Worried Now


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Well after being signed off of work last friday for two weeks due to pains across my belly and some minor tightenings, I'm now getting worried.

My DH has insisted i stay in bed today and set my alarm for 2:30pm after he is at work so that i can pick the kids up from school and not have to do much this afternoon, I have woken up with my alarm to find that my bed is soaked!!!!:shock:It doesn't smell or anything but is really wet. I have been to the toilet 4 times since and am currently walikng around with toilet tissue shoved in my knickers just in case as i don't have any sanitary towels at home lol

Am now having a quick cup of tea, whilst packing a hospital bag then am going to call the maternity hospital and my Hubby so I can go and get checked out, really hoping that it wasn't my waters!

Will update you all when I get home oh and just to let everyone know baby has still been wriggling around plenty.x
Do you have a text buddy hon? x fingers crossed all is ok babe!
not got a text buddy yet as wasn't planning to have any of this for quite a while yet lol xx
Oh! God that must have been a shock! I know someone woke up with wet bedding and was told it was a bad case of thrush? Are you leaking anything right now? Anything on your tissue? Fingers crossed it's not your waters Hun. Will be thinking of you xx
Just called the hospital and they are expecting me around 5pm so gotta shoot off now speak to u all soon xxx
good luck hun, fingers crossed x
goodness, must have been a shock, hope everything going ok
fingers crossed you and baby is ok and that its not your water!! XX

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