Coiming off the pill

Was on the depo injection for about 8 months, came off that then went on to the pill for about 6 months, came of it in august last year, periods back to normal in december/january and now in may and still not pregnant, i know it can take time but i cant help but worry something maybe wrong?

I came off the pill last June and STILL not pregnant so I don't think anything will be wrong. Maybe see your doctor, they might just tell you to wait a bit longer but it should put your mind at rest.
I didn't realise how much the pill masked the PMT symptoms and ovulation symptoms until I came off it. Now i get the sicky feeling and bloated etc when i'm on... but it's also good as i notice when i'm ovulating so it's good to know when to grab DH and BD.... :)

Yes I hardly used to notice PMT or my period when I was on the pill, now I'll have to plan my holiday for the 2 weeks that I won't have either, otherwise it won't be much fun!
Hi all
I came off the pill last April after being on it for 3 years. I had irregular periods before starting the pill and now I've stopped it they are VERY irregular. I last had a period in September. The weekeading up to it I thought I was dying...never felt pain like it and even thought it was my appendix! But the when I came on i realised it was that! Since then I haven't had another period until i had Brown spotting for 2 days Dec 26th and 27th... Read about implantation bleeding and thought it could be that as I was experiencing sore blobs, itchy nipples, fatigue, sensitive to smells, twinges in abdomen. Took 6 tests all negative, last being 2 weeks ago. Wondering when my periods will become more regular as I'm getting married next year and would like to try for a baby but with periods like these it won't be happening. anyone else who's come off the pill had problems with irregular periods after stopping the pill???

I've had regular but really light periods for the past year since I've come off the pill, I wonder if that means that I'm not ready to get pregnant yet?

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