Worst GP Ever - Part 2


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Urgh it was only a chlamydia smear but it was so worse than the last one, and it was that same unsympathetic doctor i had last appointment...

Last time i had a smear, it was with a nurse like normal. She was all chatty, allowing me to retain as much modesty as possible and was nice. She closed the curtain for me and distracted me with small talk. I'd even describe the experience as pleasant if it wasn't for the actual proceedure.

I had to book it with a GP this time because the nurses are all off - my GP even joked that all the male doctors were teasing her for writing all the nurses off sick.

Male doctors?! Tart :roll:

Then she stays seated and quiet when i enter and leaves me to pull the curtain myself and undress and plonk myself on the bed - no blanket or anything.

Then she gets down to it, points out my shaving rash just for the hell of it and then fills me with so much lube it trickles down my ass crack.

Then she comments that my cervix is crazy high.

I do not want to have my attention drawn to the fact someone else is looking at my intimate region, nevermind my shaving rash!

Then when she is done, i jump off the bed and she starts tidying the bed right next to me... so i have to bend down butt naked to collect my clothes off the floor with her standing right there and fiddle with my knickers and things right in front of her.

On my way out i ask if hubby's testosterone result have come in, she spend sages finding his file and then says "yes"... doesn't think it might actually want to know them and if she couldn't tell me then why find them at all :roll:

I think i've broken my little finger, it's been huge and red for about a month and i know they can't really do anything but because it's still sore i mention it and she just says "don't worry, it's not an important finger like your thumb..."

WHAT?! Oh well, i guess i might as well have it amputated then seeing it doens't matter...

Urgh. Hate her.

Last time i'm seeing her anyway. I really don't want a male doctor but i booked in with one as the only alernative.

Omg, every part of that sounds pretty hideous and unprofessional, but pointing out your shaving rash!!!! That's outrageous!!
omg beeeatch!! i so wuda told her to eff off i have no patience for people like that... u shud complain bout doc xx
Oh no, sounds like you had another awful experience.

She sounds like a right piece of work :(

Def don't go back to her, i prefer going to a female Dr too but in this case i would aviod her and go for a male anyday.
OMFG......how bad is that, defo defo complain massively - Its disgusting the way some doctors treat you - Unprofessional & so impersonal
I hope your ok hun
Sorry Lou, just read this. What a twunt (saw this word used the other day and seems appropriate ;))

I had a urine test to check for chlamydia. Didn't know you could have a smear done too. You'd think a GP would realise, given the stats for women who don't even go for a smear due to how they feel about the process, that small talk about shaving rash and unhelpful comments about cervix's (let alone providing nothing to cover your modesty) would make you feel crap.

Hope you're ok.

Thanks ladies :)

What a twunt (saw this word used the other day and seems appropriate ;))

Haha, your soooooo funny :nerner:

Urine test?! Never even been suggested i can have a urine test :shock:
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I'm a nurse an even if I wasn't I would complain!!! She sounds horrendous x
You can make a formal complaint against her x guessing by other comments she's been unprofessional before so def complain x
she sounds awful! I would complain to your Pratice manager with her attitude and professionalism.

My GP is a lady and she is a brilliant one, best GP I have ever had, she always listens to you and don't rush you and even tell's you off if you don't come back and see her about a recurring problem (like me lol)

I suppose having a male is not as bad, but I wouldn't have a male doing my smear test, even though I am not fussed if they are short staffed. I didn't know you had to have a smear test for clymadia, i thought it was urine sample...when I did mine my doctor gave me a pack and you do it in the comfort of your own home and time and then send it off through the post or your nearest hospital!!??

I feel for you hunni

Donna x
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Mine was the same as Donna's - pee in a pot, get results a week or so later. Smear schmear! Glad you liked twunt. Have a feeling we may use it again ;) (although hopefully not in these circumstances!)
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Hi Louise!

Gosh how weird! I went for the exact same test today, I had a smear and then she was meant to do the chlamydia and she was like oh, I've made you bleed with the smear, I can't do the chlamydia now.

So she gave me a urine one to do with FMU tomorrow instead.

Sorry you're having such a crappy time with the docs, I guess it won't be long no until you are referred?

I seriously don't get why no one ever offered me a urine test :shock: I mean they had plenty of opportunity. I was offered a do it myself smear at one point but then changed GP again. They're short staffed too - i don't get it :roll:

I guess it won't be long now until you are referred?

I have my next appointment on Friday so hopefully we will get referred then, but i don't think it will be much relief because it's still a waiting game and everyone knows i suck at those :blush:

Just gimme a date for treatment dammit! :oooo:
The urine tests are slightly less accurate i think!
for example if you only had the STI for a few weeks a urine test is less likly to pick it up but a swab is 95% ish accurate
The urine tests are slightly less accurate i think!

Ah thanks nurse, that might explain it then because they don't like to take risks about the causes of infertility when it is costing someone so much :)
Ye that would make sense, the urine tests are fairly recent, past few years.

Although the urine tests have same accuracy as swab for men, they always get the easy route eh! :)
I seriously don't get why no one ever offered me a urine test :shock: I mean they had plenty of opportunity. I was offered a do it myself smear at one point but then changed GP again. They're short staffed too - i don't get it :roll:

I guess it won't be long now until you are referred?

I have my next appointment on Friday so hopefully we will get referred then, but i don't think it will be much relief because it's still a waiting game and everyone knows i suck at those :blush:

Just gimme a date for treatment dammit! :oooo:

You know what though, I bet you'll end up preggers quicker than some of the girls in TTC just trying unassisted.

Sorry you've had such a rotten time with her. She sounds awful.

Definitely try a different doctor & hopefully you'll get one who's a bit more sympathetic.
You know what though, I bet you'll end up preggers quicker than some of the girls in TTC just trying unassisted.

When i'm having a good day, i think like that :good:

When i'm having a bad day... i remember that it is less than the % chance of success of unassisted ttc but it takes 4+months waiting, 3 month between attempts, 2 month of lots of drugs, surgery and £5k+ instead of just a quick steamy session with hubby :oooo:
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