Wish me luck!! Growth 9:30am!

Baby is still on the smaller side but growing along the 10th centile but it's not dropped just growing along it so they are happy and I'm happy!!! Baby is ok I'm well chuffed just a smaller baby oh and baby is 4/5ths engaged they said baby could come any time yay!!!!!!!

I had growth scan coz my bump was measuring small hun just a precaution but happy baby gets to come naturally now!! :D x x x x :yay:

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Fantastic news hun :) x x

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Brilliant Evie, that's how we like it X
Awesome news! Happy for you Evie! :)
Brilliant news! I want to see my baby again, seems so long since my last scan.

Emma x
Brilliant news honey x x
Fantastic news evie!! How exciting, you get to meet your baby soon!! x x
Wonderful news Evie! Did they say how much bubs is weighing now?
Fab news Evie!

After weeks of measuring small my friend had a happy healthy 8lb5 baby girl yesterday! :)
Yer baby is 5lbs 6oz ATM ment to be over six -six and a half but they said it's ok like my nan said if a baby was over 5lbs born when she had Hers they were considered a good weight I know things have changed since then but it makes me happier to hear that :D. I got a consultant appt tommorow so I'm gonna chat to him
About potential delivery naturally if I can x

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thats a good weight really, my youngest was only 4lb 1oz when he was born, and my older two never hit the 7lb mark and they were both overdue. hope the consultant goes well tomorrow xx
aww yey great news evie,

i was only 4'5 when i was born full term so at least he is a healthy weight :)

Yep Evie- I am 5 days behind you and yesterday she was estimated to weigh 5lbs to I guess that our bubs are growing at about the same rate. I was told that she'll be between 6-6 and a half lbs at birth - sounds good to me - hopefully she'll be easier to push out!! :eek:

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