Yummy Mummy Club

Come on girls!!!

Another successful day for me. I didn't go for a run tonight though as it was just too hot

Walked 5 miles today though so happy with that :)

Still feeling very positive and focused even if oh is stuffing his face!

One thin that's really helps is having dinner later. We always had it between 5-6 and now we have it 7-8 and it makes the evening munchies more bare able



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Tweety I agree with eating later, it's really helping me curb the snacking too.

I always weigh in on Fridays so I'm able to have a few treats fri/sat night and it isn't right before weigh day! I forgot to weigh this morning tho eek so will wait till next week now. I haven't been for a run today but did walk 3 miles and then ruined it by having a KFC tea :wall: although this is my first junk food of the week so I'm not gonna beat myself up!
I'm a few hundred calories over today but nothing like a usual Friday (Friday is normally vino night :shock:)

Still can't do much exercise with my poxy foot, am ringing up for am emergency appointment Monday and am going to ask to be referred to hospital - not sure they will as they've told me to rest and I haven't :wall2::wall2:

We always eat later, dinner is at 8pm most nights.

I spread breakkie out so I'll have a cuppa at 7am, yoghurts at 9am, cereal with James at 10am and then a breakfast bar or some fruit or a beef slice about Midday / 1pm.

I have lunch late (3pm) and dinner at 8pm.

Well i couldnt eat much! Stomach must be shrinking then. Had a busy day, did crunches and had a haircut finally

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I was doing really well today food wise until I decided to help myself to a plate of cheese, ham, sun dried tomatoes, olives and a tiny bit of disaronno! That was after dinner. What's worse is I'm in bed and want another helping!
Well this is depressing, i havent lost anything. Despite being good with the food (no chocolate every night etc) and exercising. If it stays the same over the next few weeks, i am booking a docs appointment.
On top of it i woke up with a cold

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Well this is depressing, i havent lost anything. Despite being good with the food (no chocolate every night etc) and exercising. If it stays the same over the next few weeks, i am booking a docs appointment.
On top of it i woke up with a cold

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Have you been tracking your calories? Do you have a food diary or anything?

It could be that you over indulged a bit last night and its just water weight xx



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Well, today was weigh-in day and I'm impressed! :) I've lost 3.25 pounds this week & I'm 10st 1.75lb now!
Hopefully, by next week, I'll be under 10st, then just 1st to go.. Yayyyy!

Well done Leah

No loss for me but not put on either so hey.

Time to up the exercise next week, got my check up on Tuesday so will ask the docs what I can do.

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Well done Leah!

I had a cheeky early weigh-in and no loss but I was 200 cals over yesterday and have only been back on track for a few days.

Will stick to it and weigh in properly next week. Hoping for a few lbs otherwise I'll be gutted

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Well this is depressing, i havent lost anything. Despite being good with the food (no chocolate every night etc) and exercising. If it stays the same over the next few weeks, i am booking a docs appointment.
On top of it i woke up with a cold

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Have you been tracking your calories? Do you have a food diary or anything?

It could be that you over indulged a bit last night and its just water weight xx



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070

I try to stick to around 2000 kcal a day as i am bfing but i am having a very balanced diet now - soups, cut down on carbs and eating more veg and fruit. I couldnt eat much yesterday to be honest. More than a half of my curry is in the fridge and i didnt have any pudding.
I have some symptoms of underactive thyroid plud i am taking domperidone but still. Not even a lb off.
Plus i have been.eating tea earlier and going to bed slightly hungry ( i do sometimes have a snack but its something like a banana or a slice of wholemeal bread. I dont know what i am doing wrong, weight used to come off, with DS 1 a lot of weight went straight after birth,. This time its staying at the same mark.:banghead:

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I'd love to join the yummy mummy club!!

I was a size 16-18 when I fell pregnant And I put on 3.5st. Already lost 2st of baby weight (must have been so much water!!!).

Anyway, I'm getting married on 30th Nov and I really want to lose 5stone in total as in very small built and am carrying way too much weight.

Got the all clear from mw to start slimming world as bottle feeding so I started yesterday. I'm finding having a baby means food is the last thing on my mind so I'm taking advantage of that!!!

