

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2010
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Couldn't think of a more appropriate title. I really wasn't expecting a BFP because I wasn't using opks (wanted a relaxed cycle not stressing about poas) but it's happened! We have our bfp and I can't wait to tell OH, he is at work but I will be seeing him at lunchtime, I don't know if I can contain myself! :)

Okay girls I don't know how to attach pics with my iPhone, but tomorrow I will get a pic on here for you's! Xxx
Congratulations hunny, wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months x x

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Thanku mummy2adam, I am still in shock, ive got the day off work, and I'm going to finish my xmas shopping this morning, but I am going to have to stop myself skipping round the shops! :) xx
So pleased for you!!! Many congrats and enjoy your shopping too! Happy healthy 9 months to you hun xxx
Congratulations Hun!!

I had to work the day I got my BFP and I sooo didn't want to so lucky you!!


Congratulations Hun!! :yay:

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

Thanks Claire and kezza! Xxx

Claire when do you think I should tell people at work? Obviously will have to tell them at some point but when? Xxx
yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! i was wondering how you were!!!! that's fab news!!!! well done - you must be thrilled!!! yipeee!!! x x x x x
CONGRATS hun! hope you have a happy healthy 9 months!
OMG I'm sooooo happy for you!!! Jumping up and down with exceitement I'll bet..... Can wait to see your pics! How are you gonna tell OH? Have you all planned yet? Many, many congrats honey!!!!
Thanks girls, I still can't believe it's true, I will get pic up tomorrow! OH is over the moon! :) I didn't know how to tell him, he knew af was late, so I was like 'oh..well I took a test this morning..' and he was like 'and..??' and I just smiled so big and he gave me a massive hug and kissed me :) we just had a big cuddle in bed, was amazing thinking there's a mini us in me! I'm so happy!!

Thank you for all the nice messages girls!! And treeze!! I was wondering how you're getting on too, how are you? 15 weeks now! Wow!! :)

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