*** Working Mum's Support thread ***

Keira was wheezing yesterday and isnt great today but fine in herself so shes off to nursery.
Weve finished all operations in our theatre and were not allowed to leave.
Hate sitting around here when I could ve at home x
Back to work Monday! Don't really mind going back to work... It's just where I'm going back to :( I hate it! Xx
Well, I saw my girl awake for a total of 2 hours yesterday. On her 2nd birthday she only spent 2 hours with her mummy. That makes me feel quite shit really.

We did have a nice family weekend but it doesn't stop the guilt!
Aw Torino, that's so sad. But don't feel guilty. You got to see her and will have a fab time with her at the weekend. The way I see it is that when they start school they'll have to be away from you on birthdays and have parties etc on the weekends instead, so it is worth getting them used to that. Still is pants though!

All you ladies who teach I don't know how you manage it! I work for an emergency service and do the rubbish shifts but at least once I leave I'm done and don't have to worry about it until the next shift.

This week I'm feelinglike the worst mummy ever. LO had his one year jabs yesterday, I had to take him there and then drop him off with the childminder so I could get to work. Felt so bad for the wee thing. Today he's a bit out of sorts but I've still sent him to the childminders as it's my one day off, I finished at 10pm last night and I'm back in at 8am tomorrow. I've felt like rubbish myself since the weekend and just need a couple of hours on my own in bed, but I still feel bad LO isn't here with me!

I'm also feeling bad cos I'm actually quite enjoying work at the moment with changes that have come in and jobs we're doing. I actually feel like there's a point to what I'm doing for the first time in a long time. But I feel bad that I'm enjoying something that keeps me away from my family so much if that makes any sense at all!!
Torino if Evie's birthday hadn't been on a Sunday then I wouldn't have seen her for longer than two hours either. it's bloody pants. Today I had an inspection at school. I suspect E is coming down with a bad chest and as I left the house she was crying 'mummy, mummy' at the stairgate. It nearly broke my heart. :( Rang the childminder at breaktime as OH had dropped her off and she said she was fine and perfectly happy, but I HATE IT!! And to top it all my throat feels really crappy again even though I've just finished a 7 day course of antibiotics...
And to top it all my throat feels really crappy again even though I've just finished a 7 day course of antibiotics...

It just feels non stop doesn't it? Me and DH were saying this earlier, we're just constantly run down xx
I am back at work 5 days after birth - but as a childminder I am not having to leave my baby and am just caring for her alongside the other children I look after :) so it's all good - and knowing I don't have to return to a place of work without her is wonderful! When I had my daughter I worked 4 full days and dreaded maternity leave ending!
I am back at work 5 days after birth - but as a childminder I am not having to leave my baby and am just caring for her alongside the other children I look after :) so it's all good - and knowing I don't have to return to a place of work without her is wonderful! When I had my daughter I worked 4 full days and dreaded maternity leave ending!

Even though you are not leaving little one I am so bloody impressed you are back so soon.

Well done you. I took me about 6 weeks to feel vaguely human again :shock: :lol:

I think it's due to being a childminder that I am able to! being used to having babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers at the same time, one more baby in the mix - we just get on with it really, lol. It helps that baby has so far really fitted in with current routines and has slept well for a newborn!
Gosh Iwant3. 5 days?! You sound like super woman! Isn't it the law to take minimum of 2 weeks after birth before you return to work?

I had to leave lo with my friend today as she was sick in nursery yesterday just before I picked her up. She has been totally fine since she came home so I've no idea what was up.
I had to go I to work as there were no other staff to cover :( i felt terrible leaving her but I did get finished at lunch so all is not lost.
Gosh Iwant3. 5 days?! You sound like super woman! Isn't it the law to take minimum of 2 weeks after birth before you return to work?

I had to leave lo with my friend today as she was sick in nursery yesterday just before I picked her up. She has been totally fine since she came home so I've no idea what was up.
I had to go I to work as there were no other staff to cover :( i felt terrible leaving her but I did get finished at lunch so all is not lost.

Speaking of the law - I'm fairly sure you are legally entitled to family leave in an emergency like that, regardless of whether or not there is cover available xx
The law means nothing when you are self employed! lol!

Iwant3 I am impressed though...5 days?! I was doing payroll on day 4, but it was from my hospital bed, so at least I wasn't up and about!
Gosh Iwant3. 5 days?! You sound like super woman! Isn't it the law to take minimum of 2 weeks after birth before you return to work?

Yeah, I thought you legally had to wait 2 weeks even if self employed.

I only got out from the hospital after 5 days.
I didn't mean to sound horrible or anything I was genuinely interested as in our maternity regs at work it is mandatory to take the first 2 weeks after birth off. I wondered if it was the same for everyone.

I don't even know the rules regarding having to stay off to care for a poorly child.
It's very stressful either way but thankfully my boss is understanding but I am too loyal and didn't want to them down today.

Lo is right as rain today and has had a great day playing :) extra mummy time is always a bonus x
Torino if Evie's birthday hadn't been on a Sunday then I wouldn't have seen her for longer than two hours either. it's bloody pants. Today I had an inspection at school. I suspect E is coming down with a bad chest and as I left the house she was crying 'mummy, mummy' at the stairgate. It nearly broke my heart. :( Rang the childminder at breaktime as OH had dropped her off and she said she was fine and perfectly happy, but I HATE IT!! And to top it all my throat feels really crappy again even though I've just finished a 7 day course of antibiotics...

Big love Hun. Not long and it will be Easter and you can spend some quality time with your gorgeous little miss.

I'm totes sick of stuff at the minute, everything is getting on top of me. I need a lotto win...
Torino if Evie's birthday hadn't been on a Sunday then I wouldn't have seen her for longer than two hours either. it's bloody pants. Today I had an inspection at school. I suspect E is coming down with a bad chest and as I left the house she was crying 'mummy, mummy' at the stairgate. It nearly broke my heart. :( Rang the childminder at breaktime as OH had dropped her off and she said she was fine and perfectly happy, but I HATE IT!! And to top it all my throat feels really crappy again even though I've just finished a 7 day course of antibiotics...

Big love Hun. Not long and it will be Easter and you can spend some quality time with your gorgeous little miss.

I'm totes sick of stuff at the minute, everything is getting on top of me. I need a lotto win...

Torino, I'm with you on that! I honestly think the only thing that hasn't gone tits up this week is my house falling down! I've been ill, LO and OH have been ill, the childminder is being a pain in the arse, and my MIL had a stroke on wednesday. Worst week of my life this feels like!
Aww ladies, I hope you're all on the mend soon! I've had proper flu this week for the first time in my life �� I've been in bed since Sunday and only today am I beginning to feel human again! I haven't spent any time with Harry, my OH and my mum have been absolute lifesavers and I've missed a week of work only a few weeks before the SATs tests start...so I feel like I've let a lot of people down! I have asthma and was offered a yearly booster for seasonal flu but couldn't make the clinics due to work! It's make me realise how important it is to look after yourself! Xxx
You are right re. the law ladies. You are supposed to take 2 weeks off, and yes - it would affect public liability insurance. Its not a concern for me (as my work does not involve any kind of public liability - lol)
Get well soon Les, I have only had proper flu once when I was 12 and I was so ill they wanted to hospitlise me.. my Mum had to take me to the toilet as I couldn't move.


On the upside (for most of us) it's Friday. Yay !!!

I am out for dinner tomorrow with a few friends... as we all have kids so it's a 6pm dinner and now I feel bad that I am going to miss an evening with James :wall2: but man I need a few glasses of wine!

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