2 weeks post c section and I'm now going for light walks with Freddie- I managed a mile yesterday (slowly!!) and I have another 5 miles to go until I've completed my "walk around Central Park" challenge!!!

So yes- I'm a yummy mummy wannabe!!!!!! Xxx
Well this is depressing, i havent lost anything. Despite being good with the food (no chocolate every night etc) and exercising. If it stays the same over the next few weeks, i am booking a docs appointment.
On top of it i woke up with a cold

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Have you been tracking your calories? Do you have a food diary or anything?

It could be that you over indulged a bit last night and its just water weight xx



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070

I try to stick to around 2000 kcal a day as i am bfing but i am having a very balanced diet now - soups, cut down on carbs and eating more veg and fruit. I couldnt eat much yesterday to be honest. More than a half of my curry is in the fridge and i didnt have any pudding.
I have some symptoms of underactive thyroid plud i am taking domperidone but still. Not even a lb off.
Plus i have been.eating tea earlier and going to bed slightly hungry ( i do sometimes have a snack but its something like a banana or a slice of wholemeal bread. I dont know what i am doing wrong, weight used to come off, with DS 1 a lot of weight went straight after birth,. This time its staying at the same mark.:banghead:

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2000 might be a bit high? I think 1800 might be better?

Are you managing any exercise?

Don't put too much pressure on yourself baby is still very little x



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
I'd love to join the yummy mummy club!!

I was a size 16-18 when I fell pregnant And I put on 3.5st. Already lost 2st of baby weight (must have been so much water!!!).

Anyway, I'm getting married on 30th Nov and I really want to lose 5stone in total as in very small built and am carrying way too much weight.

Got the all clear from mw to start slimming world as bottle feeding so I started yesterday. I'm finding having a baby means food is the last thing on my mind so I'm taking advantage of that!!!

2 weeks post c section and I'm now going for light walks with Freddie- I managed a mile yesterday (slowly!!) and I have another 5 miles to go until I've completed my "walk around Central Park" challenge!!!

So yes- I'm a yummy mummy wannabe!!!!!! Xxx

Welcome :friends:



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Knopk I know how you feel it's so horrible when you don't get a loss. It doesn't make sense and makes me wanna give in! But yes maybe try 1800 cals see how you feel with that? I bet next week you'll have quite a big loss!

Welcome to the thread jolly! Nothing like your wedding to spur on weightloss haha! I use my wedding pics as inspiration.

Just waiting on hubby to finish work to take over daddy duties whilst I go for another run. I'm going to start strength training again, I'm gonna do the 5x5 programme which I liked before, just not looking forward to the first week aches!

Keep strong this weekend ladies!
Knopk I know how you feel it's so horrible when you don't get a loss. It doesn't make sense and makes me wanna give in! But yes maybe try 1800 cals see how you feel with that? I bet next week you'll have quite a big loss!

Welcome to the thread jolly! Nothing like your wedding to spur on weightloss haha! I use my wedding pics as inspiration.

Just waiting on hubby to finish work to take over daddy duties whilst I go for another run. I'm going to start strength training again, I'm gonna do the 5x5 programme which I liked before, just not looking forward to the first week aches!

Keep strong this weekend ladies!

What's the 5x5 programme?

I need to do some strength training too :whistle:



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
It's progressive strength training with the barbell so 5 sets of 5 reps of the following: workout a is squat, bench press, bent over row and then workout b is squat, bent over row and deadlift. You alternate days with workout a and then next day workout b.
Yep dumb bells would be fine! I'm gonna do it every other day at first see how I feel x you should see progression with how much you can lift I think every week but I don't usually improve that quick lol
Knopk I'm doing WW and I can have 14 extra points a day as I'm exclusively feeding however once she starts weaning I think it's 7 extra not 14. So maybe just dropping calories a little might help. Xxx

Have a good run Diane. I really could do with strength training I'm such a weakling!!! I struggle to stick to it though. I've read your exercise but don't understand what all of them are!! Doh!! Maybe I'll Google them. Xxx

Hi Jolly. I keep looking at my wedding photos and can't wait to hopefully get back to that!!! Xxx

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