Work......I wanna die

I cannot believe this goes on, don't take this bullying, fight your corner and take care hun xxx
Can't believe they sent you that its ridiculous. I would definately seek advice hunni, take care of yourself xxx
:hug: nothing else to add as agree with the others x
any pregnancy related sickness is not to be counted against you and rightly so. However some companies will not class it as a pregnancy sickness IF it is before 22 weeks and if it is not within thier policys on sickness or if you failed to inform them of your pregnancy. i would write a short letter back saying the following

Dear [insert managers name]

I was greatly displeased to read the insensitive letter you sent me, most companies look at pregnancy related sickness as not contributary to dismissal and i should have received and been given ample time and consideration to appeal any decisions made by law. I am unfortunate to be suffering a misscarriage as you are aware, this is a loss of my child, this is as you know not the first time it has happened and the stress and upset i feel is truely heartbreaking. I am very dissapointed to see how insensitive you are being towards my case, all your letter has done is undermine any support i thought [insert company] was showing me during this very difficult time. If i was losing any other close realtive im sure you would be more sensitive. If you continue to hinder my return to work by highlighting my problems in insensitive letters i will have no option but to seek legal advice as i believe i would be unfairly dismissed, i hope that it will not come to this as i very much enjoy working at [insert employer name]. prehaps we can have a meeting when i feel well enough to discuss what can be done to limit my emotional turmoil and make my return to work easier as is in the interests of your company.
Kind regards, [insert signature]

i would print off the following and enclose it with the letter
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I cannot believe the disgusting attitude of your manager, i think you mentioned she was a woman? how could she NOT relate! I really do hope you get the justice you deserve, because that behavior really does make me sick to the stomach. hope your ok xxx
I cannot believe the disgusting attitude of your manager, i think you mentioned she was a woman? how could she NOT relate! I really do hope you get the justice you deserve, because that behavior really does make me sick to the stomach. hope your ok xxx

i think its disgusting the way she has been treated too, but i also think anyone hwo has not had a miscarriage or loss doesnt understand quite how much it affects you i know until our loss while i was sympathetic to freinds who had i didnt fully understand the turmoil it causes. x

That's not right. What exactly did the letter say so we can work out response?

I cannot believe the disgusting attitude of your manager, i think you mentioned she was a woman? how could she NOT relate! I really do hope you get the justice you deserve, because that behavior really does make me sick to the stomach. hope your ok xxx

In my experience women managers are the worst ones to relate to things like this, it's like they are trying to prove a point or something.

What they have sent you is totally wrong and you have every right to respond to the letter and I would also contact ACAS again and get your full rights.

I find it disgusting that under your circumstances they think it's ok to do this. Even if they had a major problem with your sickness they could at least wait until you have returned to work to discuss it with you. Not cause you more distress at this time.

Big hugs to you hun, please don't let work stress you out anymore.

I cant believe this, your boss sounds like a right bitch! When i had my MC all that was put on my sick form was "personal matters" because you dont have to disclose anything to do with pregnancy. Dont let her give you any crap xxx
Saw occ health today and she said that it won't be used againsst me and even my dizziness the other week she is gonna say was of related as prob was even tho didn't know I was pg at that time. She also said that she will put a letter to my manager that it requires handling with more care and delicacy.
Hey MrsMc,
Just wanted to send you a load of massive hugs. I'm so gutted to hear what's happened. I know that words can't make things much better, but just wanted you to know that lots of us are thinking of you.
This is highly illegal, copy the letter a few times just in case then contact ACAS and Citizens Advice and Id also contact Dept of Work and Pensions too. She cant do this to you or demand to know if it would happen again as that is something you cant answer, crazy!

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