Yummy Mummy Club

Im back on it as of tomorrow!!
Got my water balance tablets, so all systems go! X

tapatalking x
I have demolished a box of Krispy Kreme donuts... Next week I need to run a marathon to burn the calories off xx
Krispy Kremes!!!! I LOVE them. You lucky lady. Never mind calories never count at the weekend :) x

I can't believe iv never had a Krispy Kreme!
This is the 1st iv had them :) they are amazing - I feel sick though... We are away for the weekend. So it's a treat! I have far too many treats though xx
Me too lolly! I just ate a Chinese! Ha ha. Had a great week and just ruined it in 1 meal! Aggh!
Oh I recommend them :) wear nice stretchy trousers ha. I'm glad the nearest shop is 1 and a half hours away from me! I would be a regular. I will be back on the diet Monday xx
hey girls! im here to join you!
i knew id put a bit of weight on because clothes are tighter and all that.
but with only one mirror in our house, that only shows head and shoulders, i didnt realise exactly how i was looking head to toe. til we visited my in laws last week, and their house is full of mirrors!

so i weighed myself and im 10 stone 4 pounds. did a BMI calculator test and it says im overweight as im only 5ft 3"

so tonight i got my OH to take some photos of me and here are the results!

so as of tomorrow im starting the 30 day shred. (as is a male friend of mine so we can motivate each other). im also going to try to some extra exercise by jogging in our local park (dont hold me to that one though lol).
and i'll try hard not to eat a load of crap, but i do love cake!

someone told me that i should be drinking 3 litres of water a day and this will actually help me lose weight? anyone know if this is true?!

sorry im not up to date with all you other yummy mummies stories on this thread, but theres a lot to look back on. but il be in here more often now so will hopefully get to know what your all going through too and hopefully be a good support system for you lovely ladies :)

yvonne xxx


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Awe les and fresh...my heary felt condolences. Sad times :( xx

Its my birthday in a few weeks. I just told OH that id love a night out with the girlies. The ******* said this
"You cant. You promised you would start the 30 day shred and squat challenge. Who are you letting down? You wont ever loose the tub if tou keep going out!!!?"I wouldn't mind. Ive had 5 drinks in the last 6 months over 2 nights! Told him after the month ive had with Daisy in and out of hospital he can stick the dvd up his arse. :D men! Wheres the encouragement in a nice way?!! Zero sympathy. Xxxxx

hey girls! im here to join you!
i knew id put a bit of weight on because clothes are tighter and all that.
but with only one mirror in our house, that only shows head and shoulders, i didnt realise exactly how i was looking head to toe. til we visited my in laws last week, and their house is full of mirrors!

so i weighed myself and im 10 stone 4 pounds. did a BMI calculator test and it says im overweight as im only 5ft 3"

so tonight i got my OH to take some photos of me and here are the results!

so as of tomorrow im starting the 30 day shred. (as is a male friend of mine so we can motivate each other). im also going to try to some extra exercise by jogging in our local park (dont hold me to that one though lol).
and i'll try hard not to eat a load of crap, but i do love cake!

someone told me that i should be drinking 3 litres of water a day and this will actually help me lose weight? anyone know if this is true?!

sorry im not up to date with all you other yummy mummies stories on this thread, but theres a lot to look back on. but il be in here more often now so will hopefully get to know what your all going through too and hopefully be a good support system for you lovely ladies :)

yvonne xxx

Welcome brave lady. I need to do pics. But im mega shy xxx

thanks gayle!
im like the least shy person ever lol. i am embarassed about how i look, but only because ive let myself down by not realizing id put on so much weight really.
feel like putting my pics up will motivate me to show myself, my OH and you guys that i can and will lose the weight!

hoping to get to just below 9 stone and stay there. but i know that wont happen over night. so first off its my OH's graduation at the end of june and id love to get to 9 and a half stone for that!

just seen your post above about your OH not being very supportive! i reckon him saying not to drink is his way of being supportive, they just down know how to support us in a nice/sympathetic/gentle way eh?! my OH is the exact same!
hey girls! im here to join you!
i knew id put a bit of weight on because clothes are tighter and all that.
but with only one mirror in our house, that only shows head and shoulders, i didnt realise exactly how i was looking head to toe. til we visited my in laws last week, and their house is full of mirrors!

so i weighed myself and im 10 stone 4 pounds. did a BMI calculator test and it says im overweight as im only 5ft 3"

so tonight i got my OH to take some photos of me and here are the results!

so as of tomorrow im starting the 30 day shred. (as is a male friend of mine so we can motivate each other). im also going to try to some extra exercise by jogging in our local park (dont hold me to that one though lol).
and i'll try hard not to eat a load of crap, but i do love cake!

someone told me that i should be drinking 3 litres of water a day and this will actually help me lose weight? anyone know if this is true?!

sorry im not up to date with all you other yummy mummies stories on this thread, but theres a lot to look back on. but il be in here more often now so will hopefully get to know what your all going through too and hopefully be a good support system for you lovely ladies :)

yvonne xxx

I've taken photos too, but I'm not brave enough to upload them, we'll done you!

It's true about the water. The calculation for working out the MINIMUM water you need to drink each day is your weight in kg divided by 0.024 this will tell you how many ml you should drink. So mine comes out at 2.2000 odd ml (2.2l) per day.

If you haven't been drinking that then your body is dehydrated and can't break down the fat cells in your body, so you need the extra water to flush out he toxins built up.


I think you look quite good now hun, bet you'll look fab after the 30ds :lol:

I agree about the water, our bodies can mistake thirst for hunger so it's important to drink a good amount.

You should drink enough water that you never actual feel 'thirsty'... feeling thirsty is the very early stages of dehydration.

excellent! thanks for the water tips! imma get on it today! got my water bottle at the ready and waiting for dexter to nap so i can exercise!

thanks for the compliment carnat. i know im not the largest girl in the world, but it really is about how you feel about yourself, and right now i feel rubbish. and as much as my OH says ' i still love you' its not the same as having him love me AND lust after me!

as much as my OH says ' i still love you' its not the same as having him love me AND lust after me!


I completely understand and agree with this, partly my motivation for the diet too and for myself confidence too xx

Yvonne you really look good as you are! But I know it's how you feel that counts. I won't upload photos. You'd all never eat again after seeing that! Ha ha ha

Got weighed this morning and I lost 4 but as I had put 5lb on over the couple of weeks before (shock!) it's still not something to get too excited about. Still got my good head on though and heading out for a 5 mile speed walk tonight. Must shrink quick! The thought of little summer dresses is filling me with dread!

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