Yummy Mummy Club

Gorgeous weather for a run, I wish I could run but I'm so unfit after pregnancy x
Well after a 6 mile walk with OH this morning I have scoffed a ton of WW choc bars. Grrr. I think I'm going to have to ban even WW good bars, I'm probably better off not having any because I can never have just one. Xxx
Well after a 6 mile walk with OH this morning I have scoffed a ton of WW choc bars. Grrr. I think I'm going to have to ban even WW good bars, I'm probably better off not having any because I can never have just one. Xxx

I can't have stuff like that in the house because I can't restrain myself! I will quite happily munch an entire packet of biscuits with a cuppa!

At least there is damage limitation?



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Phew run done! My sis came with me (she's a long distance runner lol) and it really spurred me on.

Hl28 I can't have anything in the house either, I'm an all or nothing girl! But well done on the epic walk! Good going x
I know girls I normally don't buy any junk so I won't scoff the lot then but got it into my head these are ok as they're only 2 points each!! Not good lol. I should try a week without!!! Well done running Diane. Wish I could find some enthusiasm to run! I've not been fir weeks now :-( xxx
Well done Diane! That's amazing!!

HL28! I did the same(ish) thing! After a day of walking up and down hills and even jogging with the buggy (for all of 5 mins) I went and had one of those malteaser choc bars and 2 packs of walkers baked crisps! I actually went out to buy the choc!
I need to get some healthy snacks to take with me when I have those moments of feel starving!
Oooh - Here's my new top food tips

Warburtons Wraps - really tasty, got a good bite to them and only 159 calories!

Solero - I have one every night, proper tasty, feels like you are having fat stuff and not diet stuff and only 94 calories
Oooo thanks Tweety!! I'll have to pick a few of them up. I never realised soleros were that low in calories!
Hi ladies! :wave:
Been popping on to this thread every now and then, but I've decided to get on the weight loss wagon properly now! I've been dieting on and off since Ethan was born and have lost quite a bit, but still got a long way to go. I started dieting again on saturday. Although, I'm not being overly strict with it, as I find if I deprive myself of everything, I soon end up scoffing my face with everything in sight!! :lol:

Starting weight (right after pregnancy) 12st 7lb
Weight now 10st 5lb
Goal Weight 9st
Lost to date 2st 2lb
Weigh in Saturday

Well done on your loss already Leah!

Deprivation def doesn't work for me, but like the other ladies I can't have treats in the house as I will end up scoffing them during my "fcuk it" moments as I like to call them :lol:

I buy OH things I am not keen on (apple pies, wagon wheels etc) and he has them for his packed lunch. I stick to fruit and yoghurt for myself.

I buy slices of roast beef - 3 packs for a fiver in Sainsburys - and I have one or two slices them if I need a quick snack. Only 33 cals per slice and with a dab of horseradish it almost feels like a sarnie!

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Ha ha ha!! F*ck it moments sums it up soo well!!!! That's just what I'm like. X
Fcuk it moments is a good phrase Nat - think I'm going to use that.

Aaron got given milky bars in a party bag the other day (why?) and I had eaten one and stuck the rest in the fridge. I aske hubby to eat them last night so I wouldn't be tempted :lol:

Nearly made it o two weeks without falling off the wagon! 3 weeks is the magic number. I think it's really helped by the fact that MiL and SIL are on the wagon too! We generally are always trying to be good at different times.

I'm debating whether to walk to the swimming pool today (50 minutes each way) only because my feet are a bit of a mess after abou 11 miles in flip flops so I'd have to wear trainers and that's not very fashionable :oooo: and my feet will be hot! But they will get a dip in the pool halfway through.

There's also the dilemma of feeding Aaron! There are no facilities at the pool so I'd have to just take a fruit pot and a yoghurt and maybe a piece of cheese? Would that be enough ('ind you he's on hunger strike so who knows what will happen!)

I'm going running tonight again, a wee 5k to start my weekend. Will need to get some plasters for my poor feet!



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Oh dear god someone wire my jaw shut!!!! I can't stop eating. I'm going to attempt a healthy weekend. I CAN DO IT ha ha xxx
Well takeaway isnt the best idea before weigh in day. Probably goinf to undo a week of being good.

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