Worried :(


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Nov 8, 2009
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But due to health issues with my back I am on a mountain of painkillers. This week I have managed to jar my back and slip yet another disc so my mobility is next to nothing. Went to my doc and ive been given diazepam along with all my other medications. Sitting hurts and I only get some sort of relief when I lie down so its basically what ive been doing as any movement and im close to tears.
Basically I have early stages of arthritis in lower spine, movement and I can feel grinding. I also have a bulging disc that is constantly pushing on my sciatic nerve. And now another slipped disc.

Im about 8weeks gone and obviously im worried I go for my 12week scan and somethings wrong with baby due to all these medications even though I have spoken to doctor and he has confirmed they are safe to take but I have to come off them 4weeks prior to birth as baby can become addicted and once born have withdrawls, which obviously I will not take them, will be very sore but its what I have to do to give my baby best chance.

Anyway, concerned about that but also seriously concered about the birth :(. I know its early days to be thinking about it but my back was bad when I had my LO in nov 2011 but its severely worse now. Back then I was fobbed off with sciatica but since then ive had scans etc and confirmed its much more than that.
The thought of having to go through labour again with my back like this reduces me to tears and keeps me awake at night, I also had SPD with both my children so chances are I will get it again.
I have never went into labour myself with my son I was induced 11days after his due date and with my daughter because I had Gestational Diabetes I was induced at 38weeks but the induction took a full week with multiple internals, prostin gel etc etc and I was an emotional wreck near the end to the point I refused internal as I honestly felt I had been gang raped by about 20 men (sorry tmi).

So my fear is I wonder if I will be able to ask for elective c section? The not knowing if I can or not is scaring me and the fact they could say no. I dont want to have to go through hours of labour to then be pumped full of drugs and epidurals etc. I suffer from chronic pain 24/7.

Does it sound like I have a good enough case to request an elective section?
Id love another natural birth as my 2 where but I really struggled with my daughters birth and my back was nowhere near as bad as it is now.

I just want my scan to hurry so I know everythings ok then appt for consultant to get ball rolling for elective section. The thought of labour and being in this pain already gives me shudders :(.

Any advice will be welcomed. Thank you x
Oh dear emalou what a tough time you've had. This is my first baby so I don't know exactly how it all works further down the line but I'm pretty sure they would give you a C Section with all that going on. I'd mention it to the midwife as soon as you see her xxx
Poor you! But yes you can elect to have a c section and there won't be any arguments. A friend of mine had a horrible birth first time round but has one of the additional issues you have and she is booked in for one for her second child no problem. Good luck x
Im sorry for your situation. my friend is a doctor and I have asked him previously about requesting c-section. His answer was a very clear yes...even with no reason you can have it. And You have very valid reasons...i would make it very clear at every appointment this is what you want and why you want it...and when it comes closer to the time eg. writing birth plan (first timer so dont know when is exactly the right time) just insist until you get a date...dont take no for answer..
Aww sorry ur suffering like tha Hun! My dad had an arthritic hip and sed it was so painfull he cudnt walk or nothin n ended up Havin a hip replacement.

As for the c-section yes of course u can ask for one without any valid reason and you have a very valid reason Hun to v given one, make it clear to ur midwife this is what you want, keep on insisting and making it clear that u r having a c-section! They can n will do it, as for the medication don't worry Hun av been sick with hyperemesis since week 4 and been takin lots of tablets including 2 different types only anti sickness, (strong ones too) citalopram (anti depressant), an anti acid tablet and I have had to have 2 chest x-rays and a course of antibiotics coz I have had bronchitis, and my lil baby is doin great :)

Speke to ur midwife ASAP and make ur wishes clear Hun, gud luck n take care xx
Thanks so much for all your replies. It has sort of made me relax a little bit knowing I have a slightly better chance.
I know a c sec is in no way the easy option, recovery is longer, painful and also added bonus of still caring for children and a newborn after major surgery. I know what that surgery is like due to previous op when I had ovary removed and biopsy of other overy at same time so slightly longer than a c sec scar. I remember the recovery very well and vowed I would never have one unless complete emergency and so far ive managed to stick to my word. But since everythig thats happened with my back and it being considerably worse than my last labour, I honestly feel its my only option is to ask for elective c sec. Its all I can think about, as well as is my baby ok with all these meds :(.

