worried about waters breaking - please share ur experiences


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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Where were you when your waters broke? Is is like a wee? What if you're out shopping when it happens, or on the bus or train? it can't always happen at home, can it? were you at home when it happened? did you just run to the bath? How much water is there? what colour is it? what are the signs that they're about to break?
When my waters broke I was at home (luckily :) )

I've got to say there was loads of it , it started off by feeling like I'd peed myself (not that I do that regularly!) but it just didn't stop. Mine was clear, but it can be a browny colour which means the baby has pooed and you should tell your midwife straight away if this happens, although you'll probably be phoning for advice anyway. I was told to stick a sanitary towel on so the midwife could see for sure what colour the water is.

I can remember trying to make it to the bathroom to sit on the loo for a bit but had to make it over a new carpet we'd had fitted in the hallway, I crawled over it on all fours while holding a tshirt over my 'bits' to stop any of my waters going over it :lol: :lol:
Fluffy Bunny said:
When my waters broke I was at home (luckily :) )

I've got to say there was loads of it , it started off by feeling like I'd peed myself (not that I do that regularly!) but it just didn't stop. Mine was clear

Mine was the same. It wouldn't stop coming out and I had to just sit on a towel :lol:
Me too! Luckily I'd had a restless night so was in the spare room (now Debs' room YAY) and I just used our old quilt to mop me up lol. I think only 15% of labours start with water's breaking, so it might not even happen to you Latitia. If it does, you'll be too excited that your baby is own it's way to care :cheer: (I was anyway lol).

Also some women leak slightly beforehand, if it's just their hindwater's breaking which is much less and more like a wee although from a different place lol.
Mine broke at 32 weeks at about 11.30pm in bed. I thought I had wet myself and was worried this is what the rest of my pregnancy was going to be like :oops:

When it didn't stop after sitting on the loo for a few minutes DH phoned the hospital and we went in. I didn't go into labour. They kept me in and induced me on day 9 when I began to develop an infection.

During those 9 days they kept trickling out and a fairly slow but constant pace. The hospital provided me with pads thankfully cos I needed heavy duty ones and lots of them!

I haven't ever heard of a real life alarming and embarassing story so try not to worry. Although I see we're due at the same time and I can't help imagining the worst too! The race is on!

I wonder whether any embarassing stories will pop up here!
In my first pregnancy mine broke at home in the middle of the night on my due date. Its definitely not like weeing yourself, or at least it wasn't for me! The amount of water is unreal!! It should be nice and clear and have a sweet smell.

With my last pregnancy I had too much fluid so they broke them in theatre and the whole floor was flooded :oops: If they'd broken while I was out and about I honestly dunno what I would've done.

I was going to suggest taking a few maternity pads with you if you go out near your due date but then again the pads don't really have much effect if its gushing out :lol:
Mine started with my waters going, I'd just been for a wee and was getting back into bed and thought I was weeing again. I went to and from the loo about 3 times before I realised what was happening. I then put a pad on - it was kind of pinky in colour. It definitely trickled rather than gushed.
baby no. 1 - woke up at 1am, sat up and whoosh!! all over the bed! Then when I stood up a load more came. LOADS of the stuff!

baby no.2 - my waters only broke about 30 mins before she was born, and I'd already been pushing for about 30 mins. I wan't even aware of it happening but DH said it was like a small waterfall ! :shock:

baby no. 3 - Sam was induced and as my contractions weren't getting stronger the midwife said she'd break my waters for me. She got out this crochet needle thing and as soon as I saw it my waters broke! It was just a very warm, steady trickle. Like weeing, but it went on for ages! Glad I avoided the crochet needle though :wink:

With all 3 of mine i have never had them break on me until i was in labour and pushing my last 2 broke as i was pushing and as they was waterbirth's it didn't matter i just felt huge pressure after they had gone, and my first i was induced and they where broke for me which i don't remember as i was so high on every drug going so can't say i have ever had my waters go on me... wonder if this one will :think:
with Dior is was tiny dribbles little wet patch in my knickers didnt even know it was my waters

when you are heavy on your period have you ever felt it sort of blob out? thats how it felt for me :lol:

i was in asda i didnt need to tell any one as you couldnt see.

