wooooo i am in labour :D:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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well i took my midwifes advice, got some raspberry leaf tablets earlier, only took 2, and also thought well might as well have a bit of sex, anyway, after the rumpy pumpy i stood up and whoooosh


wasnt quite sure if i had wee'd myself but as i had been to the toilet had a feeling that it was my waters

rang the delivery suite and the midwife told me to come in for an examination,

got there and there was waters running down my jeans, which didnt feel too nice :rotfl:

sat on the bed and whooosh flooded it a bit more, got some really fetching disposable knickers to wear, and a really REALLY fat pad....

had an internal exam and she confirmed my waters had gone, and that i was 1-2cms dilated.....

went on the tcg for 30mins which confirmed im contracting but cant feel it, midwife said i was allowed to come home, and try and keep active.....

gotta go back in 4pm monday for an induction if it hasnt started before then, but the downside is ive only got until 8pm tomorrow night to get to 5cm or im not allowed a water birth due to the risk of infection :(

im getting a few twinges, but nothing spectacular, hopefully after bouncing on my birth ball for a bit it will kick start things :dance:
im bouncing as i type having a cup of hot choc, ive got a nice incontinent pad to put in my bed for tonight, should be interesting :lol:

im dead excited now, really cant wait, i just hope i can have my water birth or ill be gutted, though i guess as long as bubba is born healthy i cant complain :cheer:
keep taking the raspberry leaf tea too sassy-
might have another 2 now, it says i can have 6 a day 8)
thanks, im too excited to go to bed now, im just bouncing around lol, getting the odd twinge but nothing too painful just yet :cheer:

Get walking, bouncing and crawling!! ( I see baby might be back to back)

Hope you get your water birth...GOOD LUCK!
i think maybe i should go to bed, as i dont wanna be shattered before i start having proper pains :shock:

will update as and when i can, or get oh to if i go into full blown labour :wave:
:shock: :shock: Oh my God!! I am going to get some of that tea right now!! LOL! So excited for you! I knew you were gonna beat me! :moon:
Good luck hun and sending lots of labour vibes your way :hug: :cheer: :cheer: PS Not long until Monday anyway, if it does come to that :D
good luck............. how very exciting for you......

hope you have managed to get some sleep ...........

can't wait to hear your update :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck! Any news??? How was your night?
You beat me! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Fabulous news, hope you are doing ok over there, and good luck for the water birth :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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