Worried sick :(


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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So at 5 +1 I had an early ultrasound, the sac was 4 mm, the baby was too tiny to be seen. The doctor called me back today a 6+4, had one more ultrasound ( internal)' the sac was 17 mm but she couldn't see the baby :(
She said that maybe the baby is laying to close to the uterine wall so she can't see it and to go back in 7 days.

Regardless yto say that I am worried sick. I have no nausea, my breasts are not as sore as they were but stil sensitive and I still pee a lot. Some cramps and no bleeding. What do y think??
:hug: poor u it must be so worrying! Ttry and stay positive baby is so small at 6 weeks! Hopefully next week u'll see ur little bean x
Try stay positive! Like MrsMc said, baby is so small at 6 weeks xx
I agree I've heard of this before then a week or two later bubs is bigger and can been seen clearly. I know its difficult but try not to fret.
Try not to worry hun I have heard of this and the sac is growing, that's got to be a good sign! Xx
Thank you girls, I hope the baby is ok, I can't stop worrying
Sac is growing so that is good!
they are so small at ur date that it prob just hard to see. I had an early scan at 8+2 and baba was tiny... loomed like a tiny peanut on the screen. They grow so quickly so Im sure all will be fine at the next scan xxx
dont worry yet hun plenty of girls go back at 7 weeks and see their baby my friend included! did they say they saw yolk sac or anything? They dont always give enough details and scare u to death for no reason! x
It's very natural to worry hun. Baby is so, so teeny at this stage. Fingers crossed for you that everything is fine xx
For me at 6+ couple of days they could only see the sac and yolk sac, no baby and at 8 weeks we saw a perfect little baby, its hard not to worry but do wait for another week
No the couldn't see the yolk sac either....I have no idea if thats good or not. They just hope that the baby tinny as it is it was hiding near the walls of uterus.
I couldn't sleep the whole night.

From the beginning of pregnancy was quite familiar with the idea that there is a very high risk of msc the first trimester. Bu I was always thinking that it will be sth like bleeding and cramps etc. The idea of waiting one week will probably make ke more sick than the msc itself.
I really hope its ok but if it's not I just want it to happen now :(

Thank you all for your kind words, keep me in your prayers if you can.
I would be freaking out, too, but I suppose the fact that the sac has grown nicely is a very good sign. I'm sure next week you will be able to see your baby - he or she obviously likes to play hide and seek already!
Going Gain for a scan this afternoon. I can't stop thinking that everything went terribly wrong and the baby is not fine.regardless to say that I couldn't sleep the whole week...
I could use some prayers...
I will update y this night, I really hope it will be great news :(
thinking of you sweetheart, with everything crossed. let us know how you get on. big hugs
Just wanted to say Good luck for today, I have everything crossed for you.

Amy xx
Eveything crossed for you hun Xx
didn't want to read and run but have everything crossed for you this afternoon.

I too am so scared things don't work out. The slightest change in symptoms i go all worried the same for when i get slight period pains but aparently this is all normal and don't think i will stop worrying until i see the little bean(s).

Will be looking out for your update xx
thinking of you hon
i had a scan at 6 weeks,and you could barely see anything xxx
Thank y all, going to get ready and off I go for the scan.

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