wish me luck!

Has she had her yet????

Cant wait for Ricky to post the news!!!
Good luck hun! I hope baby Madi is here by now and you're home and better soon! I'm sure Ricky will be pleased to have you back, he's been brill keeping us all updated. :hug:
I'm in such suspense!!! I wonder if Madi is here?????????? :lol:
I knew it would be this weekend! Just knew it. Good luck Hev, good luck Ricky, I'm sure you'll be holding Madi by now!
Can't wait to hear the news!!!! :cheer:
CRIKEY!!! been out all day and just come back to the news... i think i need to text hev :D

good luck in case u read this before my text x
Awww good luck hev, can't wait to hear all about the birth when you get back online.

hugs and kisses to all three of you :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Just got back and thought i'd post before i get a couple of hour kip

Madison was born today at 12.40, weighed 3 pounds 11, delivered by emergency section and is pefect, nothing wrong with her at all (well apart from low sugar but they sorted that) she's breathing on her own no problem and the docs are really pleased with her but she is in the scbu and is gonna stay there until her due date because of her birth weight

the cord was wrapped around her belly and neck, she was fine but tangled, shame is i didnt get to cut it but i really dont mind cos they had to get it off her

and god, she knows how to make some noise the nurse asked if we minded her having a dummy if she needed it cos she kept waking the other babies up, thats my girl :D :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i should of said no :rotfl:

hev only saw madi for about 30 seconds before they took her to scbu, hopefully shes ok to see her tomoz, she's ok about it, just wants madi to be ok plus i'v been going up all the time taking pics and vids for hev to see

i cant remeber what i wanted to tell ya lol, still excited lol

less then a minute old



Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
She is stunning, well done to you both, amazing little girl doing so well even with her birth weight, glad those lungs are working!! :lol:

Well done guys :hug: :hug: :hug:
shes gorgeous ricky and hev, glad everything has turned uot ok xx x
gratz to u both :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

glad everything is ok shes beautiful :D :D :D

sending hugs to hev :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
congratulations well done and hope hev and madi are doing well xx
aww she is gorgeous and what a pair of lungs!!!!

congrats!! :cheer: :hug:

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