I whave midwife on monday so is it a good idea to bring it up to her then, even tho she doesnt really have final say in the matter?
I just really hope I dont get fobbed off :(.
Im having to stop all meds 4 weeks prior to birth, this will be incredibly difficult and painful for me but im willing to do so for my babys health so I dont see the point in being in while getting drugs putt into my body when im trying to not do that in 1st place when they van just get in there and get splodge out safer and hopefully drug free.

Head is minced. Thank you ladies for taking time to read/listen xx
Aww Hun sorry ur stressing out over all this, yes make it clear to ur midwife tha u want a csection, and no she does not hav any final say in the matter! If u feel ur midwife is being unsupportive of ur decision u go n contact ur hospital wer u will be having the baby directly urself and insist on what u want, also could Speke to ur GP about it, don't be worrying about the medication ur on now tho Hun ur health professions will make sure everythn is ok for baby, like u I am takin quite a few tablets every day and I also worry at times but my baby is doing great and we wudnt be allowed to take them if wer dangerous for baby.

How's ur pain now Hun in your back? I suffer with sciatica n spd n that's so painfull and effects my walking loads so I couldn't imagine what your feeling, am hopeing ur not in too much pain Hun, keep me updated on what ur midwife says, gud luck xx
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I chose to have a c section with my DD as I have serious joint/back/hip issues and like you the thought of a long labour in pain was just not good.

My consultant was very understanding - especially when my DD weighed 10lb 1oz !!!

If all goes well with this current bean then I will have no hesitation in having a section again. Yes it's a bit uncomfortable but probably nothing like the pain you are used to. I was back walking my dogs after 5 days !

Good Luck x
Cazza did they try and get you to attempt natural? I think thats what they will do with me. My 2 labours yes long but not any real complications, son was 9lb7oz and needed cut and ventouse delivery, daughter was smaller but tore me. But still pretty ok considering. Just think cos 1st 2 where ok that they will try get me to try and I really really dont want too :(.

Thanks for everyone being so understanding. Its nice to talk about it instead of laying in bed at night stressing about it. I always thought women who wanted a c sec for no medical reason where mad to want to go through major surgery due to my experience in my previous op but its all ive thought about and will not take no for an answer. .
My mother in law is very against c sec, will regularly moan about her neighbour who had c sec and say she had no medical reason for it, too posh to push etc. So im dreading telling her that I am opting for elective. Fingers crossed shes more understanding considering she saw the state I was in during my week induction with my daughter and knows my medical back problems.
Rhea im not going to lie, im in agony this past week and im only 8 weeks gone and im thinking how am I going to cope? But I was at docs cos ive jarred my back somehow which has aggrivated my sciatic nerve more. I also have a bulging disc that is constantly touching my sciatic nerve. But the worst is the constant grinding in lower spine. A simple thing such as doing 1 pelvic floor exercise and I feel grinding. I was layed on couch earlier and I squeezed my thighs together and my OH actually heard it. Freaked him right out.
Im on lidocaine patches as well as a tens machine and at top of list for acupuncture. Im awaiting surgery but now splodge is here that will be put on hold. They spoke about disc fusion replacement...cant Remember I was in a bit of a state when they spoke about it thinking 28yrs old and struggling :(.

Some people must think im mad for having another baby. But its now or never for me. We both knew we wanted 3 and well due to my health prior to back problems I need to have a hysterectomy in my 30s so time is against me. Plus I know im getting back surgery at some point too so id rather have baby now so then I can concentrate on getting better for them. I spoke to my surgeon and I said obv with my back its stopping me from having my 3rd and final baby and he told me not to let it and that sex was actually good exercise for back problems (so I blame him) haha. But thankfully they on my side and understanding.

