It IS PreEclampsia!! **UPDATED 08.09 Pg 6**

At last it's been diagnosed :hug: I feel like I know that hospital as well as you do after all this!!

All the symptoms were there, it makes me so angry that it's taken you to 38 weeks before it's been diagnosed.

If they can control your BP, you have a chance at that homebirth which is a good outcome for you (isn't it?! :think: )

Anyway, I would definitely write a letter to the head department!! After all this - definitely.

They've treated you like another "number" not a patient. This should have been sorted weeks ago (even months ago when you first started swelling and getting dizzy etc).

Hope you're feeling better now and James is looking after you (you're second to cleaning the house of course! :roll: :lol: ) xx
dannii87 said:
At last it's been diagnosed :hug: I feel like I know that hospital as well as you do after all this!!

All the symptoms were there, it makes me so angry that it's taken you to 38 weeks before it's been diagnosed.

That's exactly what I was going to say, I feel so sorry for you. It must've been awful, and they haven't helped at all. :(
Awww, really feel for you hun. Hopefully they
will get your BP stabilised asap. Good luck hun xx
At least you now know for definite. Hopefully your bp will have gone down by Sat.
1sttimemum said:
If you worry you will make yourself ill.

How was the growth scan?

Thanks for all your support ladies :hug:

No scan!! Didn't do that in the end and no blood results, no wee results and no CTG. They didn't even explain what Pre-Eclampsia was or what effect it has!

I'm going to phone docs tomorrow and try to speak to my GP to update him and try and get some assistance from him.
Hey sorry to hear what ure going through :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I developed pre-eclampsia at 34 weeks my bp went up to 150/105 and i swelled up like a balloon!!! i even have stretch marks on my ankles! I found the hospital was rubbish!! I was in and out of hospital for weeks. They put me on various tablets which made me feel AWFUL!! I felt like they didnt seem to care otherwise they would have got my baby out but instead they chose to wait till i was 38+6 to induce me. I would sit there at night in hospital crying because i didnt understand why they were leaving me when my baby was in danger. So i know what ure going through and its sooooo frustrating!!! Hang in there not long to go now :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no, so sorry to hear this. Still at least you know what it is I suppose.

Please try & rest & not stress too much.

Take care of yourself :hug:
HideiLu said:
AnnaR2B said:
Stick to your guns hun, if you don't feel right keep pestering them! I was induced at 39weeks due to high BP, same as you, no protein but all the other symptoms, your Bp and swelling will go down straight after birth if its any consolation! I was under consultant care because of it, are you? If so, keep bugging them - you shouldn't have to suffer or put your body under undue strain.
Good luck :hug:
Nope :( No consultant! Each time I get sent up there, they just tell me there’s a long wait cause they’re short staffed/busy. Last time they asked me to wait 30 minutes for doc to come back blood results…ended up being over 2 hours later as they were short staffed and the doc was in A&E. She then said bloods were fine, but as it was getting late, I should just go home and rest and move my MW appointment forward for another check up!

One girl walked out the waiting room crying yesterday, she had been there for over an 1hr 30mins and just gave up!

recently they ve kept me waiting two and a half hours only to tell me after that time that they didnt have an appointment for me..i was in tears too!
I don't know what to say, they're terrible, wanted to send lots of :hug: :hug: :hug:
Very best wishes for saturday too, hope things go well :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh ho this is dreadful! Not really the best time for them to be stressing you out! dumb mofos!!

Did they say induction was a possibilty? Either way hope you get some answers!!

:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: Poor you :hug: :hug:

I am glad you finally got your diagnosis, but sorry that you have to go through all this stress and worry. I'm sure your LO will be fine - at least they're aware of the situation now, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

C xxx
I am so sorry hun that you are feeling this way, at least it has been diagnosed and they can keep a better eye on you. I am praying that your BP has gone down by tomorrow hun :pray:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Hello darlin :hug: :hug: :hug:

You are probably not getting any straight answers because nobody really knows what pre-eclampsia is or what really causes it. I think the most current research has found that it is caused by a protein that is present in the placenta that basically causes an allergic reaction to pregnancy in the mother. I have read( Ina May Gaskin) that it could potentially be caused by there being too little protein in the diet. But as in your case its looking like its hereditary :hug: The good news is that you are full term and I dare say they will try and monitor you and manage the symptoms to allow you a crack at giving birth naturally which'll be great :) is a really good stateside forums with some lovely ladies who will be able to answer any questions you have.. they also have lots of links to the most up to date research which you might want to read :hug:

I had really bad pre-eclampsia turning into eclampsia with my son. I was diagnosed at 30 weeks and admitted to hospital on full bed rest at 32 weeks.. Charlie was born by emergency c-section at 34 weeks because I was really very poorly indeed and he wasn't thriving at all.

At your stage in pregnancy I think the most likely form of action they will take is to give you drugs to bring your blood pressure down and more under control. It's the bottom diastolic? that they watch - if you are worried then get down to Lloyds Pharmacy and pick yourself up a home BP monitoring kit - then if it goes up to 95 - 100 on the bottom you can get yourself into the unit straight away for closer monitoring. It might also bea good idea to have this monitoring kit at home because then if you are borderline for a decision on whether to get you into hospital or see if you can manage at home.. if you have a BP kit at home then it'll help you feel secure and may quell any worries the consultant has.. don't be bullied love - you could also ask for dip sticks so you could do 24 hour monitoring of your urine and then any changes for the worse you can make an informed decision rather than wait about for their staffing to sort itself out :hug:

Another thing to watch for is swelling and headache.. if you start to swell up really quickly and get a headache unlike any you've ever had then get into the unit straight away my darlin :hug:

When I had this awful condition 10 years ago the method of dealing with it was to try and get a Mum along as far as possible before attempting to deliver the baby. They got me from 30 to 34 weeks despite the fact that on diagnosis my blood pressure was with a diastolic of almost 100.. the drugs brought it right back down to 120/70 it even dropped to over 60 at one point and i got two weeks at home before it started to creep back up again... even then they managed to keep it under control with the drugs until finally it just escalated and Charlie had to be born very quickly...

Read up as much as possible honey :hug: If you have an questions that I may be able to help with then please feel free to PM me. But am sending you lots of love and low BP vibes. Try not to worry too much my lovely and try not to get too pissed off with the medical staff... i know how frustrating it is but its one of those conditions that everyone knows happens but nobody really knows anything about.. i had the same kind of blank expressions when i was in hospital all them years ago - on the day it all kicked off i had a midwife tell me i had a migraine LOL! dozy bat! I was not far off having a stroke at that point :roll: (but I was really very poorly darlin and they will deliver you before you get that bad - sorry didn't want to frighten you) So yeah... get read up, get a BP monitor for at home, try to stay calm and get OH clued up so he can put his foot down should you need it :hug:

Lots of Love sweetheart my thoughts are with you
Sarah xxxxx
Aww hun really sorry to hear you are having such a rough time of it and they couldn't get answers to you its so frustrating :wall: .

Try not to worry they will keep an eye on you now and if you do not feel the complete ticket go straight to the Maternity Unit and demand to been seen.

Take care and just rest the best you can :sleep:
Kathy x :hug:
Cant believe they are so useless :roll: . Hopefully the tablets will bring your BP down okay. I was put on them myself and they controlled it until i went into labour myself on DS due date :hug:

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