It IS PreEclampsia!! **UPDATED 08.09 Pg 6**

Glad to hear that BP monitor is giving you some peace of mind lady and maybe helping to make you feel like you have some control at this stage :hug: Great news that your BP had come down last night - hope you've had a good night's kip and the tablets continue to do their job. Its all down to personal preference babe and a few people are saying they would insist upon being in hospital, but if hospital is close and they are just gonna be monitoring you then i really would say you'd be better off at home if they will allow it.. just cos bed rest is shitty and you won't get much sleep. You can be waited on hand and feet at home and have ya own bed - keep doing regular bp monitoring etc and call in regular reports to your midwifes - might take the pressure off what sounds like an incredibly under staffed maternity unit :hug: I just know having gone through it myself that i'd do anything to stay at home for as long as possible given the right monitoring equipment but of course its a totally personal thing. Tis jsut that if they admit you at this stage then thats the home birth gone....but if you can keep it at home and keep it calm then aslong as your BP stays under control you may still get that home birth you want... Got everything crossed that it stays under control and you go into a natural labour lovely :hug: loads of love n hugs xxxxx
See Im the opposite (as I love hospitals lol) and agree with your dad! Ha
No that is just me! Hospital stays to me are great! All I do is read and sleep and eat! ha Like a holiday! ;)
But Im guessing you are like Fly as you want a homebirth! (something I couldnt even consider)
Im so glad the pills are working and your going to rest easier! i bet the fact you can check your BP lowers it a little now you are less worried!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Back from todays visit. We thought it was going to be another horrible trip as when we got to DAU at 10am, the doors were locked and blinds down! So we went up to ante natal on the next floor, and found another lady with PE who had also been booked in to DAU to find it was closed! The MW in antenatal said she was new and not sure what to do! Got sent to triage and was seen by a MW just after 11.

I explained how the other visits have been and that none of the things they said they would do were done. She gave us a room, done my wee test, and hooked me up to a CTG for an hour. BP was 160/100, but later went down to 135/86 (after tablets kicking in again! :cheer: )

Anyway, got seen by a doctor after that who went through symptoms again, but referred me to a senior doc as she was new.

The doctor was really lovely and took the time to go through everything. Bloods are higher and uric acid levels have increased, but she was positive about the BP going down with the drugs.

She said she would do an internal...and then also done a sweep :shock: to see if that could get things moving! (Ooouch! OH got squimesh when she done it! :lol: )

She put our minds at ease and has asked me to go in again on Monday to take more blood and monitoring, then Tuesday to see consultant to discuss possible induction.

So home again, cosy and filled my belly with a big KFC! :)
Awww am so glad that you've got to see someone who has explained stuff to you - and thats wicked news bout the sweep hun :D ooh i got everything crossed now that it gets everything going for you naturally :hug: Yay for belly full of KFC hehe :D Lots of Love Sarah xxxx
Do you know thats the best news we have had in ages........thank goodness and about bloody time! enjoy having your feet up and hope little Jaques responds to the sweep like a good little boy!
I'm so chuffed you actually saw someone who seemed to actually care! :cheer:

Hope you're feeling a lot more positive now :hug: xx
Yay Im glad she was nice and you feel better! Lets hope the sweep works !! :cheer: :cheer:
Did you ask about a homebirth!?
Glad you finally saw someone reassuring & helpful! Fingers crossed your sweep works! :hug:
Thanks ladies :hug:

lea m said:
Yay Im glad she was nice and you feel better! Lets hope the sweep works !! :cheer: :cheer:
Did you ask about a homebirth!?

It doesn't look likely, as if this sweep doesn't work, will probably be having another one Monday/Tuesday and on Tuesday consultant will discuss induction.

The doctor said they would rather monitor it until Tuesday, then they have a track of a weeks worth of BP, bloods and urine results to look over and make a proper decision - but she did say it's unlikely they will let me get past my due date :)

Knowing that things are being monitored closely, is more comforting than the homebirth - but if the sweep/s work I will be at home for as long as possible and give HB a shot :)

Today's sweep not done much, mild tummy niggles and some blood with a few clots :think: :pray:
Only a small update on todays visit.

Only went in to have bloods. Got there at 10am and as BP was 138/98, so they kept me waiting round all day for the results (which were meant for review with consultant tomorrow).

A doc came to see me about 4pm and he wanted to speak to his senior before discussing anything else (again, he was new :roll: ), but he got called to another dept and the MW sent me home at 4.45pm as they were closing DAU.

As I've got an appointment tomorrow anyway I didn't argue with her as been feeling very headachey today and just wanted to get out that place!

Tomorrow hopefully I'll see the consultant again for a proper chat as planned.
Poor you having to spend all day waiting around :hug: Hope you took a good book to read or something!

Hope tomorrow's appointment is more productive for you! Also sorry to hear that your homebirth is less likely :hug:
how boooring for you, I agree always foret reading material and is a od send on days like that. Hope they finally tell you whats what tomorrow.

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