Just dont wanna do labour when already in this amount of pain. I am going to mention its my option to midwife on monday and see what she says and obv keep saying it at every appt I have so they get the hint. Ive thought long and hard about it. Its not a cop out decision. Id love another natural birth but cant see it being possible.

Im happy to hear anyones experiences on this. Anything to put my mind at ease. Thanks again ladies xx
Aww Hun that sounds excruciating what your going through! There is Noway they can refuse a csection to you like that! You tell your midwife u wana b referd to a consultant ASAP so u have it all down and planned and booked in for ur c section, simple things like squeezing your thighs together does tht to you they can't expect you to go through natural labour,, it's your body, baby and choice I said to my midwife I definitely want an epidural so dnt try n fob me of by trying gas n air etc becoz I don't want a natural labour av had a shite pregnancy upto now with Havin hyperemesis n my spd is killin me (nower near as bad as yours I really feel for u Hun) so I want to enjoy my labour, at the end of the day it's our body and our baby we shud be able to choose without question, gud luck Hun and hopefully ur pain doesn't get too bad as the pregnancy progresses xx
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I think you have a good case for an elective c section hun, would you consider sterilisation too during the section? Reason I ask is if it is final baby they could do this at the same time too. I'm having it done this time, too risky having any further babies for me so its now or never. I think that could help in a weird way to get them to consider section too.

With you being on all sorts of medications etc and your chronic pain, I would think you would be a good candidate for a c section. It is a long recovery and being unable to drive for 6 weeks is hard, but sometimes even that can be a necessary evil.

I had an emergency section with G, but they wanted me to VBAC initially with second baby. I was happy to try but I have a medical condition called Lichen Sclerosis which causes excessive tearing down below, to the point I couldn't even have intercourse without tearing and bleeding. We had been unable to TTC for 18 months. I eventually had a repair op and all was wonderful which is how I was able to TTC. I was referred to consultant to discuss possible labour options and get his opinion on my condition. He was of the mind set that it was very risky for me to have a natural delivery and given my previous em c sec that an elective was advisable for me. He gave me examples of cases he had of women with my condition who had a natural delivery and required reconstructive surgery later on due to extreme tears that had led them to a life of urinary and fecal incontinence. He told me as all was repaired and good down there he wanted to keep it that was and that the risks of a c sec were far more manageable that the risks of me labouring naturally. I was only 26 at the time and he felt it was such a young age to end up with all of these issues. As it happened, I ended up having and em c sec early anyway so that had all gone out of the window but the plan was there regardless.

You need to mention it to MW at your booking appointment and then they should refer you to see a consultant later in your pregnancy to discuss your labour options. I think I was around 20 weeks ish when I saw him, after my anomaly scan. I have been seen after my 12 weeks scan but that was due to being high risk from previous neonatal death.

They can't outright refuse Ema, if you push you will get what you want. I say play ball and do what they say - be polite but firm about your patient choice x
Goodness laura thats a heck of a lot to deal with at such a young age. Ive never heard of it before. Is this why you had to have em c sec with G?. How did you find c sec after with it being elective? Ive heard its much more calm and relaxed.
But yes ive thought about sterilisation after this one. We defo dont want anymore babies as I dont think health wise I can cope and I need to take into consideration further operations and I dont want to be having them and then risking not getting them due to pregnancy. If I didnt have this back problem id have 4 if I could lol but no 3 is definitely enough for us. My OH had mentioned that he was going to get the snip once baby born and settled etc which if thats what he wants then im happy for him too as we both agree we dont want any more. But due to us not being married people like my family say things like well what if yous where to split etc to which my OH says he has the kids he wants with me, if we ever did split he doesnt want another child as he has them. So its definitely something we are considering plus if im honest id like to enjoy sex without the fear of getting pregnant lol! For 16 months its all we wanted was a baby but once we had her and after the really tough pregnancy I never really enjoyed sex much after due to complete fear of falling pregnant again but when we felt time was right to try again I enjoyed it again so we are looking into sterilisation.
Im quite nervous for my book in appt with midwife. But cant quite put my finger onto why. I was consultant based with K's pregnancy so only ever saw mjdwife at doctors 3 times if that I was mostly at the hospital for my check ups but I plan to make it very known to them im going down c sec route. I just really dont see the point in being pumped full of painkillers to the point I cant remember my name or whats going on around me and to risk my baby being sleepy due to the drugs to try get me through labour, yes its worth it to have a natural delivery but I want to be pain free for at least an hour of my life. I know its not an easy recovery but im prepared for that.

