Worried about my baby!


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2010
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My OH just got jumped on the street by a group of neds :| and we have argued rather a few times today and he is just away with his mum and dad the now (I need to finish babysitting my little sister) and I sat down and started worrying about just how much stress I have been under today and now this ! can way too much stress harm your baby? I really dont want to have a MC :| :cry:
Just try and relax and take it easy and wind down and you should be fine! I hate to say it, but I partied pretty hard when I was first pregnant (I had no clue I would be pregnant) and had all sorts of issues so god knows how I concieved as they advise against all this stuff to get pregnant, lol, but I'm sure you will be ok, just take it easy my love and have a relaxing evening x
The week or so before I knew I was pregnant was one of the most stressful weeks of my life and I'm now nearly 22 weeks :)

Try not to worry hun but try and and calm down also :hug:
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thanks, just so worried, and there is just too much to stress over!
:hug: Feet up, music/tv on or whatever you like to do and relax! Easier said than done, I know, but a bit of time just for you is always a good thing :hug:
A couple of weeks ago I have the most stressful week of my life due to a close family member trying to commit suicide. I sat down with DH and he was really stressed and angry about the situation too partly because he was worried about me and the risk of MC.

I calmed down after a while and have since ran through things in my head, distanced myself from some of the family because of this but the best thing was having a rant and getting it all out my system.

Don't bottle it up hun just let it out when you feel the need to,whether it is here your OH your best mate whoever it'll make you feel better xxxx
I had an exam when i was 6 weeks and i was stressed out! Don't worry, just calm down and relax... Everything should be fine but if your still worrying call your GP or MW (if you have one)

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