X Factor

i liiiike cher. the only one up her own ass is katie :sick: i switch over when shes on i dont like looking at her! someone that always seem to be forgotten due to shit song choices is john! i like him! but still.. trayC and Mary and Aiden..

and we forgett about rebecca, shes good
I used to think Cher was ok but now getting tired of the silly face she pulls after every preformance....

Mary or Rebecca to win x
I've seen Cher sneak dirty looks at people when they're being interviewed on Xtra Factor. That put me right off her.
So glad Diva Fever went, they were doing my head in!! Lol!!

I'm still loving Katie haha. :P
Wow how good was matt just then! x x

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I really hate Cher! She pisses me off no end! I love Matt, Rebecca, treyc and aiden :) x

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How fantastic were Matt and Aiden??!! I just love Aidens awkwardness and Matt singing britney spears was amazing!
matt was really good! aiden is so sexy i told OH i would say no to him!

I must say that when Mary preforms i dont see her as an contestanse i see her as a star allready. i think shes amazing!

cant belive trayC was in bottom, and also that john got voted out before wagner and the groups.. Im not keen on the boygroup, dont see it in them to be honest.
I think Either Matt cardle will win or paije will be a late favourite. Then again, Mary Byrne is very popular. Dont think belle amie will get very far, for starters its bad french grammar :shakehead:
cannot believe john went! who the hell is voting for the groups and wagner???????
im always hoping that cher will do a week that doesnt involve rapping but dont think i'll get it lol

matt to win !!!!! loved his version of britney
have you noticed that this year all the themes allow flexibility for the contestants to show off their best style. last year they had a 'big band' theme and 'rock' etc... can you imagine cher trying those?? I think its been changed forher cos i think all the other contestants would pull it off.
Yeah I noticed that too Tiny! Also noticed how cringier it's getting and even Simon is getting cringy..it's getting to the point where I have to fast forward the judges comments bit! (does louis actually know what he's talking about?)

I agree with what they say about Mary though, same style of song every week. I deffo think Simon will be the first judge out.. I dint think much about his groups at all.. The girls singing stand by you was tooooo safe! He got lucky last week I reckon!
What a fix! Wagner should of gone, the ones that actually can sing are going to start missing out! x x

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Im glad people booed when Wagner got through. He just talked through his song and out of time. He cant dance he just stands there and talks while dancer perform around him. Makes me angry that hes there when the others are working so hard, and belle amie got criicised for thier vocals and Wagner didnt?!?! :confused:
I know I know a few people that really like Wagner it's like WTF?!? Don't even think he should hve got through his first audition!

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Im on strike i refuse now to watch until Wagner goes x

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