I will be sure to update you all on my book in see the midwives reaction to my c sec query.

Rhea, I had SPD near end of my pregnancy with my son and got it early on at 15 weeks with my daughter. So far nothing and im hoping it stays that way so I really feel for you, its horrendous and theres really not much they can do for it :(. Thankfully when I was in labour with my daughter the midwife was lovely and understanding amd had said she wasnt going to force drugs onto me but wasnt going to say no to my requests either so when it came to me wanting G&A I got it. Then I said I needed something stronger so I got the dirmorphine (sp) and near the end I was screaming for an epidural and no questions where asked but I never got it due to labour progressing too quickly and baby arriving before the anethesist (sp).

I do get the feeling however they will try and say to me to have a natural delivery but have epidural inserted as soon as labour starts. I dont want this. I dont want the week long induction etc either after last experience if thats what they try to suggest..I was an emotional wreck x
As soon as I made my intentions to have section known the consultant was supportive - MW not so much !!!

But I knew it was right for me and my LO.

I'm sure with everything you have to deal with they are not going to say no !! ;)

Just to add - with driving it's up to your insurance provider really when you can drive again. Mine wanted me to wait two weeks and then have a doctor confirm it was ok, not a letter but a note on your medical records. It's worth finding out in advance though. I was so grateful to be able to drive again as we live in the middle of nowhere !!!
Well had my 1st book in appt with midwofe. She was very nice. I explained about my want of elective section and wasnt exactly against it but obviously would prefer a natural delivery. But ive to see my consultant at 15 weeks and hes also the surgeon who done my op back in 2007.
Also shes booked me in for an early scan on 14th feb just to put my mind at ease with all these tablets and make sure all ok as she knows its a big concern etc.

Feeling slightly relieved. She did say only concern regarding c sec is getting the spinal in with my back issues but I will meet appropriate people prior to that. I made it clear its what I wanted so she hasnt hesitated to refer to me consultant and referring me to the one I like lol. So feeling a bit more relaxed. I cant see him saying no. He might try but hes good and dont take no crap sort of thing. He was the one that reassured me I wouldnt need a c sec with my daughter due to previous op unless obviously something happened during labour etc.

So fri 14th at 9.30am I get to see my bubba :) x
Sorry only just logged back on here and saw your reply.

Saw on FB all well with babba which is fantastic news!

The lichen sclerosis isnt the reason I ended up with an emergency c section (I had it but it wasn't diagnosed at this time) - I laboured for almost 24 hours and she went into distress so it was due to abnormal CTG trace (fetal distress). I also wasn't progressing and dilating, was still 4cms after being in established labour for almost 24 hours! Id had my waters broken, the works and nothing progressed. Poor lamb was exhausted when they got her out!

We only managed to have sex once in 12 months, during this time we had also been married - it was such a difficult time but Grace was a complete miracle! I came off the pill as we couldn't have sex anyway and the doctors thought that could have been making the condition worse. As it happened it improved a little coming off the pill and we managed to have sex the once and I fell pregnant from this one, fairly painful and unenjoyable time! I remember the date and everything (11th November 2006 lol) and I just knew I was pregnant. I continued to struggle after her birth and ended up back on the pill which made it even worse :( part of me thinks the artificial hormones from the pill was the cause of it all!

Ended up where my 'bits' ended up almost closing up so to speak TMI! I had to have something called a Fentons procedure to have everything put right. Its like a better form of an episiotomy and they stitch it in a different direction which makes healing much better. After that I never looked back! Lichen Sclerosis can turn malignant so I was having annual checks and biopsys if they felt necessary. After having 3 babies though and the op all is good down there ;) Ive been discharged and they can no longer see any sign of it! My consultant thinks the pregnancy hormones have helped improve it.

