WTT but Should i come off the pill now?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2011
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Hi ladies,

I'm new :waves: DH and I have decided we are going to TTC this time next year and to use this year to get healthy, loose weight and sort finances.

Anyway, I was just wondering if I should come off the pill (Dianette) now? I've never been regular (naturally) and have been on the pill about 8 years. I've heard that some people get 'caught' in the first month of coming off the pill though...

Any ideas what's best?

Thanks xx
Hmmm, if you are planning on TTC in the next few months then i'd probably say yes, but a whole year is a long time, thats potentially 12 cycles, so 12 possibilites at falling PG when you arent even trying.

Personally i'd say 3-4 months beforehand tops, that way if you did fall PG in one of those months, its not too far away from when you had planned, unless you arent bothered if you do fall PG inbetween now and next year?
Depends...you will probably get caught within that 12 months, if you plan on using condoms to get your body back on track from the pill that would be an idea? if not its upto you if you would risk getting caught if your not planning on trying until next year.
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:wave: Welcome to the forum! I agree with Polo - a few months should be fine for the pill to get out of your system and for you to work out what your cycles are like before you start trying x
Hi ladies, thanks for the replies! :)
I probably should have mentioned that I did come off the pill last year to get bloods done for hormone test (didn't happen tho cuz I've a needle phobia), anyway, while I was off it, my cycles were about 88 days long... Is this a bad sign do you think?
I had mentioned to the dr and she just said I must not be ovulating, but didn't seem fussed about it...?
They are very long cycles. I have heard of people (close to me) having very long cycles when coming off that type of pill.

I was on the combined pill and have stopped taking it beginning of this month. Not just for TTC reasons as were planning sometime this year but it seams I may be reacting to one of the hormones.
Last time I came off my pill it took a good 4 months to slightly regulate my cycle by that I mean I could guess by looking at previous cycles when I would ovulate and when AF was due.

Personally I say do what you and DH feel comfortable with. :flower:
Ive come off it too to see whats happening with my cycles, as my AF went to nothing. Im still on the first month and it seems to be ok.... we will see. Your doctor didnt seem fussed hmmm maybe come off and it and see what ur natural body does but always go and see ur doc first and ask her/him for their opinion. Some people go on pills to regulate their periods so its best to ask ur doc.


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