Work......I wanna die


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I just got a letterfrom work about sickness saying that basically I am gonna get the sack and my manager wants to know if this I likely to reoccur, what can be done to stop it blah blah, basically saying if I wanna keep my job I can't try for a baby in case I mc again I just feel like my life is falling apart and I don't wanna do it anymore
How insensitive of them!Id be furious recieving something like that. Can you take up a grievance with them hun?Its not like your just off all the time because youve sprained a wrist is it?xxx
Personally, I'd seek legal advice about that. I'm sure thats totally illegal nd its definitely totally out of order and completely insensitive. Have you tried speaking to CAB?
^^^ WSS
I'd definitely give your CAB a ring, that's bang out of order and I'm pretty sure it's illegal in some way x
I am not signing the form she sent me as what she has put is wrong. She put that it was possible bleeding due to a possible pregnancy! I don't know what she is implying but when ur bathroom looks like someone has been murdered each time u go to the loo I don't think there is any denying. I feel like running away somewhere no one can find me
Don't do anything until you've spoken to your CAB, I'm sure what your work are doing is illegal.
Omg I can't believe it is a woman saying those things as well!! Usually they are more compassionate and understanding about these circumstances. That's disgusting, definitely seek advice, it can't hurt to just give them a ring and see where you stand.
I know for a fact she has no right to sack you over it as it's a medical reason that you had no control over, if she does go to the lengths of sacking you and tries to say it's for some other reason, keep the letter an get a solicitor. This has just happened to my friend and now she's suing the company for unfair dismissal.
can't believe how insensitive peolpe can be,definitely get some legal advice,
if you have medical docs signed by an official health practitioner they cannot sack you it would be illegal...Stay strong,don't let these bullies win
You really need to seek advice about this hun definitely...please make sure you see someone about it. Hope your ok xxx
Get advice sought after, they can't even mention why you are off with sickness as you are covered with medical in confidence so they are breaking the law.
dont be hard on yourself. its that bitch thats in the wrong! id be furious ..
well actually i am!! and its not even me!!
surley they have no right to sack you for something u cant control?!
this is plain bullyin in the work place..
and im sure theres some kind of law that this insensitive idiot is breaking!!
please seek some advice on this as its not fair! thoughts are with u babe xx
Thats terrible hun, so has no right to sack you i would go and get some legal adivce.
Take care and bigs hugs xx
Omg what is wrong with these people :shock:

I'd get on the phone to ACAS, they are employment specialists

They should be disregarding pregnancy related sickness and should not be recorded the same as sickness is. My husbands employers were awful with him after we lost our son, he only had 3 weeks off after he died. He wen back in but had a nervous breakdown and was signed off for 4 weeks. When he returned to work the suspended him! Not because of sickness but tried to set him up for other things to get rid of him. Our child had just been born and died 2 days later, heartless tossers! You will be surprised by how awful some employers can be.

He had to leave in the end as he just couldn't go back, he is now in a job he loves earning more money!

Definitely give ACAS a call, they will let you know your rights etc

Good luck honey, you just don't need this on top of everything else xxx
Do you not have a union? when i had my m/c last year all i did was take my first sick note in work because i was "bleeding in pregnancy" and eventually when i "miscarried" the hospital signed me off for 3 weeks. Once i went back to work i had a welcome back with my manager because i had gone over the 3% sickness time. They knocked it off my sickness records and payed me in full. Its out of order hunny, i would seek advice x
Hi Hun

i work in HR and i can tell you that what she has sent you is illegal, as stated above any pregnancy related illness should be disregarded. if you are sacked or leave work because of the stress from this you can claim unfair dissmissal or constructive dissmissal on the grounds of sex - no doubt about it at all!!!

i can't belive this sort of thing actually goes on x
This happened to a friend of mine who was sent a letter saying it would be mutually better for her and the company if she left.

She took it further and walked away with £20k+ (I don't know the exact figure).

They can't do that to you.
Ditto what these guys have said pregnancy related doesnt count against you - i was off work after the miscarriage last april doctor then agreed to me going back on reduced hours which i did to mid June at this time found out i was pregnant again returned to full hours and started with dizziness and fainting and doctor signed me off again - it was my choice to leave in November as was offered a VR like everyone else in company and travelling etc had got too much . Not once did any of the pregnancy issues go against me . Think they are trying it on with you to be honest x
Don't let their bullying tactics get you down. You have enough to contend with at the moment. Don't personally know much about rights etc but the girls seem to have given lots of great advice, lots of :hug: Hun xx
Can't believe your employers have been so insensitive.

I spoke to my fellow Union Shop Steward when I returned to work after being off 4 weeks after my MMC, cos I was expecting to get called into meeting with my manager, as our policy allows up to 4 absences or 1 long term of 20 days. I was assured that due to my circumstances of absences that this time would have to be disregarded from my normal sickness record and no further action could be taken.

I would definitely get further advice and hope you get sorted. Sending you loads of hugs. xx

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