Yummy Mummy Club

Fresh I'm so sorry to hear about your mum :(

I'm agree with the other girls. Dieting should be the last thing on your mind at the moment x
Thanks I'm ok about mum, it was expected, still hard but I can't use it as an excuse to not think about my weight, never said on here before about her death, so nobody missed anything :)

Just shocked today to find 18 as my size; I don't feel that big

To get down to an average BMI of 23 I'm going to have to lose 2.5 stones; how did I get this bad??? Lol

I don't have machines and I don't want to have to go swimming/gym so what can I do at home with baby, to help?
I'm not very good at the dieting either
Slimming world helped me before so I may look into that
I find walking good exercise and easy with the bub. He has a nice long nap and I walk where ever I fancy going.... a 2 hours walk is quite a calorie burner as well.

There are loads of exercise things on YouTube you can use? A lot of ladies here do the 30 day shred.

Regardless of whether it was expected, it's still hard hun so take it easy

Right ladies, I haven't done my measurements but i went for a run yesterday morning and I'm going tomorrow morning. However my eating patterns have not changed apart from not finishing the kids food!

How are you all getting on? x
I'm in week 2 of finally getting on OK with eating healthily... I was under calories 5/7 days last week (lost 1.6lbs) and am hoping for a loss on Saturday. This week I should be under calories 5 or 6 days out of 7. Even a little loss will do me.

I am trying to stick to 1250 cals but I walk between an hour - 2 hours per day which ups my calories..

I feel good but am due on my period soon so we'll see.

Exercise wise I am back to walking after overdoing it and injuring myself :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Hello everyone! I'm pleased to report a good week for ne this week. I've lost 4lbs, 5cm off of my belly, 3 off of my bum and hips and 1 off of my thigh.

I'm not calorie or fat counting or portion rationing just sticking to the diet plan and eating as much as I need.

I've exercised three times for 30mins each and although they're hard work they're not impossible. I've had to adapt then slightly as I did them at home instead, but next week I'm hoping to get down to the gym to use some proper equipment.

But really pleased so far!

Hello ladies hope your all ok! Well done on your weight loss last week nat

Amazing loss FBE

I have just done level 3 on 30ds first day and Im pleased to report I didn't pass out but was more difficult but I think my body has adapted to excersise now as I wasn't completely out of breath but an old knee injury has started playing up so am going to go for a walk tomorrow instead of excersise as I need to rest it...will be doing my measurements tomorrow too so fingers crossed I will see a big difference! X
Well done FBE!!

I've lost another lb to make 3lb in the last 4 weeks. Slow progress! Trying to decide if I want to go to running club tonight. I should but I'm still not really fit enought to keep up!
Well done everyone!!

I'm pleased with how this week is going so far. Did a 6 mile speed walk this week, was going to do another yesterday but Meri was poorly so didn't. Will try and go for a jog tomorrow have stuck to my diet 100% so hoping for a good loss on Monday! At least most of the 5lb I put on! Ha ha
0.4lbs :wall2:

Sorry but it makes me wonder why I bother??

I've been out for 2 hour walks everyday, sticking to 1300 cals and this is what I have to show for it???

Getting to the point where I think maybe my body has changed beyond repair and I should just buy some fat clothes and live with it.

James has had me up all night being restless, I have PMT so it will be a miracle if I don't end up with a few very large glasses of wine tonight.

On the upside I suppose 2lbs in 2 weeks isn't a bad loss?? I just need to dig in and see what next week brings.

Also need to think about whether or not to start the next pack of pills?

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Been hiding from this thread, today I went to buy a suit for my mums funeral, I'm usually a 14, so tried on a safe 16, way too tight.
I cannot give in and buy 18. Not on.

Been hitting the wine a bit since mum died, only a glass a night but looks like its taking its toll. It's not baby weight either: when I have birth I was 11st and now I'm over 12st8
It's finding the motivation, I'm cheap at it and feeling too low and crap to do much about it :(

Well done tweety, doing very well :)

Aww hun so sorry to hear that, I know exactly how you feel my dad died 3
Weeks ago and the alcohol has also helped me.
Only a glass a night but it does help me to redirect my thoughts! Hope you are doing as ok as you can be my heart really goes out to you xxx
I'm joining this thread properly next week, I think I've regained around a stone of the weight I lost! X
Don't beat yourself up Carnat, it'll happen. Sometimes time of the month can massively affect our weight loss.

