vbac x 2 - anyone done similar


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Ive had 2 c sections.
The first was an emergency because bubs was so big and the 2nd was elective in case bubs was huge again but it turned out he wasnt and the recovery after the 2nd was horrendous. I had a blood clot in the wound and it took 4 months to heal.

Anyone know what my chances will be of a vaginal birth this time?

I really want to avoid a c section.
I wouldn't know to be honest hun but i'm going to be asking about vbac as I really felt I missed out with having a c section and this will be my last baby. Good luck I hope you get to have the vbac you want!
i am sure i once saw a programme and a lady had, had 3 sections then had a VBAC but this was a while ago
not much help really am i
Hi hun Gratz!!!!

Now i could be totally wrong here, but because Joe is so young would u be able to have a VBAC?? Im sure you have to wait a couple years for wound to heal complety inside. Now i could be wrong hun.

Hope im not :hug:

I agree about the 2nd section scare taking longer to heal mine was horridus.

Hope eveything turns out the way u want it hun :hug:
chezzabell said:
Hi hun Gratz!!!!

Now i could be totally wrong here, but because Joe is so young would u be able to have a VBAC?? Im sure you have to wait a couple years for wound to heal complety inside. Now i could be wrong hun.

Hope im not :hug:

I agree about the 2nd section scare taking longer to heal mine was horridus.

Hope eveything turns out the way u want it hun :hug:

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :wall:

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