Ive got a long gynae history from the age of 19 - but since having the kids things seem to be much better now and I don't seem to have any bother x
I think I can sympathise with you a little.

I have 2 bulging discs in my lower back and didnt think to mention this before the birth of my 1st child in 2012. I had an epidural which failed after 3 attempts. Since then I have had bad back ache which isnt helped with picking up a toddler. I had been seeing an osteopath until I got pregnant again this year.

When I got to 16wks I started getting sciatica. It wasnt nice, but wasnt that bad to start with. Within 2 weeks I could barely walk, could not sit at all and getting out of bed in the morning was a 30min scream fest till my husband pulled me upright and I walked and walked and walked till the pain eased.

I got given co-codomol which didnt work, then dihydrocodeine and paracetamol. That didnt even take the edge of the pain so ended up hospitalised for 5 days and given morphine and physio. The physio didnt really do anything either.
whilst in hospital I was started on amitriptyline 10mg.

I then moved in with the inlaws so they could help look after our little one as I was in severe pain, woozy with all the drugs and had very limited mobility. I was only really comfy in bed.

after a few days the pain became even more acute and I had the worst car journey ever back to the hospital. They hadnt even booked me in when I was given a dose of morphine!

my amitriptyline dose was put up to 25mg and with the help of morphine and a hot water bottle against my lower back I was discharged after a few days.

a few days after that my pain was almost gone! And after a week we had moved back home as I was able to look after myself and my daughter without help.

Now I rarely have pain, only if I overdo things abit or walk too far. My lower leg and half my foot are still numb and fuzzy but no pain which is great!!

I have been told at 34 weeks I will get weaned off the amitriptyline to ensure baby does not get withdrawals. My consultant said if the pain comes back we will just deliver early.

He has also made me an appointment with the anaesthetist to discuss my back pain, slipped discs and previous epidural problems. He said they can either find another site in my spine to insert an epidural next time, or they might rule it out as an option for me.

He also said if the pain comes back and I am to deliver the baby early, then it would likely be by section as the pain would be too much on the sciatic nerve.

Has anyone mentioned amitriptyline to you?? I wont help with normal back pain but it kills any nerve pain which is a total bitch isnt it!

I didnt see my consultant till 20wks, but maybe push for a quicker appointment and discuss all the options/worries to put your mind at rest?

good luck and hope you are pain free soon! x
Goodness thats quite a journey but so glad your getting some relief from it. Im not. Im in chronic pain 24/7 with no help from others apart from my OH when hes home from work.
Yes I was on amitrirptyline, I ended up being on 50mg at night but having no ease with it and getting no sleep till 4am is then up at 7am with the kids so the consultant at pain clinic took me off them and replaced them with Duluxetine (sp). Im also on dihydracodine, Oxynorm which is a form of morphine and diazepam on real bad days. I also have didocaine patches which are good for the days I know its just going to be non stop!

I feel quite relieved that they have suggested to you a c sec. Im awaiting appt for my appointment with consultant to get my views across and see what he thinks is best for me and bubba. I Just know that im going to work myself up if I have to do a natural delivery as much as I would love too due to this being our last baby, I just really cannot cope, mentally or physically with my back the way it is. Im already driving myself crazy at the thought of it and im only 10weeks gone!
So the sooner I get answers I think I will relax. Thats only if I get the answers I want lol.
I know ive to get an op on my back at some point but at moment they just trying to manage everything medication wise which tbh isnt exactly helping. Only thing thats helped is morphine in hospital and id rather avoid that place unless needed. They dont want to do multiple operations due to me being young, so they way the bulging disc thats pushing on my sciatic nerve to bulge more (as if im not in enough pain) so that they can operate and while there operate on the discs that have basically crumbled, 2 for price of one basically which makes sense but its frustrating as that bulge might not bulge anymore or it might take another year, so just a waiting game and more MRi's for the future.
Once bubba is here I will be pushing for things to be done so I can actually be including in my childrens lives instead of sitting in the sidelines x

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