You could always have a word with the guy I'm using on FB. I've been really pleased with my results so far and haven't been able to do that we'll on my own before, plus it's no calorie counting.

It's not expensive either £49 for 12 weeks. I'm nearly at he end of week 2 and have lost 8lbs so I won't be doing the full 12 weeks as I'm very happy with what I've lost so far.


I'm not really on FB hun??

Does your guy have a website? Or does the routine you follow have a name?

I think I just need to persevere. I confess that this is only week two of watching what I eat properly. Other than that I've been having a good few days then a blow out [and repeat]

Next weekend AF will be due so I'll expect nothing so I am giving myself two weeks and will reassess.

I know my body will never be the same and I do hope to have another baby in the not too distant future so I am not being too strict. I guess I just expected more this week :shock: :shock:

Ahh well, the sun is shining and I'll have all the chores done by 8am so it's not all bad!

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Well done on having all your chores done!! Super woman! I can just about function by 8am ha ha!

His name is Frank Gorman and his company is Frank Personal Training. His new website is due to go live in May, he could email you the stuff I suppose. A lot of his stuff he shows as using the gym, but I do the exercises at home with some light dumbbells or cans of beans as its cheaper and easier with a baby.

I can try and find an email address for you if you'd like?

Well done on having all your chores done!! Super woman! I can just about function by 8am ha ha!

His name is Frank Gorman and his company is Frank Personal Training. His new website is due to go live in May, he could email you the stuff I suppose. A lot of his stuff he shows as using the gym, but I do the exercises at home with some light dumbbells or cans of beans as its cheaper and easier with a baby.

I can try and find an email address for you if you'd like?

You're an absolute star!! If you had an email address that would be fab.

Does he help with diet and stuff too? I know you aren't calorie counting but you are low carb? (is that correct?)

I've been up since 5.30am and James is asleep so I have done the basics and now the day is mine (well actually the day is his highness' :lol:)

Nat, don't give up just yet, it's early days and a lb a week is a good loss. Most people find it hard to shift weight in the first few months after having a baby, if they're not BF, so it might click in shortly xxx
Whoop whoop I'm in pre-pregnancy jeans! I'm so excited. However I have the mother of all muffin tops but I can hide it! I've been walking lots and not eating the kids left overs. Have yet to get really stuck in but now I have the motivation!!:):)
I totally agree i was a size 8-10 before i had my lg and put on over 2 stone after! Shes 10 months now and in the last 2 months i have cut down on all the rubbish and started the gym once a week and now ive lost just over a stone :D
Well done on having all your chores done!! Super woman! I can just about function by 8am ha ha!

His name is Frank Gorman and his company is Frank Personal Training. His new website is due to go live in May, he could email you the stuff I suppose. A lot of his stuff he shows as using the gym, but I do the exercises at home with some light dumbbells or cans of beans as its cheaper and easier with a baby.

I can try and find an email address for you if you'd like?

You're an absolute star!! If you had an email address that would be fab.

Does he help with diet and stuff too? I know you aren't calorie counting but you are low carb? (is that correct?)

I've been up since 5.30am and James is asleep so I have done the basics and now the day is mine (well actually the day is his highness' :lol:)


Okey doke, will send him as message on FB see if he can do it via email.

He gives you an 'eating plan' to use but I've not stuck to it 100% just used the principles of it to make what I know I'd eat. It's no gluten, carbs, dairy or fruit for the first three weeks, then you can start reintroducing stuff. He also records supplements to take, one of then is in a drink form which doesn't taste too nice to begin with but it triples the body's ability to burn fat helps

The info he gives is a little sparse, that's why if you can get on FB for the support group it's brilliant as there are other ladies on there to answer questions

Anyway will stop waffling and get his details then you can decide if its right for you or not xx


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