in tears since uss for pcos

I hope everything goes ok! Baby is so small now it would be very difficult to see xx
I would say on an external scan they wouldn't see anything this early- relax if possible and call EPU tommorow for peace of mind X
good luck tomorrow. if your worried id just make up a lie and get a scan, put your mind at rest! x
Hi Hun, it def seems to early to see anything on an external scan. Please don't stress yourself out xxx
I had external scan at 6 weeks... Couldn't see anything. I have a backwards tilting womb (or something like that) so was hard for them to see anything. So they did internal and up popped my lil grain of rice. I'm sure all will be fine. Try not to stress yourself out. 4 weeks is very early and would be very small. Keeping everything crossed for you.xx
I didnt go to the epu as i think i just panicked a bit 2 much. thanks 2 u lovely ladies, my midwife, no bleeding or spotting and my hpts still showing strong, i calmed down and realised i was just being silly.

got 2 more cb digis coming tues and cant wait to see it change to 2-3 and eventually 3+ x x

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