Colposcopy results are back!

Hi Hun,


It's the camera through your belly button to look at your tubes and ovaries, I don't mind too much I think..

What is an ectopy hun ? I agree with you I think its better to get everything checked out and get the green flag from your doctors it will be peace of mind for you and when you do start clomid you will know everything is working right. Did they tell you when you can have it done?
Hi Hun,

What happened was my Colposcopy doc has spoken to my fertility doc about me, I think she was just being nice and caring as she knows I was totally fucked around by the other docs and the NHS in general so I think they are making an extra effort to look after me because of it.

She said that me and the other doc would decide what to do at my next appointment on the 22nd, I'm still gonna TTC naturally this cycle, and hopefully I get a miracle before any treatment!

My friend is 12 weeks preggers and I was chatting to her about clomid, one of her friends had it and had twin girls recently.;)

Sorry Maybe, just seen your update :hug:

What is the laparoscopy for? That's keyhole surgery right?

You said they will fix your ectopy also, but i don't understand what they are doing the surgery for in the first place :eh:

What do they think caused the ectopy?

I hope you're not stressing out or anything, you've not been having an easy time recently :hug:
Hi Louise,

I'm fine thanks Hun, an ectopy is just when the different cells that are usually inside your womb grow a it on the outside ie your cervix, have a google and you'll see, it isn't a condition that is cause for concern, many people have them and don't even know and they don't cause any trouble with TTC or so they have said, they can sometimes cause a bit of spotting as the cells are more sensitive but apart from that they don't give you any bother.

I do worry a bit that I don't need the operation, I hope I haven't got myself in this mess by seeing the fertility docs at an early stage, although I have had one M/C and 2 most probable chemicals in the 10 months I've been TTC, I'm pretty sure they were chemicals as you can tell the difference in you AF, it's a lot more painful, but imagine if I'm wrong and I've not had them and I just haven't caught yet??

I personally think my problem is that I OV too late in my cycles, but they are settling down since the pill I was 38 days for the 1st few and now I'm 32 and OV CD18, I still think my OV comes a bit late and I would benefit from a longer luteal phase, so I think Clomid should be good for me as it will hopefully make me OV earlier.

I have a question for all the clomid and IVF girls here-

"Have you had Laparoscopys or HSG before starting treatment, and do you think I should have it or are my docs being over cautious and should I just try Clomid first?"



Oh... So the larcoscopy is just to look around?

I don't think you are having anything unnecessarily Maybe, as long as the proceedures you are having aren't stressing you out anymore than ttc and possible m/c.

I tend to think that you might as well :)

I tried to google ecopty but it described it more as corrosion of the cervix that could be caused by high levels of hormones (maybe your PCOS?) or STIs or other nasties.

It didn't sound like they happened in people with no underlying issues, although you are right that it shouldn't impact your fertility, i just figured that prevention is better than cure iykwim ;)

If someone told me i had something that needed to be removed, i'd be asking if there is anyway to stop it reoccurring.

As for whether or not i'd just go stright to clomid if it was me, i think no. I think i'd have the proceedures you are having.

Being 100% sure that there isn't reason for you to not get to full term should be your aim :)

I don't mean to offend because i would 100% take clomid if offered, but i still haven't got my head around what they think clomid will do for you because you can conceive so you are ovulating - so many pregnancies in such a short space of time implies you are a very fertile couple.

Clomid doesn't help miscarriages, might even increase the chance if you have a multiple pregnancy.
Hi Hun,

Thanks for that I don't mind an honest opinion, I have been screened for STDs, have no abnormal cells and have been checked for PCOS both by scan and by blood tests.

I wondered why they were giving me Clomid too, but they explained, you can see the info in my other Clomid thread but basically it kind of gives all aspects of your cycle a boost!

I guess the only other thing could be endemetriosis but I don't think I have that, I guess I will find out more next week, I'm cool with having it done I just worry that I've pushed things too far forward with the docs and am putting myself through this for no reason, should I be more patient!? Mmmm?

I dont think you have pushed things to far at all hun, at the end of the day it is your body and you need to take care of it, I would rather be over cautious having all the tests done rather then under cautious. At the end of the day the worse that can happen is that it pushes you back a few more weeks to start clomid.

At least when you get given clomid you will know that all the tests have been done, everything is working the way it should be and hopefully you can start to enjoy TTC again rather then worry about what could be wrong.

Maybe worth seeing if you could get your clomid prescription when you get your results back that way it isnt delayed to much x
Hi Maybe x

Sorry to hear you have been messed around so much by the docs, i'm so happy your test results are all fine.:lol:

I had a Laparoscopy 2 years ago. I had mild Endrometriosis and they removed it. Before the procedure my periods were so painful on day 1 and 2 - really bad! And it hurt having sex sometimes too :eh:, not good!!!

After the procedure my periods didn't hurt me anymore and Sex was much more enjoyable :lol:. 2 years later i'm still fine. Ok, no baby yet but my cycle is regular and all appears to be normal.

The procedure is fine and i am glad i had it, it was also a piece of mind everything was all in working order too.

After the procedure you may feel a bit of discomfort by the tiny entry wounds on your tummy but lots of rest and after a few days to a week your fine. Also you get a little gas pain after the first day of the procedrue but that isn't around for long.

Good luck babes x
Thanks Vicky and Kerrianne,

I'll let you know what we decide at my appointment next Tuesday but you're both right it would be good to know all is well.


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