Would it be terrible?


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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If I was to try to get the hospital to induce me in a couple of weeks time?
I feel really bad considering it but I've seriously suffered with this pregnancy, Hyperemisis & high BP most of the way through, I've been in hospital more times than I can remember & now My back is so bad it makes me cry every day.
My GP has prescribed swimming & co-codamol as the only time the pressure is relieved on my back is in water, I cant stay in there 24 hrs tho :( they said its too late to get physio as the waiting list is too long.
I've had 2 wks in the last 37 with no sickness just nausea but now its returning with a vengeance I dont want to end up back on a drip but I know I will if she doesnt come soon.
The hosp are constantly messing me about, they've given me 3 due dates as the baby has had growth issues due to my severe sickness, now that I'm eating properly the last 2 weeks she has put on 3lb 3oz! Shes now bigger than average & nIm now scared shes going to be huge! I'm only little :(
I'm at my wits ends getting messed abt by them & being so ill.
My BP is still highish but they put it down to waiting over 2 hrs for my appt on mon in the boiling waiting room, my feet & hands are swelling but im pretty sure its because im doing so much cleaning as they are calm again by morning.
Basically, If I went to my MW with the BP & showed her my swelling & said I was getting headaches again would they induce me & would this be really bad for the baby?
I feel terrible & selfish & know everyone suffers at the end but I really cant take it any more especially if they let me go over, they said they wouldnt normally induce me until the 4th of July !x
I doubt they will induce you unless neccessary tbh. And they are probably used to people trying to be induced early. You never know you might go early.
I suffer from severe anxiety which pregnancy is making really bad and I've never been offered to be induced. X
I cant believe they havent helped u Emma!
Just wondered as I know they are monitoring me closely for pre eclampsia due to my high BP & protein in my urine (they think this is down to dehydration) but arent 100% so said any swelling/headaches I need to go straight in x
You never know you could try lol but I don't know if they would maybe just monitor you.
I start on tablets after I deliver baby, I was hoping they wouldn't let me go by my due date so I can start tablets asap but no mention of it. I have mw today so ill see what happens. Xx
RU going to ask her? will she not give u a sweep today as well normally?x
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They said last time I will be offered a sweep at this appointment. I'm not going to ask, ill maybe ask when they are going to give me a date if I go over. I'm going to update them on my anxiety as well and see what they say. My bp is usually quite high at appointments as well but they always put it down to me being nervous lol. X
I would ask for an induction date today when she does the sweep? Maybe just say if this doesnt work what happens next?x
Yeah I think I will cos also its a bank holiday on monday and the last time there was a bank holiday I waited an extra week for an appointment. So god knows when I will get seen again after today. My midwifes are only in on a mon wed and thu afternoon. X
Deffo ask then and if she says she doesnt know remind her of the bank hol x
Message Purple hippy - she was insuced at 38 weeks and might have some advice x

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