Coiming off the pill


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2012
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Hi all
I came off the pill last April after being on it for 3 years. I had irregular periods before starting the pill and now I've stopped it they are VERY irregular. I last had a period in September. The weekeading up to it I thought I was dying...never felt pain like it and even thought it was my appendix! But the when I came on i realised it was that! Since then I haven't had another period until i had Brown spotting for 2 days Dec 26th and 27th... Read about implantation bleeding and thought it could be that as I was experiencing sore blobs, itchy nipples, fatigue, sensitive to smells, twinges in abdomen. Took 6 tests all negative, last being 2 weeks ago. Wondering when my periods will become more regular as I'm getting married next year and would like to try for a baby but with periods like these it won't be happening. anyone else who's come off the pill had problems with irregular periods after stopping the pill???
Anyone experiencing the same? X
Hi Jade, I was on microgynon for about 20 years and came off it in january 2010. I couldn't remember how regular my periods used to be before I took the pill as it was sooooo long ago! My periods seemed to settle down quite quickly once I stopped the microgynon. Since July 2011 I have been on Cerazette which is a progesterone only pill as I was advised my menstrual cycle would return to normal very quickly once I stopped taking it, and it wouldn't delay me trying to conceive. I don't know how accurate that is yet as I still have 2 weeks to go before I finish my lady packet of pills - I really hope I don't have any complications! I hope your cycle settles down soon and good luck with TTC xxx
Thankyou for the reply...sorry didnt write back sooner...been so busy! Ah i did read that it may take up to a year for periods to return to 'normal' after coming off the pill. i know mine will never be 'normal' as i was irregular before i started the pill but i just hope that when we start TTC it wont cause too many problems. My friend was on the progesterone only pill and she didnt have a period for a whole year until last week and she said she was in agony but again like me she was irregular before she started the pill. ahh our bodies are funny things! funny how we spend so long in younger years trying not to get pregnant and then when we want it to happen it doesn't! lol i sound old but im only 21 and cant wait to have children and im lucky that my other half feels the same way!
Hi Jade, my last post just made me laugh out loud - the auto spell on my iPad changed 'last packet of pills' to 'lady packet......' lol. Hope it still made sense! Yeah, it's really weird having spent my whole life trying not to get pregnant and now I will be trying to get pregnant! I'm really worried I won't be able to conceive - even though I won't know till we try, it doesn't stop me thinking the worst :( my husband tells me I should remain positive so I am really trying not to worry. I hope I am one of the lucky women who's periods return to normal straight away and conceive easily. As I will be 40 in June this year, time isn't on my side! I wish you lots of luck TTC xxx
Good luck to you too! Haha when i read it i was abit confused!
I worry about not being able to conceive because im so irregular. i know im young and have got plenty of time but i cant help it. me and other half been together for nearly 5 years and it is what we would both like eventually.
Dont know if youve been watching 15 kids and counting on a tuesday night but it upsets me how some people can have one after another and other people out there struggle for one and could make the best parents in the world. it would be fair if we could all have atleast one each!
Yeah that would be great in an ideal world - I haven't seen the programme but I suspect I would probably get upset too xx
Hi Jade

I came off the pill in January 2011. Since then I had one 28 day cycle, one 30 day cycle and the rest have been anything between 34 & 54 days! I am currently on day 30something and I think I only ovulated this week so I think this could be a 44 day cycle at least :(
Funny old things our bodies! I'm pleased to say AF has shown up! My last normal period was September although I did have 2 days in December where I spotted Brown but never any proper blood (sorry tmi) but Friday I started to spot Brown and then Sunday she made a full appearance! I can start to relax abit now as my body is slowly returning back to normal :). Mine seem to be every 3/4 months!
If your periods are every 3-4 months, have you thought about seeing the doctor to rule out Poly-cystic ovary syndrome?
Yeh I was thinking that I may have that although I don't seem to have many of the symptoms apart from irregular periods. I don't have weight gain or excessive hair growth etc. How do they do tests to find out if u have Ovid?
Osorry that was meant to say PCOS... Stupid touch phone x
I had odd spotting and dark or sometimes lumpy periods while on the pill, i came off the pill a month or so ago and me and my parter are trying for a little delight, its an exciting time.. espesh as i enjoy the trying :p ive started having a weird knotted feeling that hasnt happened before but we'll see we've only had unprotected say 4 times but best wishes for when you try :)
I am not trying but came off Cerazette 2 weeks ago and no period and deffo not pregnant
I'm glad I've come off it when I have as when we try next year I'm hoping my cycles have sorted themselves out. Just got to be careful in the meantime! X
Hi girls, I just wanted to ask a question seemed the right place to ask, basically I finished my pill like start of this month so I guess I'm a few weeks off starting a 'real period' as I came off after the end of the pack had a period so now I'm Just waiting to see if a normal one will arrive haha anyhow my question is, after finishing did any of you experience quite a tender tum and excruciatingly painful nipples haha they're in Agony, is this norm?
Yes! just a few days after coming off the pill my boobs hurt like crazy and I had nausea and a dodgy tummy. I thought I was pregnant to be honest! My period came back after 26 days.
I didn't realise how much the pill masked the PMT symptoms and ovulation symptoms until I came off it. Now i get the sicky feeling and bloated etc when i'm on... but it's also good as i notice when i'm ovulating so it's good to know when to grab DH and BD.... :)
I remember always getting aching pains before I started on the pill, buy just put it down to starting my period, I now realise its ovulation pains, this will come in handy when trying haha xx
Was on the depo injection for about 8 months, came off that then went on to the pill for about 6 months, came of it in august last year, periods back to normal in december/january and now in may and still not pregnant, i know it can take time but i cant help but worry something maybe wrong?

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