Oh... So the larcoscopy is just to look around?
I don't think you are having anything unnecessarily Maybe, as long as the proceedures you are having aren't stressing you out anymore than ttc and possible m/c.
I tend to think that you might as well
I tried to google ecopty but it described it more as corrosion of the cervix that could be caused by high levels of hormones (maybe your PCOS?) or STIs or other nasties.
It didn't sound like they happened in people with no underlying issues, although you are right that it shouldn't impact your fertility, i just figured that prevention is better than cure iykwim
If someone told me i had something that needed to be removed, i'd be asking if there is anyway to stop it reoccurring.
As for whether or not i'd just go stright to clomid if it was me, i think no. I think i'd have the proceedures you are having.
Being 100% sure that there isn't reason for you to not get to full term should be your aim
I don't mean to offend because i would 100% take clomid if offered, but i still haven't got my head around what they think clomid will do for you because you can conceive so you are ovulating - so many pregnancies in such a short space of time implies you are a very fertile couple.
Clomid doesn't help miscarriages, might even increase the chance if you have a multiple pregnancy.