. I might be completely wrong though hun!!! I'll try and work it out in the morning when I'm less tired lol xxx
I seem to be stuck at 10stone 8lbs! I am desperately trying to curb my eating, such as not eating leftovers and tying not to snack on bad bits! It's so flaming hard though! Well done all you lovely ladies who are doing well. Xxx
Ok just googled it and I think it's 50 calories per point. So I'm on 43 points which is over 2100 calories. But if I think about what I eat its all low fat. Sorry I'm banging on now!!! Xxx
I seem to be stuck at 10stone 8lbs! I am desperately trying to curb my eating, such as not eating leftovers and tying not to snack on bad bits! It's so flaming hard though! Well done all you lovely ladies who are doing well. Xxx

I was stuck for a while too.

Are you on myfitnesspal? I find writing down what I eat helps a lot
I seem to be stuck at 10stone 8lbs! I am desperately trying to curb my eating, such as not eating leftovers and tying not to snack on bad bits! It's so flaming hard though! Well done all you lovely ladies who are doing well. Xxx

I was stuck for a while too.

Are you on myfitnesspal? I find writing down what I eat helps a lot

I'm not really a calorie counter as I think I would become obsessed!:shock:

For me it's about exercise (which I don't do enough of) and making sure I don't graze on the wrong things (which I do plenty of)!x
Girls, I need a boot up the arse. Family drama has made me comfort eat this weekend. Well, it didn't make me, I just gave in. :( Boot me!
Ok just googled it and I think it's 50 calories per point. So I'm on 43 points which is over 2100 calories. But if I think about what I eat its all low fat. Sorry I'm banging on now!!! Xxx

Thanks hun, i only eat low fat stuff too. Mfp is telling me i am low on carbs, dont know if its right though? I try to eat veg and fruit more but what if i am not eating enough carbs? I thought 2000 kcal for a Bfing mum is ok. Maybe i do have hypothyroudism

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I log my stuff at the end of the day so i dont obsess and it always works out around 2000 kcal anyway.
Thinking about logging at the end of.the day stops me grom eating naughty things

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Some people say until they finish feeding completely they struggle to loose weight. I'm wondering if I'll start to struggle more when I hit a particular weight. Xxx

3 mile walk done this morning!! Weigh in tomorrow eek!!!! X
I log everything at the start of the day and use it as motivation, I'm rilj if anyone wants to add me. Just off for a long walk then running later. Feeling fat and flabby today tho!
Morning oh yummy ones - or afternoon even (I've been at Church, not asleep :lol:)

I need to do some exercise this afternoon, toying between a run, or a walk up the hill next to me. Should really do the run as it will do much more for my fitness - even better if I could run up the hill :lol:

Hubby is away doing a job at his sisters house, Aaron is at his grans so I'm all alone - in danger of being a slob on the sofa!
Haha tweety same for me! When I'm alone I need to get out otherwise slob time it is haha!
I use MFP to plan in advance...

I can plan up to a week in advance. Helps me with the shopping as well as food choices.

If I log that I am going to have something quite high calorie in advance it often makes me choose a more healthy alternative :lol:

I use MFP to plan in advance...

I can plan up to a week in advance. Helps me with the shopping as well as food choices.

If I log that I am going to have something quite high calorie in advance it often makes me choose a more healthy alternative :lol:


I do the same :)



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
We had a BBQ with cheese cake and brownies today :\
Right just attempt 30 day shred!!! I say attempted because I couldn't quite keep up and do all the exercises but had a go. I'd also dropped the fire guard on my foot which kinda hurts more since I've done the DVD but think it's just bruised! X
Oh my word Babybee that sounds good!!!! Think I'm going to have a mushroom risotto tonight with added veg to bulk it out. I've eaten quite a few WW goodies today. I really should stop buying them!!! X
Well done on the 30 day shred! I need to get the DVD! Stupid fire guard! At least you got your exercise in.

The consolation to my over indulgence was the fact it tasted so damned good!

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