with Harley they never broke untill his head was on its way out
dionne said:
with Dior is was tiny dribbles little wet patch in my knickers didnt even know it was my waters

that's surprising! such small amounts
laetitia85 said:
dionne said:
with Dior is was tiny dribbles little wet patch in my knickers didnt even know it was my waters

that's surprising! such small amounts

There are two types of waters.....often if the hind waters go baby's head can then plug the 'leak' untill labour and when LO comes out that's when you'll have all the waters come with it....if their head isn't quite in the right place you can have the whole lot, an almighty gush type thing - the hind waters are always first whether the 2nd waters come before or during labour is another matter. Hind waters might just be a drip or two, you might notice it you might not I guess what's what Dionne experienced with Dior?!
mine were a mystery, it seemed they never did break! the MW was puzzled i was 5cm dilated when she got to me and my waters hadnt gone- we assumed they mustve broke in the shower that morning when i washed my hair and i hadnt noticed :? or else they went in the birthing pool but i didnt get it that until towards the end of my labour :think: 'tis a mystery!
My went well into my labour when i was contracting, it was a HUGE burst and a great big gush all over the bed. Got absolutely soaked :shock:

Such a nice image :oops:
With Jess my hind waters went a few days before she was born and it was just a trickle when I stood up. With Aimee they were broken in hospital. With Nathan they went at home after I had been cleaning up all day after getting a new boiler in. I thought I was weeing myself and I just stood there thinking 'whats happening?' I'd felt that feeling before but there was usually nothing there but when I put my hand there it was all down my legs.. After that it gushed out pretty much everytime I moved till he was born.
Iwas in hospital and undera epidural and drugged to the eyeballs, I just remeber a loud pop from inside me and feeling like i had wet myself.I was sitting on one of those absorbant mats.
I jusat remeber giggling and saying i had pissed myself!midwife and tommo cracked up and MW checked and told me it was my water.I was 6 cm gone with it and in established labour.
My waters broke at 32 weeks - I had a condition that meant I had waaaaay too much fluid (i measured 9 weeks ahead of what I was :shock: ) and they knew I would be going into labour early becuase of it - I went pop.

was staying at my Mums as I was moving house, got up at 5 to go to loo, went, then felt like I still wanted to go, all of a sudden it just gushed (thank god I was on toilet :shock: ) I ended up having to sit on 2 towels, even in the hospital they had to put me onto towels and I was still losing fluid 24 hours later when I had him. I had to go to the hospital in a dressing gown and sit on 2 bath towels in the car, and they made me use a wheelchair at the hospital cos I was leaking onto the floor :rotfl:
I was 10cm dialated and starting to push when the midwife decided to break my waters. I wasn't sure what was happening and it felt like someone had released an elastic band in my stomach, and whosh there was water everywhere. I even apologised, because I thought I had wet myself...but I did have an epidural in and couldn't really feel things down there properly.

I've not heard any horror stories of anyones waters breaking in public...but I suppose it can happen... Oh dear...I hope it doesn't happen to me...I found wearing a wedding dress embarressing enough. :shock: :shock: :shock:
It was 1 week early and I'd just settled down to sleep when I felt a leak of water! I remember sitting up and thinking maybe I'd leaked some pee or something!!!! I rushed to the loo and then went back to check the bed and the liquid was clear. I kept getting some leakage and my OH and I kept looking at eachother trying to work out if this was it or not!

Anyway, I started getting cramping straight away and figured things had started happening! I went through about 3 heavy flow sanitary towels before I left for the hopital, about 3 hours later!

I would say that keeping a couple of heavy duty sanitary towels in your bag on the approach to your due date wouldn't do you any harm, better to be prepared!

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